Are you in a situation of harassment at work?

Long Description

Are you in a Situation of Harassment at Work?

We are committed to helping you

What you need to know

How you can resolve the situation:

Do you feel comfortable talking to the person involved? Yes or No

If yes, speak to the person involved. Is the situation resolved? Yes or No

If no, do you feel comfortable talking to you manager? Yes or No

If yes, talk to your manager. Is the situation resolved? Yes or No

If no, Contact the Harassment Centre of expertise (HCE) to explore resolution options including the possibility of filing a formal written complaint.

Did you know?

  • HCE Advisors work with you to explore the best options for resolving your concerns.
  • All along the process support is available to keep you safe, psychologically and physically
  • Informal processes are less adversarial than formal processes and, in most cases, are more likely to lead to improved working relationships. Participating in informal solutions does not limit your access to formal processes.

Final Step:

Restoring a healthy workplace. The HCE will work with the management team to restore a healthy workplace.


We all play an important role in maintaining a respectful workplace. Speak up and reach out for help early.


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