Are you managing a situation of harassment at work?

Are you managing a Situation of Harassment at Work? Long description below
Long Description

Are you managing a Situation of Harassment at Work?

We are committed to helping you

What you need to know

  • You are responsible to act.
  • Support is here. Consult the Harassment Centre of Expertise (HCE) for advice and guidance.
  • You have many potential paths to resolve the situation.
  • The principles of fairness and confidentiality apply in all cases.

How you can resolve the situation:

Did you consult the HCE? Yes or no

If no, consult the HCE. The HCE advisors will listen and provide you with neutral expertise and guidance on how to address these difficult situations and to restore the workplace.

If yes, do you feel comfortable addressing the situation?

If no, consult the HCE for guidance and information.

If yes, inform the employee of the resolution options. To establish a trusted relationship with your employee, you should discuss in a private place, allow enough time, listen carefully, be empathetic and non-judgmental.

Did you know?

Option 1: Employee speaks directly with the individual. Did you know?

  • The OICM can provide individual coaching to help employees prepare for these difficult conversations
  • Employees can seek support from their union representatives.
  • If things don’t get resolved, employees can still file a formal complaint.

Option 2: You, as a manager, address the situation. Did you know?

  • The OICM can provide individual coaching to help you prepare for discussions with the parties.
  • Tools are available through the HCE
  • If things don’t get resolved, employees can still file a formal complaint.

Option 3: Use the Office of Informal Conflict Management (OICM). Did you know?

  • The OICM provides neutral, certified practitioners to conduct facilitated discussions or mediation with the other party. (Both parties must be willing to participate in this voluntary process).
  • If things don’t get resolved, employees can still file a formal complaint.

Option 4: Explore filing a formal complaint through HCE. Did you know?

  • Before filing, employees can speak with an advisor to explore options and get more information.
  • Bring your complaint forward early
  • Employees can seek support from their union representative or a trusted person.


  • If you are not comfortable addressing the situation, an HCE Advisor will work with you or you can ask a higher level manager for support.
  • Whichever option the employee decides to take, you must continue to monitor the situation.
  • The HCE and your Labour Relations Advisor are available for support.


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