Terminations, Resignations and Transfers

Important: Have you been continuously employed with the Government of Canada since April 2014 and received a transition payment in May 2014? Transition payments will be recovered from your final pay, including all applicable deductions. Refer to Payment in Arrears for further details.

Employment with ESDC may end in several ways. Below is information on each type of termination as well as the actions required when an employee transfers out to another federal department (TOU).

  • Termination – General

    The following actions are required prior to the employee`s departure date and apply to all types of terminations, unless otherwise noted:

    • Employee Responsibilities
      • Review and update your personal information in myEMS (PeopleSoft). Refer to Employee Information (personal contact / direct deposit / other) for this process.

        Important: Accurate home and mailing addresses ensure future communications, such as income tax slips and retroactive revision information are received without delay. In addition, an up-to-date personal email address and telephone number ensures that a Compensation Advisor is able to contact you with essential pay information after departure, if necessary.

      • Initiate the Notification of Separation Form – Employee via the Off Boarding Employee – Departure Roadmap - Step 1 of the Separation Clearance Process.
      • If you contributed to the Public Service Pension Plan, you must notify the Public Service Pension Centre of your termination / retirement date. This does not apply to employees who are transferring out to another federal department (TOU).
      • Submit any outstanding leave requests in Phoenix prior to your departure. Refer to Leave with Pay and Overtime for this process.
    • Manager / Section 34 Manager Responsibilities
      • If an update to your employee's personal information is necessary and they are unable to do so, you are responsible to update this information in myEMS (PeopleSoft) on their behalf. Refer to Employee Information (personal contact / direct deposit / other) for this process.
      • Initiate the separation clearance process if your employee is unable to do so and complete the Separation Clearance Process on the employee's official date of departure.
      • Ensure all outstanding leave requests are reported and approved in myEMS (PeopleSoft) and all outstanding overtime is reported and approved in Phoenix prior to the employee's departure.
      • You are responsible for all required actions if your employee is unable to do so, such as leave requests in MyEMS (PeopleSoft), leave application forms and HR Portal requests, where applicable. If a leave form is necessary, we recommend managers add a note in the Employee's signature section, e.g. "Employee not available for signature".

      Important: Overtime worked in the final pay period must be submitted for manual processing by completing a GC179 form. Refer to Leave with Pay and Overtime for this process. Our Pay Processing Calendar will help to confirm pay period dates.

  • Retirement

    Planning for retirement is an exciting time in one`s life. Our goal is for employees to experience a smooth transition into their next phase of life. This information will guide employees and managers through the required steps in preparation for the employee departure.

    • Required Documents
      • Employee's notice of retirement
      • Manager's acceptance of resignation
    • Employee Responsibilities

      The Pay Centre recommends that you initiate this process at least three (3) months before your retirement date.

      1. Submit a signed notice of resignation to your manager via letter or email. Ensure your notice includes the effective date and last day paid.
      2. If you have contributed to the Public Service Pension Plan, you must notify the Public Service Pension Centre of the effective date of your retirement and request a Pension Entitlement Information Package.
      3. Once the Public Service Pay Centre has finalized your retirement, a benefit letter will be prepared and sent to you. The letter will detail any funds owed to you, such as final salary, severance pay or outstanding leave balances. You will also receive a form asking you to select your preferred payment options for severance pay, such as transfer to an RRSP.
      4. Review Termination - General for important information about required actions prior to your departure date.
    • Manager / Section 34 Manager Responsibilities
      1. Once you have received the notice of retirement, provide the employee with a signed acceptance (letter or email), confirming the official date of departure and last day paid.

        Note: If the employee is on extended leave without pay, advise them to report their retirement date to the Public Service Pension Centre.

      2. As the Pay Centre recommends retirement notices be initiated at least three (3) months before the effective date, managers must immediately report the employee's termination in the HRSC Portal:
        • Section: I am a Manager;
        • Select "Pay-Related Action";
        • Category: Select "Departures / Transfer Out – Retirement / Resignation";
        • Sub-Category: Select "Struck Off Strength (SOS) – Retirement";
        • Effective Date: Is the date following the last day paid; or the notification date if the employee was on long-term LWOP
        • Additional Comments: e.g. Employee is retiring effective May 27, 20XX; last day paid will be May 26, 20XX. Provide the employee's personal information (address, phone number and email address);
        • Attach required documents
        • Submit request

        Note: There is no need to complete a Pay Action Request (PAR) form. The Compensation Services Directorate will do this when the request is sent to the Pay Centre for processing.

      3. Review Termination - General for important information about required actions prior to the employee's departure date.
  • Medical Retirement

    Sometimes, due to the nature of an injury, illness or medical condition, an employee is unable to return to work after an extended period of sick leave without pay and Health Canada recommends retirement on medical grounds.

    Note: Managers should consult with Disability Management if you anticipate that your employee will not be returning to work for medical reasons. For additional assistance, managers should submit an HR Portal General Request, using the category Disability Management, sub-category Inability to Return to Work.

