iService Accessibility Guide

The iService Publishing Guidelines follow the same styles and accessibility guidelines used on Content Style Guide to comply with the Accessible Canada Act.

  • What is Web Accessibility?
    Web Accessibility is:
    • The qualities that make a web experience available to the widest possible group of users independent of ability or disability.
    • Making sure you have not excluded people with visual, hearing, motor or cognitive impairments from your content.
    • The practice of ensuring that there are no barriers that prevent interaction with, or access to, websites by people with disabilities.
  • Why is web accessibility important?

    So that people with disabilities can perceive, understand, navigate, interact more autonomously with the Web, and that they can contribute to the Web.

How to be Web Accessible?

Many aspects of accessibility are easy to understand and implement. Web accessibility depends on several components. Refer to the list below to learn more about the different components.

  • Official Languages

    Employees have official language rights when receiving services or communicating in the exercise of their duties and functions.

    Therefore, we must publish communications and provide services in both official languages.

  • Plain Language

    Plain language makes critical information accessible and readable for everyone.

    By writing plainly and simply, you:

    • increase the chances that people will find, understand and use your information;
    • make your information more accessible to people with disabilities;
    • improve task completion by reducing enquiries.
  • Abbreviations and Acronyms

    An abbreviation or acronym may be used if it is better known than its long form.

    To assure that the meanings of acronyms and abbreviations are clear to everyone, always spell out an abbreviation the first time you use it on a page.

    More information: How to write Abbreviations and Acronyms.

  • Colour and shapes

    We do not use color or shape's to transmit information as this is not accessible to people with functional limitations.


    A person who is not visually impaired can distinguish the colours and determine the level of the courses according to the caption.

    Microsoft Office Suite
    Course TitleLevel*

    *Red = Advanced
    Yellow = Intermediate
    Green = beginner

    A colour-blind person can't distinguish all colours. Even with a caption, it is impossible to know which course is beginner and advanced.

    Microsoft Office Suite
    Course TitleLevel*

    *Red = Advanced
    Yellow = Intermediate
    Green = beginner

    To make the information accessible, simply remove the colours and indicate the levels in text format.

    Microsoft Office Suite
    Course TitleLevel
    Word Advanced
    Excel Advanced
    PowerPoint Intermediate
    OneNote Beginner
  • Colour Contrast

    Any foreground element in the image must have a good colour contrast with the background, so that people with colour-blindness or other partial vision impairments can see the text.

    If you are unsure that your image has a good colour contrast, visit the A11y Accessibility Check and test your image. A good colour-contrast ratio is 4.5:1. If your image meets or exceeds this minimum ratio, your image is accessible.

  • Document Conversion

    All documents (DOC, PDF, XLS, PPT, etc) must be converted into Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) format.

    Make sure to allow enough time for document conversion when sending us your request.

    * Exceptions can be made for special documents such as Forms, Excel spreadsheets with built in codes for calculations and Outlook email files.

  • Format

    A clean presentation style is easier to read and understand. Avoid using excessive formating (bolding, italics and underlining) that may distract readers.

    Use underlining for hyperlinks (links) only.
    Use bold for emphasis, but use with moderation.
    Use italic for legal references only (Acts and Laws).
    Use CAPS for abbreviations and acronyms only.
  • Hyperlinks (Links)

    Links are important for both visual and non-visual users. People who use assistive technology can navigate web content using links.

    For example, screen readers read the text of any given links aloud. The text must therefore clearly indicate to what information it is referring.

    URLs cannot be used as link text. Text should be substituted by the title of the page it's being linked to.

    For example, instead of using as link text, use "Immigrate to Canada."

    "Click here," "For more information," and similar links are not allowed on the Intranet. These links are not self-explanatory.

    More information: How to create Hyperlinks.

  • Headings, Subheadings and Page Title

    Most people scan page titles and headings, looking for keywords that will confirm that they have found what they are looking for.

    A descriptive page title is important because search engines often display the title without the context that the rest of the page provides.

    People who use assistive technology may listen for keywords using software or keyboard shortcuts to access all the headings on a page.

    More information: How to use Headings and Subheadings

  • List

    A short vertical list is easier for people to scan and remember than a long paragraph.

    Numbered lists:
    to show ranking, order, priority and step-by-step instructions.
    Bulleted lists:
    one idea in each bulleted item.
    Alphabetical lists:
    present your web content in an alphabetical order only if it's the most logical and intuitive approach for the audience.
  • Visual Elements

    You can use images and videos to:

    • enhance key messages
    • help people complete their task
    • make complicated information easier to understand
    • reflect Canada's diverse population as much as possible (including seniors, youth, Indigenous peoples, and people from a wide variety of ethnic origins)

    When planning your content, weigh the benefits of using images, infographics and videos with the impact on people who will try to view them.

  • Images and Replacement Text

    Images can distract people. They can also make the page take longer to load. Make sure your images add value to your content.

    There are two main types of images:

    • Functional images (infographic, graphic, chart): This type of image must be accompanied by a long description.
    • Decorative images (logo, icon): These images must be accompanied by an alternative text (alt text).

    Alternative text (or alt text) is text that describes an image. It makes it possible for people using assistive technologies to access the information conveyed by an image.

    More information: Infographics and How to use Alt text and Long Description.

  • Audio/Video and Transcript

    Audio and video's can be used to present information in a more interesting and interactive format then text. Also they're used to easily explain a more complex subject.

    A transcript is the text equivalent of an audio or video file. They make it easier for people who need to access information in audio or visual media but cannot hear or see the content.

    More information: Video