HR info RH Bulletin


Week of February 8, 2021


This image represents the visual identity of the STEM Symposium celebrating the success of women.

Celebrating the Success of Women in STEM Symposium

On February 11, 2021, the International Day of Women and Girls in Science will provide an opportunity to celebrate the women in STEM who are advancing knowledge and solutions to address the socio-economic challenges facing Canadians.

Please join the National Research Council of Canada's (NRC) annual symposium, Celebrating the Success of Women in STEM: Turning Challenges into Opportunities, a virtual event for the federal science and innovation community.

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This image represents the Statement of Action Against Systemic Racism, Bias and Discrimination in the Public Service.

Statement of Action Against Systemic Racism, Bias and Discrimination in the Public Service

In the latest Our Two Cents blog, Darlène de Gravina, Assistant Deputy Minister of the Human Resources Services Branch, announces the signing of the statement of action against systemic racism, bias and discrimination in the public service.

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This image consists of a person working from home.

Guidelines for Employees on Claims for Expenses Related to Remote Work

Please take note of the following information shared by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) on the Guidance on Equipping Employees for remote work.

Since the start of the pandemic, many public servants who usually work from Government of Canada offices have shifted to working remotely, and departments have shown great agility in providing the necessary supports for this.

Following the government's announcement in the Fall Economic Statement, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has clarified the eligibility and methodology for workers wishing to claim their remote work expenses. Eligible taxpayers may choose whether to use a temporary flat rate method or a detailed method. The temporary flat rate method is simpler as it does not require employees to track expenses, nor require employers to confirm the employee status.

Employees with larger claims for home office expenses may use the detailed method, which requires that the employer sign a Form T2200S. TBS recommends that at least a supervisor who has approved or has knowledge of the employee's remote working situation and leave status – and who can confirm if any eligible expenses were reimbursed to the employee – sign this form. It is important to note that items that will remain the property of the employer do not count as a reimbursement, since this is equivalent to the employer having purchased and provided the item for the employees use.

CRA is providing an online calculator and detailed instructions to help employees decide which option is best suited for them. Employees should consult CRA's website to determine eligibility and the necessary forms:

For all questions, employees must consult the CRA website and contact the CRA General Enquiries line.

For additional information, you may also consult section 8.7 of the Managers guide on Human Resources Issues during a COVID-19 Pandemic.

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This image represents the new myEMS PeopleSoft module called: Legal Services.

Managers, learn what's new with myEMS (PeopleSoft): Litigation Hold Process

The Human Resources Services Branch, in collaboration with the Innovation Information and Technology Branch, is pleased to announce the addition of a new myEMS (PeopleSoft) module called "Legal Services" that supports the Litigation Hold Process.

This new module comes into effect on February 8, 2021, and modernizes the Litigation Hold Process. Notably, it will bring the following benefits:

  • A paperless process that will replace the former e-mail and PDF based process involving the Document Preservation Action Form (DPAF);
  • A more efficient way for individual employees to register as a custodian, and to track and store data pertaining to custodians and litigation holds;
  • A simplified process for managers and executives to implement the litigation hold; and,
  • A central location to track information on custodians and their relevant documents.

This means that going forward:

  • Employees, who receive a Preservation Notice regarding a litigation hold, are required to follow the instructions outlined and register as a custodian in myEMS (PeopleSoft) by completing the DPAF.
  • Employees who believe they have already identified themselves as a custodian under an active litigation hold through the previous paper and PDF based system – but do not see that information reflected in their My Custodian List in myEMS (PeopleSoft) – are requested to contact the Litigation Readiness team.

Managers, for further information regarding your responsibilities, and for resources to help guide you and your employees in fulfilling your obligations, please visit the Employee and Manager Information tab on ESDC's Litigation Readiness SharePoint site.

For detailed guidance on the Legal Services module, please consult our PSGuide - myEMS (PeopleSoft).

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This image illustrates conversations on Performance Management.

Performance Management – Year-end Cycle 2020-21

It is time to conduct year-end performance discussions with your employees (non-EX)! Here are some important points to help guide these discussions:

Make sure…to have a year-end discussion with your employees by March 31, 2021, and to input ratings and comments into the Public Service Performance Management Application (PSPM App) by April 30, 2021.

Remember…if the "Mid-Year Review" is not completed in the PSPM App, the "Year-End Assessment" portion of your employees' Performance Agreements (PA) will not be available.

When having year-end performance discussions with your employees, be sure to provide…

  • recognition, encouragement and constructive feedback.
  • support to employees, to help them feel valued in carrying out the organization's mission.
  • direction or additional support on any aspect requiring improvement or change.
  • feedback on your employee's Learning and Development Plan.

Don't forget to…

  • participate in your branch or region review panel calibration discussion.
  • get approval from your review panel before communicating the ratings to your employees.
  • assess andassign a rating, both on work objectives (the "what") and competencies (the "how").
  • document the discussion and your employee's performance in relation to work objectives and core competencies in the PSPM App.
  • monitor the progress of your employees who are on a probation period.
  • close any active employee Talent Management Plans, created in the PSPM App, at the end of the performance management cycle.
  • regularly check-in with your employees during this unprecedented period, and be sure to share mental health and wellbeing resources.

Did you know…that your branch or region has aPSPM App Administrator with special granted access to the PSPM App? The Administrator can:

  • release employees from a manager's "My Employee List" to enable the PSPM App to reflect a change in reporting, when the responsible manager/supervisor is unable to do so.
  • reopen the previous cycle's year-end PA to allow revisions when both the manager/supervisor and their employee have completed the performance agreement and checked the signature box.
  • close an employee's PA administratively either at the beginning, mid-year or year-end, when an employee refuses to sign the performance agreement or is unable to do so (i.e., is on leave without pay, or retired).

