FAQ: Conducting Performance Management During the COVID-19 Pandemic


  • The term "manager" refers to anyone (team leaders, supervisors) who is responsible to conduct the performance review of a direct report or subordinate or employee.
  • As most ESDC employees and managers are working virtually, how can they proceed with their performance evaluation?

    Employees and managers may proceed with performance conversations by using alternative means such as one of ESDC's approved videoconferencing applications for example WebEx, Skype and Microsoft Teams or the telephone.

  • How can managers prepare for and approach performance management conversations?

    Employees may be experiencing a high degree of uncertainty, worry, anxiety and stress about the health and safety of their loves ones, and how COVID-19 may disrupt their work and personal lives.

    It is important for managers to acknowledge these impacts and engage in open dialogue, which includes ways to maintain and support mental health.

    It is particularly important to recognize and support those who are more directly involved in the management of the situation, and those who have been instructed to self-isolate or who are suffering from symptoms of COVID-19.

    In these circumstances, managers and employees may not be in optimal conditions to have meaningful and sometimes difficult conversations. Managers should recognize these constraints and adjust their approach accordingly.

    Examples of adjustments may include flexibility in the timing of the conversations (i.e. specific time of the day, postpone, etc.) and the use of alternate methods to provide feedback (i.e. in writing, on the telephone, or via videoconference, etc.).

    The Canada School of Public Service (CSPS) offers the How to Manage Difficult Conversations (W009) and Having Constructive Performance Conversations (G131) courses to support managers and employees in this area.

    The ESDC Office of Informal Conflict Management (OICM) recently started offering Difficult Performance Management Discussions information and practice sessions for managers and supervisors. Participants can register via Saba.

    This organization as well as the Employee Assistance Program are available to offer support to both employees and managers.

    Labour Relations is available to support managers.

  • What are managers’ responsibilities in conducting the performance management exercise while managing remotely?

    Managers are responsible for supporting employees to perform effectively by providing formal performance feedback and establishing performance objectives for the upcoming review period.

    As such, it is important that the performance discussions be carried out productively, even when done remotely.

    The fundamental principles of effective performance discussions have not changed, however the conditions have changed.

    To this end, it is recommended that:

    • Managers set aside sufficient time to have a fulsome performance discussion with each employee and schedule video or teleconferences accordingly. Schedule a follow-up a few days later to allow time for reflection and additional feedback.
    • Managers share written feedback in advance to allow employees to prepare for the performance discussion and ask employees to be prepared to discuss how they would assess their own performance.
    • Performance discussions be conducted at a time and in a location that provides privacy and avoids interruption and distractions for both the manager and the employee.
    • As the usual non-verbal cues may not be available, managers may want to check-in frequently with employees on their understanding and allow time to process the feedback.
    • Discussions be held in the employee’s language of choice.
    • Managers establish performance improvement plans (formerly known as action plans) as appropriate.
    • Managers continue to monitor employees on probation.
  • In light of the pandemic, some employees have been assigned new work objectives. What are the managers’ responsibilities?

    When an employee begins a new job, the manager must:

    • discuss the new work objectives and associated performance indicators with the employee based on changing priorities;
    • ensure that the work objectives are SMART;
    • update the PSPM App accordingly. If they do not have access to the electronic PA, they can note the information in a MS Word document and copy-paste the information at a later date in the PSPM App. Note: it is always recommended to follow this step to ensure that a back up document exists in case of system failure.
  • How can managers evaluate an employee who has more than one job (acting, assignment, secondment, etc.) during the same fiscal year?

    When an employee has more than one job during the year, it is important to communicate the new work objectives, to add them in the PSPM App and to assess performance based on all work objectives. As the final assessment takes into account all of the objectives of an employee, we encourage you to have a discussion with the other employee’s manager (s) to discuss accomplishments and to determine the final rating. The time spent in the various jobs should be a factor to be considered when assigning the rating.

  • I am working from home. Can I access my Performance Agreement (PA) via the PSPM App?

    Only employees who have access to the ESDC network can access their electronic PAs via the PSPM App.

