Manager to Manager Network (M2M)

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Manager to Manager Network (M2M). Long description below
Long Description

Manager to Manager Network (M2M)


An informal, non-clinical and confidential network through which managers at all levels (from Team Leaders to ADMs) can empower and connect with each other to:

  • Share ideas and personal experiences on how to respond to day to day mental health and wellness related needs of their employees

  • Learn about resources/tools to help identify potential risks to their employees for early intervention and active case management

  • Develop skills sets/competencies to promote mental health and wellness, and create a pool of managers to serve as a foundation on which to build additional services

The M2M Ambassadors

Ambassadors are managers who:

  1. Have been screened in through an assessment process and have participated in a two-day orientation session before qualifying to serve as an Ambassador.

  2. Have lived experience and who can dip into their own lessons learned and share them with fellow managers facing similar situations.

  3. Are familiar with the complexities associated with providing support, as opposed to clinical advice, in the mental health and wellness related areas.

To Reach out to an Ambassador

  1. Step

    Read their profiles

  2. Step
    • Reach out by email or by Lync


    • Reach out by phone


    • Reach out in-person

For more information visit the Manager to Manager Network page on iServlce

Free - confidential - across Canada