Gratitude to Go Toolkit

Recognizing staff for their hard work, contributions and achievements on a day-to-day basis is a key element of employee engagement, fostering a healthy workforce and instilling a culture of recognition within ESDC.

To help promote various ways to recognize employees informally, the National Engagement and Recognition Team is introducing a new toolkit called "Gratitude to Go"

This fun, simple to use and portable toolkit is a series of ideas and suggestions on how you can informally recognize employees and enhance team rapport.

These tools will help equip employees and managers to recognize one another for their strengths, skills, and great contributions in an informal, regular, and in a team-oriented manner.

Do you have other great ideas for the toolkit? Share your recognition initiative with the ESDC National Engagement and Recognition Team, so we can continue to build your toolkit and make these great ideas accessible to all, thus enhancing a culture of recognition throughout the Department!


  • Gratitude to Go
    • Overview

      ESDC recognizes that the department's greatest asset is its employees and that each one of them is unique and brings their own contribution to the workplace. Recognizing staff for their hard work, contributions and achievements on a day-to-day basis is a key element of engagement and fostering a positive work place culture and a healthy work environment.

      To help promote recognition, the National Engagement and Recognition Team has compiled a series of ideas and suggestions on how you can informally recognize your employees and co-workers and enhance team rapport.

      While some of these activities are designed to recognize employees for their efforts at work on a day-to-day basis, some are also examples of existential recognition. Existential recognition is the idea of getting to know your co-workers personally, and recognizing that they, too, are people before they are public servants. Existential recognition leads to improved morale and enhanced team work, and is therefore crucial to the success of any team.

      Simply Rockin' It is a simple, transferrable, and customizable initiative that uses certificates and "award ceremonies" to showcase employees' individual strengths. Managers can create custom award categories based on their expectations for their team.

      Thank You Thursdays are exactly what they sound like – a day to appreciate your co-workers. On Thursdays, take some time to connect with your team, keeping in mind one simple rule – no work talk!

      Morale Boost consists of a deck of 52 printable cards – one for each week of the year. On each card, a challenge is displayed to complete by the end of the week with the goal being to enrich team rapport.

      LifeSaver Rewards consist of a printable coupon template that you can give to co-workers for helping you out of a bind. You are encouraged to accompany the offering-with-actual-Lifesaver candies!

      Catch of the Day allows employees to fill out nomination forms and drop them in a fishbowl (or box) located in the office. Nominees are recognized at monthly or quarterly luncheons, either team- or office-wide.

      Dice Breaker is an interactive game in which you roll the dice and answer the corresponding question with the goal being to interact and have fun with your team.

      photo de mains levées et de pouces levés.

  • Daily Recognition Station

    The Daily Recognition Station provides team members with printable recognition notes (DOCX, 759 KB) that can be cut out and set up as a recognition station within your workplace. Employees can simply come to the station and pick a note to use to pass on to a colleague. It’s a great way to foster daily recognition within your unit!

    variety of recognition cards on a table
  • Sunshine Station

    Print out and display the “Sunshine Station” poster. Cut out the sun templates for coworkers to fill out a message of recognition. Choose a wall to display notes in a centralised location for all to see.

    Whether it is to recognize:

  • Catch of the Day
    • Instructions

      If you would like to recognize an employee, write their name on the coupon and state why you would like to recognize them. There will be a fish bowl (or something else you can put coupons inside – like a box) that you can put the coupons in.

      Hold monthly or quarterly luncheons to recognize the person whose name appeared the most times in the container. This person is the "Catch of the Day". You may also choose to recognize several people – top 5, top 10, etc. Tailor this initiative, however, you would like – a manager could decide to implement it in their team, or a director can implement it within their whole office.

    • Printable cards
  • Dice Breaker
    • Instructions

      Dice Breaker is a fun activity designed to help you get to know your co-workers better. Simply roll the dice, and answer the corresponding question to the number you rolled. Everyone can answer the same question or you could each roll the dice and get different questions. This quick and simple activity is great for welcoming a new employee, or just for general team meetings.

    • Roll the dice to break the ice

      picture of dice

       If you could eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? If you could spend the day with a fictional character, who would it be? If you won a million dollars, what would you buy? If you were stranded on an island, what three items would you bring? If you found a magic lamp and a genie gave you three wishes, what would you wish for? If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

    • Printable Dice

      picture of the dice to print.

  • LifeSaver Reward
    • Instructions

      LifeSaver rewards are a means for recognizing a co-worker who went above and beyond to help you when you needed it. Simply print the template and offer it to your co-worker to let them know you appreciate their efforts. To make it even more fun, you may also wish to attach a LifeSaver candy to the coupon using ribbon!

    • Printable cards

      Photo of the LifeSaver reward says, Thank you for the helping out in a sticky situation!

  • Morale Boost
    • Instructions

      Morale Boost consists of a deck of 52 cards, one for each week of the year, with weekly challenges designed to either on getting to know your colleague, or to recognize their hard work and accomplishments. Each week, at a team meeting, choose a card from the deck. Each employee should accomplish the challenge by the end of the week.

    • Printable cards
  • Simply Rockin' It! – Team initiative
    • Initiative
    • Annex A - Certificate Templates
    • Annex B - Core categories

      Annex B

      Core Categories
      Based on ESDC's Values and Ethics


      Treats everyone as they would like to be treated; with respect, fairness, and dignity. (Respect for people)

      The Yoda Award

      Gives sound, unbiased advice. (Respect for Democracy)

      Resource Rockstar

      Responsible and efficient and government spending and use of resources. (Stewardship)

      Trusty Sidekick

      Acts with integrity and makes sure public interest is always at heart. (Integrity)


      Continuous improvement to policies, programs, and services. (Excellence)

      Feel free to come up with other category names that better fit your team!

    • Annex C - Additional categories

      Annex C

      Additional Categories To Choose From

      Hand in Hand

      Successful collaboration in or leading a group.

      Pro Planner

      Successful planning and execution of an event.

      Mega Mind

      Innovative development and creation of a product, presentation, or workshop with little or no cost.

      Wellness Warrior

      Attempts to break stigmas regarding mental health by encouraging open conversation on the topic.

      Shining Star

      Daily demonstration of intangible and positive qualities of a team member including professionalism, respect, kindness, empathy, and care.

      OL MVP

      Strives to create and maintain a work environment that is inclusive of both Official Languages and encourages bilingualism in the workplace.

      You've Got a Friend in Me

      Demonstrates unparalleled compassion, understanding, and support towards colleagues.

      Feel free to come up with other category names that better fit your team!

    • Annex D - Classification group
    • Annex E – Category ideas
  • Thank you Thursday!
    • Take some time with your team

      Thank you Thursday! Take some time with your team on Thursdays to give thanks to each other and connect! Share your passion with your colleagues. Go for a coffee. Go for a walk. Or any other activity of your choice. One simple rule: No Work Talk.