Leave Without Pay (LWOP) - Illness

ESDC's Disability Management supports employees and managers by providing guidance on the necessary steps in addressing health-related absences in the workplace.  For additional assistance, managers should submit an HR Portal General Request, using the category Disability Management and applicable sub-category.

If the sick leave is expected to be for an extended period, employees may consider applying for Disability Insurance / Long Term Disability. Refer to Benefits for further information on this process.

Important: Paid sick leave credits must be exhausted before an employee can start a period of LWOP due to illness. There is no requirement to exhaust other types of paid leave, such as annual leave.  Managers should review the employee's collective agreement for monthly paid leave allotment and their sick leave balance prior to approving any LWOP - Illness requests.  This will ensure there are no sick credits available and the LWOP effective date is accurate.  Failure to exhaust an employee's paid sick leave prior to submission of leave without pay could cause delays and result in an overpayment situation for the employee.

  • Employee Responsibilities
    • Using Leave Code 230, complete and sign the Leave Application and Absence Report [GC-178], noting the following requirements:
      • Do not combine different leave codes on the form
      • Indicate if the request is an original or complete details if it is an amendment to a previous submission
      • Complete all employee information fields, ensuring it matches your MyEMS (PeopleSoft) profile. 
      • Although not mandatory nor a specific field, your personal contact information (home/mailing address, phone number, email) written on the form is helpful should the Pay Centre need to contact you during the leave period.
      • The start and end dates of your leave must be clearly indicated on the form and be scheduled working days.
      • Ensure the total hours of leave correspond to your work schedule and the leave dates on the form. 

      Note:  Do not include weekends unless you are scheduled to work and do not include statutory holidays unless you were paid the day before or the day after.

    • Any LWOP requests for partial days must be input in myEMS (PeopleSoft) for Section 34 Manager approval.  For step by step instructions, please refer to the procedures found in the PSGuide - myEMS (PeopleSoft).

      Employee Self Service > Time > Request Absence

    • Forward the completed GC178 to your Section 34 Manager for approval and submission for processing on your behalf.
    • Review LWOP for six (6) or more days – General for important information about required actions that may apply to your LWOP - Illness.
  • Section 34 Manager Responsibilities
    1. Once the LWOP effective date is confirmed and all paid sick leave exhausted, you must approve / enter any partial days of LWOP in myEMS (PeopleSoft). For step by step instructions, please refer to the procedures found in the PSGuide - myEMS (PeopleSoft)

      Manager Self Service > Team Time > Request Absence

    2. Once approved in MyEMS (PeopleSoft), a corresponding leave request is created in Phoenix for your approval to initiate the recovery of salary. For step by step instructions, please refer to the procedures found in the Phoenix UPK.
    3. Approve and sign the employee's Leave Application and Absence Report [GC-178].  Open a request via the HRSC Portal:
      • Section: I am a Manager…
      • Select: "Pay-Related Action"
      • Complete the Employee Information section.
      • Category: Select "Leave"
      • Sub-Category: Select "Leave Without Pay over 5 Days – Illness Initial"
      • Effective Date: Is the first full compensation day of LWOP - Illness
      • Additional comments:  Identify the type of leave and the period of leave. Ex. Sick leave without pay from May 1, 20XX to July 15, 20XX.

        Note:  Include the employee's personal contact information if they did not provide it on the GC178.

      • Attach the GC178
      • Submit your request

      Note: There is no need to complete a Pay Action Request (PAR) form. The Compensation Directorate will do this when the request is sent to the Pay Centre for processing.

    4. Review LWOP for six (6) or more days – General for important information about required actions that may apply to your employee's LWOP - Illness.
  • Extension of a period of LWOP - Illness
    • Employee Responsibilities

      You are required to contact your Section 34 Managers as soon as you anticipate the current period of LWOP-Illness will be for a longer period than initially approved and, if able, forward a signed Leave Application and Absence Report [GC-178] to request an extension.

    • Section 34 Manager Responsibilities

      It is your responsibility to confirm eligibility pursuant to the employee's respective collective agreement, if applicable, prior to approving the request for a leave extension.

      You must obtain and sign a new GC178 and report the leave extension via the HRSC Portal.

