Workforce Planning

Important Notice

In light of the ongoing pandemic situation and the changing workplace environment, a formal workforce planning exercise was not launched for 2021-2022.

The Workforce Planning team remains available to support your branch/regional workforce planning needs. If you have any questions about the Department's workforce planning approach, please do not hesitate to contact the Workforce Planning GD Mailbox.

We will continue to review and update the content on this page, and encourage you to check back regularly for the most up-to-date resources.

Welcome to the Corporate Planning, Strategic Integration and Analysis division! (Transcript)

work force planning logo

The Corporate Workforce Planning unit within the Strategic Directions and Management Services Directorate serves as the Human Resources Services Branch's (HRSB) main point of contact for workforce planning guidance and strategic advice. We provide workforce data and analysis and engage with other HR areas on specific HR priorities, initiatives and issues when needed. As a strategic business partner, we work collaboratively with branches, regions and HR partners with the goal of aligning workforce and workplace strategies to meet your current and future business needs.

  Services  Target Audience: Directors and Coordinators

Services we provide:

  • Workforce planning guidance and streamlined tools, enterprise-wide Employee Surveys and Workforce Data and Analysis to support workforce planning discussions and evidence-based decision-making.
  • A network of partnerships and ongoing dialogue to develop HR management strategies and options.
  • Sharing of best practices and lessons learned to identify continuous improvements in workforce planning.

Need Data?

  HR Partners
