
Before undertaking a video production, it is important that you contact your communications advisor to assess the technical feasibility and know the applicable policies, standards and procedures.

For more information: Video Production - Public Affairs and Stakeholder Relations Branch (PASRB)

The recording, reproducing, or broadcasting of moving visual images. Videos can be used to present information in a more interesting and interactive format than text. Also used to easily explain a more complex subject.

Content Approver

Before Submitting Visual Elements:

  • Must satisfy certain technical requirements in terms of format and quality;
  • Must obtain a written media release of anyone that is seen in the videos;
  • Have the publishing rights for any image or illustration that you use.

Technical Requirements for Video:

  • Video must be in MP4 format;
  • Recommend 2 minutes in length;
  • All videos must be closed captioned;
  • Translated in the other official language, regardless of the language spoken in the video.

Webex video presentations must be converted to mp4 and follow the same language and accessibility requirements for publishing on iService.

Technical Requirements for Image:

  • Representative of the content
  • In a .jpeg or .png format
  • In both languages when applicable
  • Image size recommended: 1280 X 720 or larger

Your Request Must Include:

  • Final and approved Microsoft Word mockup (English and French) of the source page
  • Transcript of the video (English and French)
    • Complete dialogue (verbatim)
    • Names of the people in the video (speakers)
  • Image Placeholder
  • Meaningful and short heading that is less than 50-80 characters

Visit our Prepare Content page for instructions on how to create a mockup.


Your video will also be listed in the catalogue of videos on iService.

Content Publisher

The video format required for the HTML5 Multimedia player is mp4. A transcript (text alternative) of all that is said in the video is required to publish with the video. Closed or open captions are an asset to increase accessibility of the words spoken in the presentation. If a closed caption file can be provided, XML format is required for display. An SRT captions file is also useful for displaying closed captions when the video is viewed using Windows Media Player. The SRT file can also be converted to an xml file using an online subtitle conversion tool.

Each video displayed using the HTML5 player is presented in a page with no other content than what is related to the video. This one page approach maximizes the display area for the video and makes it easier to collect usage data.

There is a catalogue of videos on iService. When videos are added to client section of the site, the video should be added to the catalogue page also.

All videos must be accompanied by the following:

  1. MP4 (video file)
  2. XML (subtitle file)
  3. Image Placeholder
  4. Video Transcript

For consistency when creating the video picture icon, refer to this video template (PSD, 6 MB)

Standard Video
  • Create new page;
  • URL address must include: video;
  • Don't write video in the H1 title;
  • Document type, byte unit in bracket (WMV,24 MB?);
  • Size of the image and pixel;
  • Image responsive;
  • Alt text;
  • Transcript.

Video Publishing Step by Step

All videos are hosted on iService in these locations separated by language:

How to map a drive to the docs section of iService.

Map a drive to: \\MLAP3778\IWServer\edsc-esdc\main\iservice\WORKAREA\share\docs\sp-es (This example is mapped to L:)

  1. Open Windows Explorer
  2. Select "This PC" in the left menu
  3. Select the "Map Network Drive" from the top menu. map network drive
  4. Select a desired Drive letter (e.g. "L:")
  5. Copy and paste "\\MLAP3778\IWServer\edsc-esdc\main\iservice\WORKAREA\share\docs\sp-es" into the 'Folder:' text field
  6. Ensure "Reconnect at logon" is checked on
  7. Select the "Finish" button
  8. If prompted with a username/password, enter in your 'Windows' username/password

Saving the video and associated files on iService

  1. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the video folder for each language and create a new folder with the same number as the task. Example 202116028
  2. In this folder put the video, transcript, caption and image files.
    Note: the Word document transcript is only saved here to keep the files in one place. Convert the contents to html in the web page.
  3. In Teamsite navigate to the new folders in the docs area and publish the video, image and XML files to the live server.

Creating the video web page

  1. In TeamSite create a new DCR or copy an existing page for presenting the video.
    To go to the video folder, copy this hyperlink and paste it into Teamsite: \\MLAP3778\edsc-esdc\main\iservice\WORKAREA\share\templatedata\iservice_prv\generic\data\service_catalogues\video
  2. Create a filename that fits with the topic of the video and follows file naming conventions (opens new window).
  3. Insert the sample video player code into your new page and modify for your content.
  • English code

    <figure class="wb-mltmd mrgn-lft-md" data-wb-mltmd="{"shareUrl": "http://iservice.prv/eng/service_catalogues/video/esdc-wmh-survey-result-video.shtml"}">
    <video title="2019 Workplace Mental Health Survey Results" poster="/eng/service_catalogues/video/192014415/wmh-2019-survey-results-video-still.png">
    <!-- Note: use absolute url for the video file, this will prevent Teamsite from trying to upload it everytime and update is made to the page. -->
    <source src="http://iservice.prv/eng/service_catalogues/video/192014415/esdc-wmh-survey-clean.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
    <track kind="captions" src="/eng/service_catalogues/video/192014415/esdc-wmh-survey-transcript.xml" srclang="en" label="English" data-type="text/xml" /></video>
    <p><strong>Workplace Mental Health Survey Results</strong></p>
    <em>Video Script English</em>
    <p>The results of ESDC’s second Workplace Mental Health Survey are in.</p>
    <p>Wondering what they mean for you?</p>
    <p>Close to 8,000 of us participated…and provided valuable input.</p>
    <p>And while we’re making progress, there is a lot more work to do.</p>
    <p>See how science is letting us use your feedback to drive change and create the workplace we all want.</p>
    <p>Check out the infographic for services and support available at ESDC—and for tips and tricks on how we can each be part of the change.</p>
    <p>Workplace Mental Health – we each have a role to play</p>

  • French code

    <figure class="wb-mltmd mrgn-lft-md" data-wb-mltmd="{"shareUrl": "http://iservice.prv/fra/catalogue_services/video/edsc-smmt-sondage-resultat-video.shtml"}">
    <video title="2019 Résultats du Sondage sur la santé mentale en milieu de travail" poster="/fra/catalogue_services/video/192014415/smmt-2019-sondage-resultat-video-still.png">
    <source src="http://iservice.prv/fra/catalogue_services/video/192014415/edsc-smmt-sondage-clean.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
    <track kind="captions" src="/fra/catalogue_services/video/192014415/edsc-smmt-sondage-transcription.xml" srclang="fr" label="French" data-type="text/xml" />
    <details> <summary>Transcription</summary>
    <p><strong>Résultats du Sondage sur la santé mentale en milieu de travail </strong></p>
    <em>Texte de la vidéo</em>
    <p>Les résultats du deuxième Sondage sur la santé mentale en milieu de travail d’EDSC sont maintenant connus.</p>
    <p>Vous vous demandez ce qu’ils signifient pour vous?</p>
    <p>Près de 8 000 d’entre nous y ont participé… et ont fourni des commentaires constructifs.</p>
    <p>Bien que nous progressions, il reste encore beaucoup de travail à faire.</p>
    <p>Découvrez comment la science nous permet d’utiliser vos commentaires pour susciter le changement et créer le milieu de travail que nous voulons tous.</p>
    <p>Consultez l’infographie sur les services et le soutien offerts à EDSC, et pour trouver des trucs et astuces afin de savoir comment chacun d’entre nous peut contribuer au changement.</p>
    <p>Santé mentale en milieu de travail – nous avons tous un rôle à jouer</p>
    </details> </figcaption></figure>