Connexion Corner: ESDC's Monthly Learning Bulletin

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August 2021 Edition

No matter your role within our department, you can find something to fit your unique needs and interests within Connexion Corner: your one-stop-shop for everything learning related at ESDC!

Project Management

Everyday, ESDC employees across Canada contribute to projects.

These projects help us improve services to Canadians or provide better services to ESDC employees like you!

Whether a project is big or small, good project management is one of the keys to success.

That is why this month’s Connexion Corner is filled with information regarding this important learning priority.

Ready to start learning? Browse the learning options below to register for the offerings of your choice, or send this page to your colleagues to make it a team event.

Spotlight on!

Spotlight On
Mental health

Project management: Something for everyone!

You may be thinking: I am not a project manager. Why do I need to know about project management? To successfully transform and continue to improve the way we work and provide services to our clients, project management skills are important. These skills will be in high demand for many years to come.

Did you know that the department offers lots of training options around project management? The Enterprise Project Management Office (EPMO) has a suite of courses for you to discover.

Whether you want to get an introduction to project management, or find out more about the Project Management Competency Development (PMCD) Program, ESDC has you covered.

Make a Spotlight Submission!

Explore these online learning offerings at anytime

Explore these online learning offerings at anytime

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Do more learn more

Ask Coco!

Dear Coco,

I am hearing about interesting training opportunities for ESDC employees, but I don`t always know where to go to get more information on available training offerings. Is there something that could help me quickly locate the information I am looking for?

- Seeking Support

Dear Seeking,

This is a great question, and we have just the thing to help.

The College@ESDC is piloting the new Course Finder, formerly known as the ESDC National Learning Catalogue, this summer. Course Finder helps you to discover classroom, virtual and self-directed learning opportunities offered by the College@ESDC to all departmental employees.

Be the first to try this new search tool to find nationally-available courses and events.

You will find a wide variety of learning that supports our departmental learning priorities.

Course Finder
Learn by participating in these national, virtual events

Delivering Value During COVID-19: Annual Learning Day for the Government of Canada's Project Management Community (rebroadcast)

Date: August 11, 2021

Time: 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM (EDT)

Language: Bilingual, with interpretation in both official languages

Learning Priority: Digital Mindset


The theme, "Positioning the Government of Canada to Deliver Value in a COVID-19 Context," offered project managers, leaders and teams an opportunity to build their knowledge and skills so that they can effectively deliver projects in a rapidly changing public sector context.

Revisit the conversation to learn more about:

  • leading projects during a global pandemic
  • managing projects in a digital government
  • realizing important social benefits through effective project leadership


Elder Talk: Exploring Identity (rebroadcast)

Date: August 12, 2021

Time: 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM (EDT)

Language: English, with interpretation in French

Learning Priority: Indigenous Awareness


Elder Gerry Oleman, a member of the St'at'imc Nation in British Columbia speaks about how identity is formed both collectively and for each individual, how identity is imposed on us, and how we can also create our own identities. Viewers will gain greater awareness of the ways colonialism has impacted and continues to impact not only Indigenous identities, but non-Indigenous collective identities as well.


Workplace Mental Health Workshop Part 1: Identifying our Challenges and Needs

English: August 12, 2021, 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM (EDT)

French: August 12, 2021, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM (EDT)

Learning Priority: Mental Health


This session is part one of a two-part workshop that will allow employees to identify their challenges and needs and listen to those of other employees in the context of preparing to return to the physical workplace. This session will help develop capacities for pausing, listening, and working with disruption.


How to Use Accelerators to Drive Innovation in the Public Service

Date: August 17, 2021

Time: 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM (EDT)

Language: Bilingual, with interpretation in both official languages. American Sign Language and langue des signes québécoise interpretation will be provided.

Learning Priority: Strategic and Analytical Thinking


In this virtual session, participants will learn what accelerators are all about, their benefits, as well as how they can leverage accelerators to grow, build networks, develop new skills through hands-on learning, mentorship and coaching.

National and international experts will demonstrate live how accelerators, once exclusive to start-up and private sector innovation, are driving innovation within government with great success.


Workplace Mental Health Workshop Part 2: From Awareness to Action – Acknowledging Grief and Loss as We Create the Work Environment We Want

English: August 19, 2021, 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM (EDT)

French:: August 19, 2021, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM (EDT)

Learning Priority: Mental Health


This session is part two of a two-part workshop facilitated by the workplace mental health team. Once employees have identified their challenges and needs and listened to that of other employees (Part 1), they are invited to identify what they want more, or less off, as they adapt and become accustomed the virtual workplace. Those hoping to register and attend this session will have had to attend the part 1 session.


The Power of Linking Data: A Demo in Data-driven Decision-making

Date: August 24, 2021

Time: 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM (EDT)

Language: English, with interpretation in French

Learning Priority: Digital Mindset


Join the GC Data Community as they host a demonstration on how to link administrative data to learn about the process of building a data warehouse, and the journey of creating insightful dashboards that support meaningful decision making. Participants will learn about security and permissions when linking data, agile development when linking data across an organization, the importance of taking a multi-disciplinary approach to data integration, and how linking data improves its quality.


An Introduction to Canada's Colonial History (K113)

Date: August 24, 2021

Time: 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM (EDT)

Language: French

Learning Priority: Indigenous Awareness


Learning about and understanding our shared history is an important step towards reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples. This course explores colonialism and other historical themes and events in a way that provides an opportunity to see Canada's history from a new perspective. Participants will learn how the relationships with First Peoples in Canada have developed over the past 500 years and how to begin the work of addressing the impact of this history on all Canadians.

Topics include:

  • examining historical periods in the relationship between Indigenous Peoples and settlers
  • reviewing themes and events in colonial history
  • acknowledging the impacts of historical events on the lives of First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples today


Well-being Check-in for Self and Team (Managers)

English: August 26, 2021, 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM (EDT)

French: August 26, 2021, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM (EDT)

Learning Priority: Mental Health


This facilitated, interactive workshop will teach participants to take the pulse of their current mental/emotional state in relation to their work using a simple infographic. Participants will then learn how to use the infographic to spark ‘real’ conversations and build trust among team members. In an almost entirely virtual work environment, maintaining connection with staff (as a manager) or with colleagues (as a team member) is more important than ever. Come ready to share and learn!

Register for Team check-in tool for managers

Team check-in tool (employees)

English: August 31, 2021, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM (EDT)

French: August 31, 2021, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM (EDT)

Learning Priority: Mental Health


This facilitated workshop will allow participants to experience a team check-in exercise that explores each person’s current mental/emotional state in relation to their work. In an almost entirely virtual work environment, maintaining connection with staff (as a manager) or with colleagues (as a team member) is more important than ever. This tool is for all participants to be used individually (to pause and self-reflect) and at the beginning of team meetings.

Register for Team check-in tool for managers

  Try this!

Want to find out more about leading projects in the Government of Canada? The Canada School of Public Service has a 3 episode podcast series that is sure to interest you. This podcast series is designed with and for public service leaders to enable and support projects that deliver real benefits. Check it out!

  Sneak Peek

Your Connexion Corner theme for September is “Official Languages Learning”.

  • Linguistic Duality Day is on September 8, 2021.