      • Section: I am a Manager;
      • Select "Pay-Related Action";
      • Complete the Employee Information section;
      • Category: Select "Leave";
      • Sub-Category: Select "Leave without pay over 5 Days – Illness Extension";
      • Effective Date: is the first compensation day of extension period
      • Comments:  Provide details, ex. Extension of initial LWOP-Illness from May 1, 20XX to Dec. 31, 20XX.
      • Attach the completed GC178
      • Submit your request

      Note: There is no need to complete a Pay Action Request (PAR) form. This will be done by the Compensation Services Directorate when the request is sent to the Pay Centre for processing.

  • Return to work from a period of LWOP - Illness

    An employee's Section 34 Manager must report that the employee has returned to work from a period of LWOP – Illness before they are reverted to active status.

    If there is a delay in receiving the first regular pay, employees should refer to the Emergency Salary Advance / Priority Payment process.

    Several options are available to employees when they return to work from a period of LWOP – Illness. Employees may return to their pre-leave weekly schedule or return to work on a gradual basis, either insurer approved (Sun Life or Industrial Alliance) or non-insurer approved.

    Disability Management on-line course is recommended for managers with an employee on a gradual return to work plan.

    • Gradual return to work (non-insurer approved)

      An employee who is not in receipt of disability insurance or long-term disability benefits may return to work gradually following a period of leave without pay for illness or injury based on a doctor's recommendation.  Whenever an employee considers returning to work on a gradual basis and it is not approved by an insurance provider, they work together with their manager on a return to work plan.  For additional information on starting this process, visit the Road Map: Long Term Sick Leave.

      The employee's work schedule is not amended to reflect their reduced workweek during the gradual return to work (non-insurer approved) period. Their pay file returns to active status and pay will commence based on the pre-leave schedule as soon as the manager reports the return to work. For this reason, it is imperative employees submit LWOP requests to reflect their reduced work hours and managers approve the requests in a timely manner to avoid overpayment situations.

      • Employee Responsibilities
        1. After consultation with your manager, forward a completed a Return to Work Plan - HRB5050 to them to initiate the process.
        2. After your return to work and as soon as you have system access, you must set up your Section 34 Manager in Phoenix Self-Service. Failure to do so will result in the inability to process certain pay transactions correctly (example: overtime, leave without pay).

          Main Menu > Self Service > Time Reporting > Select Section 34 Manager

        3. Review your personal information in myEMS (PeopleSoft). Refer to Change to Personal Information if changes are necessary.

          Employee Self Service > Personal Details

        4. While on a gradual return to work (non-insurer approved) schedule, you must report all hours not worked in myEMS (PeopleSoft), both paid and unpaid leave.  For step-by-step instructions on requesting full, partial or half days, refer to the employee procedures found in the PSGuide - myEMS (PeopleSoft).

          Employee Self Service > Time > Request Absence

        Important: Enter the number of unpaid hours using the absence name "LWOP – Sick" or "LWOP - Other" from the drop-down menu (do not use "LWOP – Rehab hours").

      • Section 34 Manager Responsibilities

        Important: Section 34 Managers must ensure they approve LWOP requests in both myEMS (PeopleSoft) and Phoenix.

        1. Approximately two weeks prior to the employee's return to work, you should start to complete the Return to Work Checklist (DOCX, 68 KB).
        2. You need to report when the employee returns to work (the day of return) via the HRSC Portal:
          • Section: I am a Manager;
          • Select "Pay-Related Action";
          • Category: Select "Leave";
          • Sub-Category: Select "Return from leave (+ 5 days) – Illness and disability (non-approved rehabilitation);
          • Comments: Include the employee's physical return to work date DD\MM\YYYY.
          • Submit your request
        3. During the gradual return from leave period, approve all leave requests for hours not worked in myEMS (PeopleSoft), both paid and unpaid leave. For step-by-step instructions, please refer to the manager procedures found in the PSGuide - myEMS (PeopleSoft).

          Manager Self Service > Approvals

          Important:  Only approve LWOP requests for "LWOP – Sick" or "LWOP - Other"  do not approve "LWOP – Rehab hours" requests - this absence type is used exclusively for an Approved Rehabilitation Program.

        4. Approve the corresponding LWOP request created in Phoenix to initiate the recovery of hours / salary. For step by step instructions, please refer to the procedures for approving payable time found in the Phoenix UPK.

          Main Menu > Manager Self Service > Time Management > Approve Time and Exceptions > Payable Time > Approve a Time Entry

        5. It is your responsibility to manage the employee's LWOP for the duration of their gradual return to work (non-insurer approved). There is no requirement to report when this period ends and your employee is able to return to their regular schedule.
    • Gradual return to work on insurer approved Rehabilitation Program
      (Sun Life or Industrial Alliance)

      An employee who has been approved and is in receipt of disability insurance or long-term disability benefits may return to work gradually following a period of leave without pay for illness or injury. A Rehabilitation Program gradual return to work plan approved by the insurer is designed to assist disabled plan members to regain an acceptable level of employment.

