Departmental Procedures for Demonstrations at Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) Premises


Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) offices can be impacted by demonstrations held outside or within Government of Canada space. These forms of protest may be planned and thus known ahead of time, or they may be unannounced. Demonstrations are usually peaceful and simply intended to give visibility to an issue. The media is sometimes present.

Management Objectives

The management objectives for protests, demonstrations are to:

  • Maintain safety and security of employees and clients
  • Minimize disruptions to services
  • Protect data, personal information, and Government of Canada property

General Instructions that Apply in All Situations


  • Remain calm
  • Advise local management of the situation
  • Follow the instructions of ESDC Management, the Building Emergency and Evacuation Team, Responsible Building Authority and Emergency Responders
  • Refer media enquiries to National Media Enquiries 819-994-5559 (
  • Maintain service to clients if possible
  • Safeguard information and assets
  • Update clients on service interruptions
  • Follow emergency procedures and where appropriate press the panic button or call 911 if there is imminent danger


  • Act aggressively, either verbally or physically
  • Intervene or physically attempt to remove demonstrators
  • Become implicated or involved in activities of the demonstrators
  • Address the media
  • Demonstration (Outside ESDC Premises)

    Manager’s role

    The Director, Service Manager, Team Leader or most senior employee onsite will coordinate operations.
    In order to meet management objectives:

    • Notify the Regional Security Office of the situation
    • Follow the instructions of ESDC Management, the Building Emergency and Evacuation Team, Responsible Building Authority and Emergency Responders
    • Refer media enquiries to National Media Enquiries 819-994-5559 (
    • Maintain service to clients if possible
    • Safeguard information and assets
    • Update clients on service interruptions
    • Follow emergency procedures and where appropriate press the panic button or call 911 if there is imminent danger
    • If a peaceful protest threatens to overwhelm the site capacity of the office then locking the doors is prudent. If an aggressive protest is evident, contact and follow the direction of local law enforcement if conditions allow
    • Update the Regional Security Office regularly
    • Communicate any temporary interruption in operations as required
    • Document the incident and complete required reports (refer to the section below on Documenting Demonstrations

    Instructions for employees

    • Make reasonable efforts to get to your workplace
    • If demonstrators prevent you from accessing the building, go to the assembly point and call your supervisor
    • Await instructions from management
  • Demonstration (Inside ESDC Premises)

    Manager’s role

    The Director, Service Manager, Team Leader or most senior employee onsite will coordinate operations.
    In order to meet the above management objectives:

    • Remain calm and courteous
    • Notify the Regional Security Office of the situation
    • Follow the instructions of ESDC Management, the Building Emergency and Evacuation Team, Responsible Building Authority and Emergency Responders
    • Refer media enquiries to National Media Enquiries 819-994-5559 (
    • Limit access to employee work areas
    • If possible identify the spokesperson, establish the intent of the demonstration, and advise them that they do not have permission to take photos, film or record inside ESDC premises
    • Ask demonstrators and media not to disrupt access to services by clients
    • Calling 911 if:
      • Criminal activity, acts of violence or display of weapons are taking place
      • Physical or verbal threats are made to clients or employees
      • The number of demonstrators on site exceeds the office capacity and demonstrators refuse to leave
      • Demonstrators/media are recording, or taking photographs within the office
      • Data, personal information or property is being jeopardized
    • Co-operate with police and emergency responders
    • If necessary, order a shelter-in-place or use emergency exits not accessible to demonstrators
    • Provide employees and clients relevant instructions and information
    • Update the Regional Security Office regularly during any demonstration
    • Following an incident, remind employees that the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is available should they require assistance

    Instructions for employees

    • Remain calm and courteous
    • Inform your supervisor immediately
    • Follow the instructions of ESDC Management, the Building Emergency and Evacuation Team, Responsible Building Authority and Emergency Responders
    • Should there be imminent danger, use the panic buttons or contact 911
    • Limit access to employee work areas
    • If it is safe to do so, secure protected and personal documents, valuables and lock all computers
  • Preparedness

    If it is anticipated that a site may be the target of a demonstration the Regional Security Office must be advised. Local management and the Regional Security Office will work with local law enforcement and the services of Commissionaires may be engaged as a precautionary measure.

    • Where possible, ESDC Management or Communications should gather information concerning demonstrations to determine details such as timing, size and demonstrator demands
    • Security equipment such as panic buttons and closed circuit video equipment must be regularly tested and verified
    • Employees and managers should review emergency procedures found in the emergency guides located on iService:
    • Where possible, secure objects that could be damaged, stolen or pose danger during a demonstration
    • Secure personal information and protected documents
    • Verify that office Emergency Evacuation Plans and Business Continuity Plans are up to date
    • Provide a briefing to staff on procedures for Demonstrations
    • If possible arrange to have a Manager or Team Leader onsite for planned demonstrations
  • Documenting Demonstrations
    • In addition to regular updates provided to the Regional Security Office, managers are to keep a detailed account of events for reporting purposes and possible legal use. Once the incident is over, complete a Security Incident Report Form (ADM 3061) as soon as possible and forward to the Regional Security Office. Keep records of as many details as you can including:
      • Date/time (when the situation started and the time of specific events during the situation)
      • Employee actions taken and time
      • Number of demonstrators
      • Record the actions of the demonstrators
      • Record all demands, relevant comments, communications or remarks made by each party
      • Any involvement/action taken by Law Enforcement
      • Should there be an incident, record the names of key players involved (if available demonstrators, clients, employees)
    • If demonstrations are outside of the workplace, no employees are injured and no other hazardous occurrence such as a threat took place, it is not necessary to fill out a Hazardous Occurrence Investigation Report (LAB1070). However, if any employees were injured, including employees stating that as a result of the incident they were affected psychologically and unable to report to work the next day, management would be required to fill out a Hazardous Occurrence Investigation Report (LAB1070) and submit it to Labour Program within 14 days of the incident
  • Media Protocol
    • All media inquiries and requests must be directed to National Media Enquiries at 819-994-5559 (
    • When media arrive at a Service Canada Centre or other ESDC office, local Manager/Team Leader or most senior employee should:
      • Introduce themselves and ask the nature of the media interest and provide this information to the Regional Security Office and to media relations
      • Monitor if clients are not being impeded in entering or leaving the office
      • Monitor that media representatives do not interview (or shoot footage) inside the office
      • If media representatives do not comply, they will be asked to leave the premises. Failure to do so will result in a call to the local police
    • As required and if safe to do so, provide a copy of the Information for Media to the media representative outlining the above media protocol
  • Demonstrator Protocol
    • ESDC places priority on the safety and security of its employees, clients, information and assets. If at any time there is a danger or threat to the safety and security of its employees or risk to information and assets the affected office may be temporarily closed
      • Demonstrators are not to impede client access to services provided at the office
      • Demonstrators may not record (photo, sound, video) inside the office
      • Demonstrators unwilling to comply with these requirements will be asked to leave the premises
      • Refusal to leave will result in notification of the local police
    • As required and if safe to do so, provide a copy of the Information for Demonstrators to the spokesperson outlining the above demonstrator protocol
  • Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
    • The effects of an emergency at work may place employees under additional stress. To support employees EAP counselling services are available at 1‑800‑268‑7708 (24/7) or 1‑800‑567‑5803 (Telecommunication Device for the Deaf).
    • Managers can obtain additional services for their employees, through the EAP Specialized Organizational Services (SOS). SOS includes workshops, coaching services, trauma management services, counselling and workplace intervention. Managers can contact Health Canada’s SOS marketing line at 1‑888‑366‑8213 or email to get the guidance for identifying their specific needs