Step 3 – Complete and submit IT Related Action Requests Using AMP and NSD

As soon as the departure date is known, appropriate requests must be submitted online using the Access Management Portal (AMP) and to the National Service Desk (NSD) by the manager, in order to remove electronic access and recover IT assets.

  1. Submit a request using AMP, in order to deactivate or suspend electronic access (network user account and mainframe user code) and recover IT assets such as desktops, laptops, or tablets and accessories (e.g. monitors, mouse, keyboard, cables etc.) Instructions

    Here is the link to access the AMP Network Access Request:

    AMP Network Access Request
    (opens new window)

  2. Ensure the employee has submitted an online request to the NSD for each other IT asset to be returned in which the type of device, the associated telephone number (if applicable) and the departure date must be indicated.
    • Mobile Phones (cellular phones, BlackBerry etc) Instructions
    • Telecommunications (modems, air cards, routers etc.)
    • Portable storage devices (USB, external hard drives) Instructions

    Here is a link to access the NSD:

    National Service Desk (opens new window)

*** Important ***

The removal of Network and System access must be done in the AMP system. If the employee is formerly from Passport Canada; you must send an e-mail to: for the removal of Network and System access.

Step 4 - Complete and submit the Separation Clearance (Checklist)