Year-End Assessment

Performance management (PM) involves ongoing discussion between manager and employee, with documentation required at three points in the annual cycle. Year-end is the last of these touch points.

Year end is when you revisit the objectives and competencies set out in your agreement, consider them within your business context for the year, then, take the time to discuss these with your manager.

Best practices, tools and guidance are being provided by the Human Resources Services Branch (HRSB) Performance and Talent Management Team, on an ongoing basis, to your branch or regional representative of the Performance and Talent Management Branch and Regional Coordinators Network (PTMBRCN). Contact your PTMBRCN member for branch or region-specific information.

2020-2021 Year-End Assessment Key Dates

March 31, 2021

The deadline for managers to hold year-end discussions with their respective employees.

April 30, 2021

The deadline, to input year-end ratings and comments into the PSPM App.

To pave the way for well-informed and productive year-end discussions, other relevant resourcescan be found below. Take time to explore a few or all of these links to better understand the expectations and process.