Performance Management Annual Cycle - (for non-EX employees)

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(typical fiscal year – April 1 to March 31)

Beginning of Year - (April to June)

Starting the year on the right foot!

The beginning of year cycle of performance management is a time when managers and employees have a conversation to discuss performance expectations of the employee for the upcoming year by:

  • Setting up the employee’s SMART work objectives (the “what”) and associated performance indicators.
  • Reviewing the behavioural indicators connected to the four TBS Core Competencies (the “how”).
  • Creating or adjusting the Learning and Development Plan to support the employee’s development and growth for current and future roles.
  • Following up on Performance Improvement Plan (if necessary).
  • Taking advantage of the opportunity to talk about the interest of establishing a Talent Management Plan (TMP) *.

In the Public Service Performance Management Application (PSPM App), the manager should ensure that the information is accurate in all sections the employee’s Performance Agreement (PA) and make any necessary adjustments.

When do these activities happen and what are the deadlines at ESDC?

Early April:

Launching of the beginning of the performance management cycle by the ADM of HRSB (call letter).

April – June:

  • Manager/employee conversations take place.
  • Manager develops Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) * with employee, when applicable (according to the former year-end performance assessment rating).
  • Manager develops a Talent Management Plan* (TMP), if applicable.

June 30: Target date to complete manager/employee beginning of year conversations and for the new year’s PA’s to be entered and signed in the PSPM App.

Check out the "Beginning of Year – Performance Management Checklist" for a more detailed list of all actions to undertake at the beginning of year, from both a manager’s and employee’s perspective.

Mid-Year - (September to October)

How is the year progressing?

The mid-year review cycle of performance management is a time when managers and employees have a conversation to discuss the employees’ progress in achieving work objectives (the "what") and competencies (the "how") by:

  • Giving constructive feedback on the employee’s performance, thus far.
  • Updating the Learning and Development Plan if necessary.
  • Looking at any issues affecting the employee’s performance and possible steps to support improvement.

In the PSPM App, the manager should adjust work objectives and/or performance indicators or any other sections of the employee’s PA if necessary *, document the conversation and indicate that the employee's performance:

  • Is on track to meet expectations; OR
  • Needs improvement.

When do these activities happen and what are the deadlines at ESDC?

Early September:

Launching of the mid-year performance management cycle by the ADM of HRSB (call letter).

September – October:

  • Manager/employee conversations take place.
  • Manager assesses employees’ progress in achieving work objectives and competencies.
  • Any required updates to the employee’s PA are completed.

October 31: Deadline to complete manager/employee mid-year performance conversations, input ratings and comments, and sign the mid-year PA in the PSPM App.

Check out the "Mid-Year – Performance Management Checklist" for a more detailed list of all actions to undertake at mid-year, from both a manager’s and employee’s perspective.

Year-End - (February to April)

Assessing the entire year

The year-end assessment cycle of performance management is a time when managers and employees have a conversation to discuss how the employee has overall, achieved their work objectives (the ‘’what’’) and competencies (the "how") by:

  • Giving constructive feedback on the employee’s performance for the entire year.
  • Updating the Learning and Development Plan if necessary.
  • Looking at any issues affecting the employee’s performance and possible steps to support improvement.
  • Considering the possibility of establishing a Performance Improvement Plan *, if necessary.

In the PSPM App, the manager is to document the conversation and assign a rating on both work objectives (the ‘’what’’) and core competencies (the "how").

When do these activities happen and what are the deadlines at ESDC?

Early February:

Launching of the year-end performance management cycle by the ADM of HRSB (call letter).

February – March :

  • Manager/employee conversations take place.
  • Manager conducts formal year-end assessment and rates employees’ performance.
  • Any required updates to the employee’s PA are done.
  • Year-end ratings are not to be shared with employees at this point (as they are pending review panel approval).
  • Establishment of Review Panel Committees within branches and regions.
  • Review Panels meet to oversee a fair and consistent application of the performance management process, as per branch/region timelines.

March 31:

  • Target date to complete manager/employee year-end conversations.


  • Managers will submit the final ratings (approved by the review panels) to their employees (within the PSPM App).

April 30: Deadline to input ratings, comments and sign the year-end PAs in the PSPM App

Check out the "Year-End – Performance Management Checklist" for a more detailed list of all actions to undertake at year-end, from both a manager’s and employee’s perspective.

Throughout the Entire Performance Management Cycle: Managers should provide continuous feedback and coaching, employee recognition, performance development (via the employees’ learning and development plan), and development of a Performance Improvement Plan when required.

* Can be completed any time during the year