Group Management Portal (GMP)

Questions and Answers

  • Where can I find the Group Management Portal?

    The Group Management Portal can be accessed at the following link: GMP.

    For future reference, the Group Management Portal is available through the IM-IT Service Catalogue, under Software/Application Service.

  • As a list owner, I was already able to manage my own lists through Outlook. What’s the difference?

    In the future, it will no longer be possible to manage distribution lists and security groups through Outlook. Employees are therefore encouraged to transition to the Group Management Portal to manage lists/groups.

  • Is there help available on how to use the Group Management Portal?

    An Employee Guide has been developed to help employees using the Group Management Portal. Employees may access the Guide from the left menu of the Group Management Portal.

  • Can I see all the lists/groups that I belong to using the Portal?

    You can view your group and list memberships using GMP. This gives you a good opportunity to review your memberships and request to be removed from the lists/groups that you no longer want to receive emails from.

  • What if distribution lists or groups I am looking for are missing?

    If you followed the instructions on how to find a list or a group and still can’t find what you are looking for, submit an online request to the National Service Desk.

  • After requesting to be added (or removed) to a list, I received an email saying that my request was denied. What should I do?

    This email is generally sent when a request has not been approved and/or rejected by the owner of the list within the required timeframes. This could happen when an owner is away for a long period or has left the organization. If you receive such an email, submit an online request to the National Service Desk.

  • I am getting automated emails asking me to approve or reject requests regarding to lists/groups. Why is that?

    If you are getting automated emails asking you to either approve or reject requests from employees for specific lists/groups, it means that you are identified in our systems as the owner of that list/group. You may approve and/or reject request directly through the Outlook email notification buttons or through the Group Management Portal.

    If you no longer want to be identified as an owner of a list, refer to the section Add/Remove Owners from a Group or List of the Group Management Portal Guide.

  • I should no longer be the owner of a list/group. How can I have my name removed as the owner of a list/group?

    Through the Group Management Portal, you can view your ownerships. If you are not the only owner of a list/group, you can simply request to be removed by selecting the “Owner” tab and deleting your name.

    If you are the only owner of a list/group, you will need to submit an online request to the National Service Desk to be removed as the owner of that list and have another owner identified.

  • After reviewing my group and list ownerships, I realized that one or more groups/lists for which I am the owner should be deleted. What should I do?

    If you want a list or a group to be deleted, submit an online request to the National Service Desk.

  • Can I change the language settings in GMP?

    The Group Management Portal is displayed in the default language of your Internet Explorer (IE). To change language settings of the Group Management Portal, which opens in an IE browser window, follow the quick fix instructions for changing the language settings in Internet Explorer.