Initiate / Finalize an Advertised Process (Internal and External)

An appointment process is advertised when the process is posted on the GC Jobs Website, where persons in the area of selection are informed of and can apply to an appointment opportunity.

  • Why consider this staffing action
    • Provide visible access, equal opportunity and foster mobility;
    • Facilitate workforce renewal;
    • Fill a single or multiple vacancies;
    • Establish a pool of qualified candidates to address anticipated departures and/or a high turnover rate;
    • To reach the large pool of available talent.
  • What you need to know
    • Types of Advertised Appointment Processes

      Internal – Appointment processes that are advertised only to persons employed in the public service. Appointments following an internal process are subject to recourse to the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board (FPSLREB) and appointees must meet merit.

      External – Appointment processes that are advertised to the public including persons employed in the public service. Appointments following an external process are not subject to recourse; however, appointees must meet merit.

      Consult ESDC’s Guidance on Staffing and an HR Advisor (General HR Enquiry Form) for advice on the best approach to meet your staffing needs.

    • Job Advertisements/Posters
      • Can be creative and innovative. Consult an HR Advisor and this Example of a Friendly and Inclusive Job Advertisement for Managers and HR Professionals tool for tips and advice on designing innovative job advertisements and positioning the organization as an employer of choice.
      • Include information that is relevant to the appointment process being conducted. Consult the Inventory of Job Advertisement Notes to access paragraphs that can be included in the advertisement.
      • Must be advertised on GC Jobs for a minimum of one complete business day (at least 24 hours). Other advertising platforms can be used in addition to GC Jobs to attract a reasonable pool of candidates. Discuss the use of these platforms with an HR Advisor.
    • Statement of Merit Criteria (SOMC)

      Additional resource: ESDC Competency Dictionary.

    • Area of Selection (AOS)
      • Refers to who is eligible to apply to a staffing process; it can be established based on geographic, occupational, organizational and/or employment equity criteria and should provide for a reasonable pool of applicants.
      • Several different AOS can be used; however, a national AOS is mandatory for external advertised processes. For further details on AOS and to know the exceptions to the national AOS, consult ESDC's Policy on Area of Selection.   
      • The Public Service Commission's Eligibility for job opportunities in federal organizations webpage can be useful in ensuring that the AOS targets the desired pool of potential candidates.
      • A decision to expand or restrict the AOS to one or more designated employment equity groups must be supported by departmental data/workforce plan (i.e., the current or forecasted gap must be documented). Consult the Workforce Demographic Profiles webpage for more information on gaps.
      • You may want to consider expanding the AOS for Internal Advertised processes to include students who will graduate within a specific timeframe.
    • Priority Clearance

      The priority clearance process ensures that Persons with a Priority Entitlement (PPE), registered with the Public Service Commission, are considered and appointed ahead of all others to vacant positions in the public service for which they meet the essential qualifications. It applies to all groups and levels (including EX positions), all regions and all organizations subject to the Public Service Employment Act (PSEA).

      • Immediate need (i.e., a position is currently vacant or will become vacant shortly):
      • Anticipatory need (i.e., a position may become vacant but no vacancy is currently identified):
        • Priority clearance will be requested at the time of an appointment.
    • Assessment Tools and Methods
    • Additional Information
  • Required documents
    • Initiate an Advertised Process (Internal or External)

      No documents are required when submitting your request; however, if you have the following documents in draft format, attach them to your request so they may be finalized in partnership with an HR Advisor.

    • Finalize an Advertised Process

      A complete staffing file includes the following information. These items can be provided to HR at each stage of the selection process or at the end.

      • Finalized Assessment Tools, Assessment Plan and/or Rating Guide
      • Assessment Summary Report (ASR): Approved by the staffing sub-delegated manager (including notes on adjustments made due to informal discussions or corrective actions) See Type of Approval Required.
      • Accommodation requests and measures taken (if applicable).
      • Candidate Assessments: Written Exam, Interview, Reference Checks etc. The following are required if results are included in the ASR:
      • Invitations to assessments and communication of results: Emails from each stage of the process including the final process results (if HR was not cc'd), as applicable.
      • Informal Discussions: Summary and corrective measures taken (if applicable).
  • Submitting a request
    • Step 1: Obtain the following
      • Consult the Terms of Reference of your branch/regional Workforce Management Committee (WMC) to determine if WMC approval is required.
    • Step 2: Complete the appropriate request form
    • Step 3: Submit your request
      • The staffing sub-delegated manager assumes full responsibility for the request
    • Step 4: Proceed with request
      • HR will contact you regarding next steps