Are you looking for resources?

There is plenty of information availableto help you get started, to provide support for the year-end discussions with your employees, and to guide you through the entire year-end performance management process.

  • The Performance Management's Year-End Assessment page includes various reference tools, a Year-End Performance Management Checklist as well as learning labs.
  • The deadline for ESDC mandatory training was extended to March 31, 2021for all employees who joined the Department before April 1, 2020. Visit the ESDC Mandatory Training iService page for details.
  • The Office of Informal Conflict Management (OICM) acts as a neutral third party for managers/supervisors and employees, offering ways to prevent, manage, and resolve workplace conflicts. It also offers coaching services and sessions to managers/supervisors on how to provide effective feedback and handle difficult conversations.
  • The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a voluntary and confidential service, to help employees at all levels who have concerns that affect their personal wellbeing and/or work performance.
  • Labour Relations provide assistance to managers/supervisors in addressing cases of unsatisfactory performance by providing guidance and support.

At ESDC, we take performance management seriously and strive to be open and transparent with all of our employees. To support this effort, we are sharing with you the 2019-2020 performance management year-end ratings distributions for ESDC Executives and Non-Executives.

Do you have questions?

Members of the Performance and Talent Management Branch and Regional Coordinators Network are your contacts for branch or region specific questions.

For information on the Performance Management Program and associated year-end requirements, please contact the Non-Executive Employees Performance Management team.

Let's continue to engage our employees through respectful, honest, and constructive feedback, informal and formal recognition, and performance support to demonstrate to them that everyone's contribution matters.

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This image represents the Hope for Wellness Help Line.

Mental Health Resources: Hope for Wellness Help Line

During this unprecedented time, it's so important for us to take time to support one another in our mental health paths. It is up to all of us to encourage open and honest discussions in our virtual workplace about mental illness and mental health – and help remove the stigma. Tools and resources are available, and this week's spotlight is on Hope for Wellness Help Line.

The Hope for Wellness Help Line offers immediate help to all Indigenous peoples across Canada. Experienced and culturally competent Help Line counsellors can help if you:

  • want to talk
  • are distressed
  • have strong emotional reactions
  • may be triggered by painful memories

Telephone and online counselling are available in English and French. On request, telephone counselling is also available in:

  • Cree
  • Ojibway
  • Inuktitut

Hope for Wellness Help Line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to offer counselling and crisis intervention. Call the toll-free Help Line at 1-855-242-3310.

Note: Refer to past editions of the HR info RH bulletin for other available mental health resources, including SOS, EAP and LifeSpeak.

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This image represents office buildings.

ESDC's Guide to Returning to the Workplace

ESDC's Guide to Returning to the Workplace has the latest pandemic-related information for employees, managers and other enablers.

The guide has been updated to include:

In addition, managers are reminded to:

Manager's Guide on Human Resources Issues During a COVID-19 Pandemic

The Manager's Guide on Human Resources Issues During a COVID-19 Pandemic has been updated to include:

  • new guidance on employees claiming a tax deduction for their home office expenses and what is required from managers;
  • clarification on the completion of injury reports and worker's compensation forms for confirmed COVID-19 cases; and
  • current information on COVID-19 vaccinations and distribution.

You can find the complete list of updates in the Summary of Updates section of the Manager's Guide.

Managers with case-specific enquiries can also contact their Regional Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Advisors through the Human Resources Service Centre.

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This image consists of an individual typing on a laptop.

The Office of Values & Ethics is "moving" to the Human Resources Service Centre

Effective February 8, 2021, all inquiries and requests intended for the Office of Values and Ethics (OVE) will now need to be submitted through the Human Resources Service Centre (HRSC).

The OVE is making this transition to provide both employees and managers with a single point of contact for all Human Resources related services, and to make it easier for clients to receive the Values and Ethics services they require.

Rest assured, the OVE will be updating their "Contact Us" page on iService with the appropriate details so that you are properly directed when submitting an inquiry or request.

A transition period for this new process is currently in effect, and Values and Ethics inquiries and requests that are sent outside of the HRSC portal during this period will receive a notification as to the appropriate steps.

The Office of Values and Ethics thanks you for your cooperation and understanding through this transitional process. While we might be "moving", we look forward to continuing to serve you with the same diligence and expertise through our new platform.

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This image consists of a decorative background inspired by the Official Languages promotional background.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Sessions for Managers!

As we tackle a second wave of COVID-19, mental health is at the forefront of many discussions for ESDC's managers and their employees. As a result, the Human Resources Services Branch (HRSB) is offering short, focussed and live virtual sessions over the next few months to support managers, and in turn, their employees, in coping with work and life changes. These sessions will help managers connect with peers to share common experiences, and are in addition to HRSB's Services to Assist You.

There are various sessions and dates throughout February and March. Of note, the following sessions are available throughout the week of February 8:

  • A Wellbeing Check-in
  • A group discussion on managing challenging workplace issues
  • Strategies for building a culture of trust
  • Group coaching for managers on mental health

To register, and for more information on these sessions, managers are encouraged to check out the Workplace Mental Health and Wellbeing Sessions for Managers infographic or visit the Workplace Mental Health and Wellbeing Sessions iService page.

Managers are encouraged to reach out to HRSB's Mental Health team if they have additional questions.

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