      Whenever an employee considers returning to work on a gradual basis, they work together with their Section 34 Manager and Disability Management to agree on a return to work plan for insurer approval.  For additional information on starting this process, visit the Road Map: Long Term Sick Leave.

      The gradual return to work plan must be approved in writing by either Sun Life for members of Disability Insurance (DI) or Industrial Alliance for members of the Long Term Disability (LTD) plan. During the gradual return period, an employee's monthly disability benefits will be reduced by their monthly earnings. The total income (disability benefits and work earnings) will not exceed 100% of the insured salary on which the disability benefits were calculated.

      During the insurer-approved gradual return to work period, employees must report all hours worked or taken as paid leave via a Phoenix Timesheet.  Section 34 Managers must approve these entries to generate a payment and properly report salary earnings during the rehab period.  It is strongly recommended that these hours are reported and approved on a daily basis to avoid payment delays.  Please consult the Pay Processing Schedule for approval deadlines, noting that statutory holidays may affect entry deadlines.

      For the accurate calculation of leave entitlements, employees must request LWOP for all hours not worked as well as hours taken as paid leave in MyEMS (PeopleSoft).

      • Employee Responsibilities during the Rehabilitation period
        1. After consultation with Disability Management and your insurance provider, forward the approved return to work plan to your Section 34 Manager. 
        2. After you return to work and as soon as you have system access, you must set up your Section 34 Manager in Phoenix Self-Service. Failure to do so will result in the inability to process certain pay transactions correctly (example: overtime, leave without pay).

          Main Menu > Self Service > Time Reporting > Select Section 34 Manager

        3. Review your personal information in myEMS (PeopleSoft).  Refer to Change to Personal Information if changes are necessary.

          Employee Self Service > Personal Details

        4. During the Rehabilitation period, you must report your hours as follows:
          • Total hours worked, including any hours taken as paid leave via a Phoenix Self-Service Timesheet using the code "HAB – Rehab Period Salary". You will only see the code HAB in the drop-down menu after the Pay Centre has reactivated your account.  Do NOT use code "LAB" to report your hours.  For step-by-step instructions on reporting hours using a timesheet, refer to the Phoenix User Productivity Kit (UPK).

            Main Menu > Self Service > Time Reporting > Report Time > Timesheet

          • Note: As part of the rehab program, you must utilize available sick leave credits prior to requesting LWOP for illness or other reasons.  Report all paid and unpaid leave via myEMS (PeopleSoft); using "LWOP – Rehab hours" for unpaid leave. For step-by-step instructions on requesting full, partial or half days, refer to the employee procedures found in the PSGuide - myEMS (PeopleSoft).

            Employee Self Service > Time > Report Time > Request Absence

        Important: At the end of the rehabilitation period when you are able to return to your regular schedule, you must cease to report hours worked as HAB – Rehab Period Salary in Phoenix Self-service. Regular pay will resume effective the day you return to your pre-leave schedule. If there is a delay in receiving your first regular pay, refer to the Emergency Salary Advance / Salary Priority Payment.

      • Manager / Section 34 Manager Responsibilities during the Rehabilitation period
        1. Approximately two weeks prior to the employee's return, you should start to complete the Return to Work Checklist (DOCX, 68 KB).
        2. You need to report when the employee returns to work (the day of return) via the HRSC Portal:
          1. Section: I am a Manager;
          2. Select "Pay-Related Action";
          3. Category: Select "Leave";
          4. Sub-Category: Select "Return from leave (+ 5 days) – Illness and disability (approved rehabilitation);
          5. Effective Date: the day the employee returns to pay, i.e. physically returns to work or takes paid leave
          6. Comments: Note the employee is returning to work on an insurer approved rehabilitation program
          7. Attach the approval letter from SunLife/Industrial Alliance;
          8. Submit your request.
        3. To generate payment, you must approve the employee's Phoenix timesheet entries for HAB – Rehab Period Salary, representing the employee's work earnings. For step-by-step instructions, refer to the manager procedures for approving payable time found in the Phoenix UPK.

