Create a Position

Information to consider before you proceed:

  • If you do not have access to the Job Description you wish to use for the position, you can consult the National Job Descriptions Bank.
  • If the new position will have subordinates, you must validate if it will need a Dept ID by consulting the following page: What is the Department ID versus the reporting relationship of a position? If a new Dept ID needs to be created, you will need to complete the Department ID template (XLSX, 24 KB) and add it to the HRSC request. Please note that we will create the Dept ID only if the current request includes the creation of the subordinate structure. If not, we will create the Dept ID once a Portal request is submitted to either create the subordinate structure or to move existing positions under the new supervisory position.
  • If you need guidance to determine the language requirements of the new position, consult the Official Languages section.



  • Proposed Job Description signed and dated by delegated manager.
  • Organizational Chart - include the new position box under the appropriate supervisor, signed and dated by delegated manager.

If applicable:

Next steps:

To create a position, fill out the Create a position Form in the HRSC portal and include mandatory documents, as well as additional documents (if applicable).