Steps in Workforce Planning

The Planning cycle is established using a five-step approach. Each step aligns your organization’s workforce planning with business objectives so that adequate resources are available for all the program and service deliverables of your organization.

1. Business Goals

Business goals are identified in Step 1 of the five-step process. In this step, managers need to clearly understand where their organization is headed. They should take into consideration the reports and priorities set by the Clerk, central agencies (e.g. TBS, etc.).

The following key reference documents may be useful for this step:

2. Environmental Scan

In the Environmental Scan, Step 2, managers examine and interpret the internal and external factors which could impact the current and future objectives and needs of their organization.

Internal workforce analysis includes reports such as:

External Analysis includes market factors such as:

  • Demand & supply of employees
  • Current and projected economic conditions
  • Political climate
  • Impact of technological advancement on occupational groups
  • National policies affecting workforce
  • Sources of recruitment
  • Emerging trends in both the public and private sector

3. Gap Analysis

In this Step 3, managers use what they have learned in the two previous steps to identify gaps between the current state and future requirements of their organization.

The gap analysis will also help to identify areas requiring attention and the appropriate strategies to use in the next step of the planning process.

Key documents to take in consideration are:

4. Workforce Priorities and Strategies

Step 4 consists of determining workforce priorities based on your organization's goals, gaps analysis and environmental scan. Managers identify their key priorities and develop strategies and/or action plans to meet their business goals.

Take into consideration programs, initiatives and activities meeting your organization’s business objectives. In this step, a solid understanding of organizational priorities and the business planning cycle is critical for effective alignment of human resources and business goals.

Other resources to consider:

  • People Management Area of the MAF
  • Budget implications and performance agreements
  • Partnership and lead accountabilities

5. Measure, Monitor and Report

In Step 5, managers need to periodically review and update their Workforce Plans. Evaluating the progress achieved in priority areas will help the organization to improve its overall performance. Monitoring and reporting activities are typically conducted at mid-year and end of year.

Establish a performance framework with programs identified in the previous year's Workforce Plan. Develop a logic model for each key programs with:

  • Data sources, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), reporting frequency, dashboard/scorecard aligned with MAF, departmental goals and priorities
  • Data on indicators gathered and communicated