          Main Menu > Manager Self-Service > Time Management > Approve Time and Exceptions > Payable Time

        4. You must approve the employee's hours not worked (both paid and unpaid leave) in myEMS (PeopleSoft) for the correct accrual of leave balances. Note that employees must utilize banked sick leave credits prior to requesting LWOP of any type. For step-by-step instructions, refer to the manager procedures found in the PSGuide - myEMS (PeopleSoft).

          Manager Self Service > Approvals

          Important: Only approve LWOP requests submitted as "LWOP – Rehab hours" do not approve "LWOP – Sick" or "LWOP - Other" requests during the rehabilitation period.
        5. During the first week of each month, the Pay Centre needs to report the employee's hours worked in the prior month to the insurer (Sun Life or Industrial Alliance). This information is required to determine the monthly disability benefit amount payable to the employee.  Therefore, it is imperative that all HAB – Rehab Period Salary entries are approved by the first day of the following month. If not done, it is your responsibility to manually report the employees' hours on the first working day of the following month by completing Annex C: Template to report monthly hours paid (DOCX,12 KB).  Open a request via the HRSC Portal:
          1. Section: I am a Manager;
          2. Select "Pay-Related Action";
          3. Category: Select "Hours of work";
          4. Sub-Category: Select "Report Employee's Monthly Hours (Rehabilitation)";
          5. Comments:  Employee Rehab hours for month of XXXX, 20XX
          6. Attach the completed Annex C
          7. Submit your request
    • Return to Regular Schedule following an Insurer-approved Rehabilitation program

      At the end of the Rehabilitation period when your employee is ready to return to their regular schedule, Managers must ensure that all of the employees' hours worked during the Rehabilitation Program and all leave, both paid and unpaid, have been reported and approved up to the last day under the Rehabilitation Program. It is important that you do not approve any further timesheets for the employee after the date of return to a regular schedule.

      Managers must report the return to regular schedule via the HRSC Portal:

      1. Section: I am a Manager;
      2. Select "Pay-Related Action";
      3. Category: Select "Leave";
      4. Sub-Category: Select "Return from leave (+ 5 days) – return to regular hours after a gradual return to work with an approved rehabilitation plan";
      5. Effective Date:  is the first compensation day after the rehab program ends
      6. Comments: Employee returned to regular schedule effective YYYY/MM/DD after an insurer approved gradual return to work;
      7. Submit your request

      Note:  If the employee's hours of work are changing from their pre-leave period, a separate request must be submitted via the HRSC Portal.  See Work Schedules / Hours of Work for this process.

  • Return to pre-leave weekly schedule
    • Employee Responsibilities
      1. Contact your manager as soon as possible to advise of your return from leave date and that you will be returning to your regular weekly schedule. Provide updated direct deposit information if it changed during your leave period.
      2. After your return to work and as soon as you have system access, you must set up your Section 34 Manager in Phoenix Self-Service. Failure to do so will result in the inability to process certain pay transactions correctly (example: overtime, leave without pay).

        Main Menu > Self Service > Time Reporting > Select Section 34 Manager

      3. Review your personal information in myEMS (PeopleSoft).  Refer to Change to Personal Information if changes are necessary.

        Employee Self Service > Personal Details

    • Manager / Section 34 Manager Responsibilities

      You need to report when the employee returns to work (the day of return) via the HRSC Portal:

      • Section: I am a Manager;
      • Select "Pay-Related Action";
      • Complete the Employee Information section;
      • Category: Select "Leave";
      • Sub-Category: Return from leave (+5 days) – Illness and disability (return to regular hours)
      • Effective Date: Is the date the employee returns to pay, i.e. physically returns to work or takes paid leave
      • Comments:  Include the employee's physical return to work date and that they are returning to their pre-leave work schedule;
      • Submit your request

      Note: There is no need to complete a Pay Action Request (PAR) form. This will be done by the Compensation Services Directorate when the request is sent to the Pay Centre for processing.

  • Submit a Pay Escalation request
    • Employee responsibility

      If you are experiencing a pay issue related to return from leave, you must refer to the Pay Escalation Process and, if deemed appropriate, submit an escalated pay issue request  using the category Escalated leave issue, sub-category LWOP-Sick.

    • Manager / Section 34 Manager responsibility

      If an employee is on leave or has been terminated and is experiencing a pay issue related to their return from leave, you must refer to the Pay Escalation Process and, if deemed appropriate, submit an escalated pay issue request on their behalf using the category Escalated leave issue, sub-category LWOP-Sick.