
Rate Our Service

In an effort to find out how we are doing and where we can improve, please tell us about the service you have recently received from CFOB Procurement. The questionnaire will only take 2-3 minutes to complete and help us focus on providing excellent customer service.

Your feedback (XLSX, 27 KB) will be used for quality assurance purposes only and no personal identifiers will be disclosed or used. All responses will be treated in a confidential manner.

Please send your completed response to the office of Procurement Planning and Advisory Services (PPAS)

Thank you for your time!

The objective of government procurement (purchasing) is to acquire goods and services in a manner that enhances access, competition and fairness and results in best value or, if appropriate, the optimal balance of overall benefits to the Crown and the Canadian people. The procurement process can range from the very simple (e.g. Acquisition Cards, standing offers) to the very complex (e.g. major Crown projects).

This section contains useful information, learning opportunities, tools and templates and instructions about how to purchase a variety of goods and services.

See the menu to the left for links.

We welcome your questions and encourage you to contact the ESDC Procurement Team early in the procurement process so that we may provide you with timely advice and guidance.

Roles and Responsibilities

Issues Related to Procurement

Security in contracting: Refer to Internal Integrity and Security for more information including policies and contact names, and for information about how to safeguard IT assets from physical and digital security threats refer to IT Security. IT Security Architecture (ITSA) must be involved in the procurement process if the statement of work involves protected or classified information or any IT component. (Note that an IT component includes any element of: hardware, software, networks, or digital access; data or the analyzing, archiving, assembling, collecting, compiling, converting, editing, processing, saving, transferring or translating of data; or services related to any of the above, including all data and application development services.)

ITSA will:

  • help you with the Security Requirements Check List (SRCL)
  • review the statement of work and SRCL, and develop an IT Security Assessment document
  • send you the revised statement of work and SRCL, and the IT Security Assessment

IT related purchases, such as computers & computer screens, laptops, software, multi-functional devices and printers, telephones and Blackberry devices: contact the National Service Desk (IITB has centrally managed cost pools for these types of purchases).

For questions related to intellectual property (IP) in a contract, discuss with the Procurement Specialist assigned to your file; for any other IP questions, visit the IP Centre of Excellence.