Manager to Manager Network (M2M)

Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) is piloting a new initiative, the Manager to Manager Network (M2M) for Mental Health, as an additional resource through which managers at all levels can connect and empower each other in an informal, safe and confidential platform to help sustain a psychologically healthy and safe workplace for their employees.

Through a bank of seasoned managers, known as Ambassadors, managers will be able to benefit from the experiences of fellow colleagues who have supported employees potentially coping with mental health related challenges to help them remain in the workplace or re-integrate it after an extended absence. To learn more about the Network, please refer to the M2M Governance document and the Frequently asked Questions section.

M2M Ambassadors

M2M Ambassadors are seasoned managers with experience in creating and maintaining psychologically healthy and safe workplaces for their teams. Based on their lived experience as managers, M2M Ambassadors are able to offer support to their fellow colleagues to:

  • Promote, prevent and/or respond to the mental health and wellness needs of their employees;
  • Address day to day challenges associated with the mental health and wellness needs of their employees; and
  • Refer them to different resources available to respond to the specific challenges they are experiencing with their employees.

M2M Ambassadors do not provide psychological counselling or clinical advice.

Accessing a M2M Ambassador

You can access the list of Ambassadors on iService. There is no form to fill out. You can identify the Ambassador of your choice, regardless of their geographical location, and reach out to that person directly.


Maintaining confidentiality is vital to the success of M2M Network. A standard rule of confidentiality applies to all M2M support activities as well as all individuals who are involved in the M2M: specific details about discussions and interactions must be kept confidential. The only time that a breach of confidentiality can occur is in matters of imminent danger and in accordance with one of the following three requirements:

  • Imminent threat of harm to oneself; or
  • Imminent threat of harm to others; or
  • Suspicion of, or known, child abuse or serious neglect.

Manager to Manager Network (M2M) and Peer Support Program (PSP)

While M2M provides support to managers to help sustain a psychologically healthy and safe workplace for their employees, the PSP provides support to all employees for their own personal mental health related challenges.

Contact us:

National M2M Network officeNC-HR-RH-M2M-GaG-GD

Reference Documents:

We all have a role to play to help end the stigma surrounding mental illness.