Bullying doesn't just happen in schoolyards

infographic (PDF, 242 KB)
Bullying doesn't just happen in schoolyards printable version

It is also:

  • Rumours, gossiping, insinuation and lies that ruin someone's reputation
  • Insulting, screaming at or denigrating a person
  • Excluding and isolating a person
  • Destroying or impeding a person's work
  • Withholding necessary information and resources required for a person to do their work
  • Ignoring, contradicting, belittling or rejecting every comment and opinion expressed by a person
  • Imposing excessive tasks and impossible to meet deadlines
  • Telling or sending offensive jokes


  • Do not just ignore the behaviour
  • Do not just accept the situation
  • Do not let it take over your personal life
  • Help is here, contact Harassment Centre of Expertise

Bullying happens with peers around, in over 80% of cases

45% of targets suffer stress-related health problems, including anxiety, panic attacks, and clinical depression

Bullying is 4x more common that either sexual harassment or discrimination on the job*
*According to the Workplace Bullying Institute

57% of the time, bullying stops within 10 seconds when a bystander steps in