  • I do not have access to the PSPM App or the ESDC network. How can I view, make changes to my PA and sign it?

    If your manager has access to the PSPM App and had access to your PA prior to the COVID-19 situation, they should still have access to your PA.

    The manager can send to your personal email address, a copy of your PA, protected by a password, in a PDF or MS Word format.

    Once you receive your PA, you can document your comments in a MS Word document and return it to your manager. This is always a recommended action even if you have access to the PSPM App to ensure that a back up document exists in case of system failure.

    The next time you are able to access your electronic PA, you and your manager can simply copy and paste the information into your PA.

    At such time, you and your manager will both be able to sign the PA.

    For more information, you may refer to the following guide: Sending an employee's Performance Agreement (PA) to a personal email account for employees who do not have access to the ESDC network or do not have access to the Public Service Performance Management Application (PSPM App) (DOCX, 935 KB).

  • My manager is unavailable (extended sick leave, etc.). How can the PA be accessed and how can the evaluation be completed?

    A request can be sent to a PSPM App Administrator to release the employee. The employee’s new manager (or substitute) can claim them and complete the discussion as well as input comments and the rating in the PSPM App.

  • My manager does not have access to the PSPM App. How can the PA be accessed and how can the evaluation be completed?

    The manager’s supervisors in the same upper hierarchy tree line have access to your PA (if they are all connected in the PSPM App) and can send you your PA. You may then have your conversation with your manager. When your manager gets access to the PSPM App, they will be in a position to input comments and ratings.

  • My manager and I do not have access to the PSPM App. How can the PA be accessed and how can the evaluation be completed?

    The manager’s supervisors in the upper hierarchy tree line have access to your PA (if they are all connected in the PSPM App) and can send you your PA. You may then have your conversation with your manager. When access to the PSPM App is granted, you and your manager will be in a position to input comments and ratings.

  • I have an employee who does not have a PA in the PSPM App. How can I complete their evaluation?

    You may use the 2020-2021 PA template (DOCX, 198 KB) (paper version) (available in MS Word format) to input your comments and the ratings. The employee can also input comments.

    When you are able to create a PA in the PSPM App, you can simply copy and paste the information into the electronic PA.

  • What should a manager do in regards to performance management for an employee on Leave with Pay for Other Reasons (Code 699) as a result of the COVID-19 situation?

    If an employee is on Leave with Pay for Other Reasons (Code 699), either partially or wholly, the manager is still expected to make all efforts to finalize the Performance Agreement with that employee.

    It is important to consider each case individually and understand the reasons for providing the code 699 leave.

    Managers and employees are encouraged to explore all options to finalize the PA. This may include waiting until the employee returns from short-term code 699 leave (i.e. for COVID-19 related illness), or considering flexible hours to hold the discussions when the employee is available (i.e. for employees who are on code 699 leave for daycare or school closures).

    The department has identified options for employees who do not have access to the network. The most critical aspect is open and continuous dialogue between the manager and employee to find a way to close the PA.

    The Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat’s Chief Human Resources Officer has recently provided updated guidance on the use of Leave with Pay for Other Reasons (Code 699) that came into effect on November 9, 2020. Details of the guidance can be found in the "If you need to take time off because of COVID-19" section of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Employee illness and leave site.

    The PA should only be closed by a PSPM App administrator in exceptional circumstances (by selecting “Extended Paid Leave” from the drop down menu). If such option is being considered, please contact your Performance and Talent Management Branch or Regional Coordinator to discuss the details and reasons for wanting to close the PA in the PSPM app.

  • There may be other instances where managers or employees are not able to complete the PA. What can we do about it?

    Please direct your request to your Performance and Talent Management Branch or Regional Coordinator. They will review all situations on a case-by-case basis and support you as much as possible.

  • Where can I find other resources related to performance management during COVID?

    We have compiled a number of several good resources that have been developed either by various ESDC branches and regions or other Government of Canada departments. These resources are available on Sharepoint in a directory entitled Gestion du Rendement durant la COVID_Perf Mngmnt during COVID or on our iService Reference Tools page under the title Reference Tools for Performance Management during COVID-19.