    • Required Documents
      • Assessment letter from Health Canada on the eligibility for medical retirement
      • Notice of medical retirement from employee
      • Manager's written acceptance
    • Employee Responsibilities
      1. As soon as you receive your letter of eligibility for a medical retirement from Health Canada, along with a signed notice of resignation to your manager via letter or email. Ensure your notice includes the retirement date and last day paid if on long-term LWOP.
      2. You must report your retirement date to the Public Service Pension Centre.
      3. Review Termination - General for important information about required actions prior to your departure date, if you are able.
    • Manager / Section 34 Manager Responsibilities
      1. As soon as you receive your employee's notice of medical retirement and the letter of eligibility from Health Canada, provide the employee with a signed acceptance (letter or email). Include the official date of departure and last day paid if the employee was on long-term LWOP.

        Note: If the employee was on extended leave without pay, advise them to report their retirement date to the Public Service Pension Centre.

      2. You must submit a request in the HRSC Portal as soon as possible:
        • Section: I am a Manager
        • Select "Pay-Related Action"
        • Category: Select "Departure / Transfer Out – Retirement / Resignation"
        • Sub-Category: Select "Struck Off Strength (SOS) – Medical Retirement"
        • Effective Date: Is the date following the last day paid or the notification date if the employee was on long-term LWOP
        • Details/ Comments: E.g. Employee is retiring for medical reasons, last paid day is May 1, 20XX; provide the employee's personal information (address, phone number and personal email address);
        • Attach the required documents
        • Submit request

        Note: There is no need to complete a Pay Action Request (PAR) form. The Compensation Services Directorate will do this when the request is sent to the Pay Centre for processing.

      3. Review Termination - General for important information about required actions that may be applicable to the termination.
  • Involuntary Termination

    Different types of involuntary terminations may occur at any time during a period of employment. In all cases, the manager is responsible to notify the employee in writing, of the effective date and reason for their termination. Managers should consult with Labour Relations on the decision to terminate employment and they will draft the applicable termination letter.

    Refer to Termination - Early End of Contract for term contracts ending early for reasons other than those listed below.

    • Types of Involuntary Termination
      Abandonment of Position
      An employee is considered to have abandoned their position and is subject to termination for cause when they are absent from work, on unauthorized leave from duty for a period of one (1) week or more.
      Discharge for Misconduct
      Termination of employment for breaches of discipline or misconduct is the most severe disciplinary measure that can occur and used only after careful consideration, when it is determined that the employee is no longer suitable for continued employment.
      Rejection on Probation
      A rejection on probation is the termination of employment for cause during the probationary period, as defined in their appointment letter.
      Release for Incapacity
      A release for incapacity is an employee's termination of employment for reasons other than breaches of discipline or misconduct.
      Unsatisfactory performance
      A termination of employment for reasons of unsatisfactory performance.
    • Manager / Section 34 Manager Responsibilities
      1. After providing the signed termination letter to your employee, you must submit a request in the HRSC portal as soon as possible:
        • Section: I am a Manager…
        • Select "Pay Related Action"
        • Category: Select "Departure / Transfer Out – Retirement / Resignation"
        • Sub-Category: Select "Struck Off Strength (SOS) - Death in Service, Involuntary Termination";
        • Effective Date: Is the date following the last day paid;
        • Additional Comments: E.g. Termination - Release for unsatisfactory performance, last paid day will be May 26, 20XX; provide the employee's personal information (address, phone number and personal email address);
        • Attach a copy of the termination letter
        • Submit request

        Note: There is no need to complete a Pay Action Request (PAR) form. The Compensation Services Directorate will do this when the request is sent to the Pay Centre for processing.

      2. Review to Termination - General for important information about required actions prior to the termination date.
  • Death in Service

    In the event of an employee's death while employed with ESDC, a request to terminate their employment is necessary.

    • Required Documents
      • Email notification from manager
      • Death certificate (if available)
    • Manager / Section 34 Manager Responsibilities
      1. After receiving notification of the employee's death, obtain the notice of death and a copy of the death certificate, if available, from the employee's spouse or next of kin. Advise them to Contact the Pension Centre to report the death in service.
      2. Submit a request in the HRSC Portal as soon as possible:
        • Section: I am a Manager;
        • Select "Pay-Related Action";
        • Category: Select "Departure" / Transfer Out – Retirement / Resignation";
        • Sub-Category: Select "Struck Off Strength (SOS) - Death in Service, Involuntary Termination";
        • Effective Date: Is the date of death;
        • Additional Comments: E.g. Employee passed away on May 26, 20XX; provide contact information for the spouse or next of kin;
        • Attach notice of death and death certificate (if available)
        • Submit request

        Note: There is no need to complete a Pay Action Request (PAR) form. The Compensation Services Directorate will do this when the request is sent to the Pay Centre for processing.

      3. Review Termination - General for important information about required actions applicable to the termination.
  • End of Specified Term Contract

    Termination of employment automatically occurs for term, casual, student or seasonal employees at the end of their specified period of employment, meaning pay will cease for the employee as stated in their initial letter of offer or contract. Managers are not required to report the termination, however employees and managers must review Termination - General for important information about required actions prior to their departure.

