Image of a filing cabinet in a circle.Transmitting Information


Description: A method of exchanging digital messages from an author to one or more recipients.

Purpose: For transmitting information on behalf of the department across an electronic network.

Access: All employees. Size limitations for attachments: 20 MB for internal correspondence; 13.5 MB for external. May require encryption, depending upon recipient.

Self-serve tools available on iService.

Do's and Don'ts for Encryption | Do's and Don'ts for Permissions and Delegations

information categorization for this Device:

Protected A
Protected B
As per Appendix 3: Requires the use of department-approved E-mail system within departmental firewall. Requires the use of department-approved encryption software (Entrust (DOCX 128 KB), for outside the departmental firewall.
Protected C


Description: A telephonic transmission of scanned printed material (both text and images).

Purpose: For transmitting information on behalf of the department across a telephone line.

Access: All employees.

information categorization for this Device:

Protected A
Protected B
Secure FAX required (Admiral Secure Products). Contact Regional Security Office for guidance.
Protected C
Use only Secure Communications Interoperability Protocol (SCIP) devices (see Appendix 3). Contact Regional Security Office for guidance.


Description: Instant messaging program. Sharing your desktop for the purpose of demonstrating/illustrating/highlighting for training/coaching/support. Videoconferencing available.

Purpose: For sharing information using text in a real-time online setting. Conversations can be saved. Functions can include shared documents, sharing your desktop, and video conferencing.

Access: All employees.

Self-serve tools available on iService.

information categorization for this Device:

Protected A
Protected B
Protected C


Description: A device that captures images from photographic or text sources, such as prints, posters, magazine pages, and similar records, for computer editing and display.

Purpose: Commonly used to create an electronic version of a hard copy document (ex. travel receipts, ROEs). To reduce space and retain copy quality.

Access: Various photocopiers have a scan function. Available by location.

Self-serve tools available on iService.

information categorization for this Device:

Protected A
Protected B
Must use Secure Print (Print-to-PIN).
Protected C
Follow guidelines for Information Categorization Tool

Wireless Devices

Description: A communications device that does not require a physical wire for relaying information to another device.

Purpose: Working online, connected via VPN (Virtual Private Network) or secure Wireless connection. Data files must never be stored on the device.

Access: Devices include departmentally provisioned Blackberrys, smartphones, cell phones and tablets.

Self-serve tools available on iService.

Do's and Don'ts for these Devices

information categorization for this Device:

Protected A
Protected B
Protected C

Transmitting Hard Copy Materials

Description: Transmitting hard copies of materials.

Purpose: For safely transmitting ‘hard’ copies of materials.

Access: N/A

Protected AProtected BProtected C

YES By Fax: Can be transmitted by regular Fax (ensure fax machine is within Operations zone).

YES By Fax: Secure FAX required (Admiral Secure Products)

YES By Fax: Ensure receiving fax machine is within a Security Zone and recipient is present to receive. COMSEC – Admiral Secure Products

By E-mail: Can be sent through departmental E-mail system to internal or external parties. MS Lync can be used for internal transmission.

By E-mail: Protected B information can be sent within the department using MS Outlook or MS Lync. Ensure the recipient is an ESDC employee. Use Entrust to encrypt emails that include Protected B information and that are being sent outside the departmental firewall. Email recipient should also use Entrust to decrypt received email.

By E-mail: Departmental E-mail systems must never be used to communicate / transmit "Protected C" information, or comments or reflections on the contents of such documents.

By Mail/Courier: Single envelope; Regular mail. Requires a single, sealed envelope without security markings for mailing in Canada or sending by messenger service.

By Mail/ Courier: Internal mail: Double sealed envelopes with no security markings on outer envelope. External mail: Regular mail. Requires a double sealed envelope for mailing in Canada. Warning on the inner envelope "To be opened only by … (name or position title)" with security markings.

By Mail/ Courier: Requires 2 sealed envelopes without security marking on the outer envelope for transmission by Priority mail, Xpress Post or messenger service, addressed appropriately. Warning on the inner envelope "To be opened only by … (name or position)" with security markings and include a transmittal note and receipt.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • 1.  Is there a safe way to transmit information using email?

    Documents up to and including Protected B can be emailed safely within the Departmental network without encryption. Documents/information being transmitted outside of the Departmental network requires encryption. Encryption can be applied using myKey. This process meets Departmental standards for properly protecting sensitive information for transmission.

  • 2.  Can Secret and Protected “C” documentation be emailed on the departmental network?

    No. Protected “C” and Secret information/documents have specific transmission and transportation parameters (review Appendix 3 for details). Employees should contact their Sensitive Document Collaboration Service (SDCS) Branch coordinator.

  • 3.  How do I safely transmit sensitive information to an outside client?

    Sensitive information, up to and including Protected B, can only be sent to approved outside clients and must be encrypted using myKey.