  • Early End of Specified Term Contract

    Circumstances may arise that require a manager to terminate a specified period of employment earlier than stated in the initial letter of offer or contract. The manager must report the early end of the specified term for the appropriate pay adjustments to take effect.

    • Employee Responsibilities
      1. If you are initiating the early end to your contract, submit a signed notification to your manager (letter or email), including the effective date, last day paid and the reason for ending your contract early.
      2. Review Termination - General for important information about required actions prior to your departure date.
    • Manager / Section 34 Manager Responsibilities
      1. If you are initiating the early termination of the employee's initial contract, you must provide written notification to the employee.

        Note: Although not a required document, the template Confirmation of end of term – Non-Renewal or Early Termination may be modified for your use, if you wish.

      2. Submit a request via the HRSC Portal as soon as possible:
        • Section: I am a Manager
        • Select "Pay-Related Action"
        • Category: Select "Departures / Transfer Out – Retirement / Resignation"
        • Sub-Category: Select "Early End of Term, Casual, Student Employment or Part-time Worker";
        • Effective Date: Is the date following the last day paid;
        • Additional Comments: E.g. Initial end date was April 30, 20XX. New end date will be April 1, 20XX; last day paid will be March 31, 20XX; provide the employee's personal information (address, phone number and personal email address);
        • Attach the termination notice (email or template, if used)
        • Submit request

        Note: There is no need to complete a Pay Action Request (PAR) form. The Compensation Services Directorate will do this when the request is sent to the Pay Centre for processing.

      3. Review Termination - General for important information about required actions prior to your employee's departure date.
  • Resignation

    A termination by resignation occurs when an employee voluntarily chooses to end their employment. In all cases, except for when an employee initiates an early end to a specified period contract, the manager must accept the resignation for it to be effective.

    • Required Documents
      • Employee's notice of resignation and
      • Manager's written acceptance
    • Employee Responsibilities
      1. Submit your signed notice of resignation to your manager (letter or email), including your departure date, last day paid and the reason for your resignation.
      2. Review Termination - General for important information about required actions prior to your departure date.
    • Manager / Section 34 Manager Responsibilities
      1. Once you have received the notice of resignation, provide the employee with a signed acceptance (letter or email), confirming the official date of departure and last day paid. You must submit a request in the HRSC Portal as soon as possible:
        • Section: I am a Manager;
        • Select "Pay-Related Action";
        • Category: Select "Departures / Transfer Out – Retirement / Resignation";
        • Sub-Category: Select "Struck Off Strength (SOS) – Resignation";
        • Effective Date: Is the date following the last day paid
        • Additional Comments: E.g. Employee resigned; last day paid will be May 26, 20XX; provide the employee's personal information (address, phone number and personal email address);
        • Attach required documents
        • Submit request

        Note: There is no need to complete a Pay Action Request (PAR) form. The Compensation Services Directorate will do this when the request is sent to the Pay Centre for processing.

      2. Review Termination - General for important information about required actions prior to your employee's departure date.
  • Transferring to another federal department / organization

    A transfer-out (TOU) is the permanent move of an employee / deployment from ESDC to another department in the core public administration (Schedule I and IV of the Financial Administration Act), and other organizations for which Treasury Board is the employer.

    Important: The transfer of an employee's pay file is a complex process and it may take several months before an employee's case is finalized and their pay issued through the new department / organization. Employees will continue to be paid by ESDC while the transfer is pending, at the rate of the position they are leaving. It is recommended that employees print a copy of their leave balances prior to their last day with ESDC.

    • Required Documents
      • Fully signed letter of offer from other department / organization
    • Employee Responsibilities
      1. Notify your ESDC manager that you have accepted an offer of employment from another department or organization, provide a copy of your signed letter of offer and confirm your last day with ESDC.
      2. Review Termination - General for important information about required actions prior to your departure date.
    • Manager / Section 34 Manager Responsibilities

      Important: If your employee was on a period of leave without pay prior to their TOU, you must submit a Return to Work confirmation on the effective date of the transfer to avoid an interruption of pay. Please refer to Leave without Pay for instructions on this process.

      1. As the ESDC manager, you are required to report the TOU promptly so that the Pay Centre can initiate the transfer process. You must submit a request in the HRSC Portal as soon as possible:
        • Section: I am a Manager...
        • Select "Pay-Related Action"
        • Category: Select "Departures / Transfer Out – Retirement / Resignation"
        • Sub-Category: Select "Transfer to another Department or Agency"
        • Effective Date: is the effective date of the transfer as indicated on the letter of offer;
        • Additional Comments: E.g. Employee is transferring to Transport Canada effective June 3, 20XX; provide the employee's personal information (address, phone number and personal email address);
        • Attach the letter of offer from the other department / organization
        • Submit Request

        Note: There is no need to complete a Pay Action Request (PAR) form. The Compensation Directorate will do this when the request is sent to the Pay Centre for processing.

      2. Review Termination - General for important information about required actions prior to your employee's departure date.