Hazard Prevention Program - Management Action Plan

Hazard Profile Group 1:

Jobs Involving Office Work -Employees in this group spend time working at a desk, or standing, performing administrative duties, writing reports, using a computer, etc. for part or all of their day.

1.  Inadequate Ergonomics

  • a.  Static Posture

    Hazard Ranking = A (Highly Likely Exposure x Severe Health Effects)

    Based on the fact that the vast majority of ESDC employees spend most of their day sitting at a desk and the potential for static postures to cause chronic illness exists.

Inadequate Ergonomics
Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility

Module III: Integrated Ergonomics Program

Module III: Integrated Ergonomic Program

Self-adjustment tools

Dynamic Sitting Postures

Stretching Exercises

Managers are to ensure employees are trained.

Employees are required to take training.

Employees will be educated on ergonomics via web-based training

Online Ergo Awareness Training

Managers are to ensure employees are trained.

Employees are required to take training.

Dynamic Postures

Module III: Integrated Ergonomic Program

Self-adjustment tools

Dynamic Sitting Postures

Stretching Exercises

Managers are to ensure employees are trained.

Employees are required to take training.

  • b.  Repetitive Motions

    Hazard Ranking = A (Highly Likely Exposure x Severe Health Effects)

    Same reasoning given for static postures.

Table B
Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility

Module III: Integrated Ergonomics Program

Module III: Integrated Ergonomic Program

Self-adjustment tools

Managers are to ensure employees are trained.

Employees are required to take training.

Employees will be educated on ergonomics via web-based training Online Ergo Awareness Training

Managers are to ensure employees are trained.

Employees are required to take training.

2.  Inadequate Housekeeping

  • a.  Fire hazards

    Hazard Ranking = A / B (Possible Exposure x Critical Health Effects)

    Some of the items identified regarding housekeeping practices and fire prevention were contraventions of the Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations. As such, we rated this as an A. Once the contraventions have been rectified, the rating would be downgraded to a B.

Inadequate Housekeeping
Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility

Regular inspections of the work place by the work place health and safety committee or representative.

Workplace Inspection Guide

Workplace Inspection Training

Work Place Health and Safety Committees / Representatives

Fire safety plan to be kept up to date.

Part XVII Canadian Occupational Health and Safety Regulations

Fire Protection Standard

Managers to ensure they inform their employees on the plan.

Employees are required to seek information from their manager on the plan.

Supervisors / managers and committees / representatives will be provided web-based training in performing workplace inspections.

Workplace Inspection Training

Health and Safety Committee members and representatives are required to take training.

Work Place Inspection Guide

Workplace Inspection Training

National Occupational Health and Safety Office to maintain the guide up-to-date.

Produce Occupational Health and Safety Bulletin to inform employees of the procedure that is in place for reporting concerns to Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) relating to building maintenance / building conditions.

National Service Call Centre

National Occupational Health and Safety Office to maintain the guide up-to-date.

  • b.  Slip / Trip / Fall hazards

    Hazard Ranking = A / B (Likely Exposure x Severe / Critical Health Effects)

    Based on the fact that falls and serious injuries associated with falls have occurred in the past at ESDC.

Table D
Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility

Regular inspections of the work-place by the Workplace Health and Safety Committee or Representative.

Workplace Inspection Guide

Work Place Health and Safety Committees / Representatives

Supervisors / managers and committees / representatives will be provided web-based training in performing workplace inspections.

Workplace Inspection Training

Managers to ensure employees are trained.

Employees are required to take training.

Work Place Inspection Guide

Workplace Inspection Guide

National Occupational Health and Safety Office to maintain the guide up-to-date.

Produce Occupational Health and Safety Bulletins to inform employees of the procedure that is in place for reporting concerns to Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) relating to building maintenance / building conditions.

National Service Call Centre

National Occupational Health and Safety Office to maintain the guide up-to-date.

3.  Psychosocial Hazards

  • a.  Physical Violence

    Hazard Ranking = B (Possible Exposure x Severe / Critical Health Effects)

    Based on the fact that physical violence has been reported and that the health outcome in a serious situation could include death.

Violence and Harassment
Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility

Module IV: Workplace Violence Prevention

Module IV: Workplace Violence Prevention

Violence Prevention Training

ESDC Code of Conduct

Values and Ethics for the Public Sector

Managers to ensure employees are trained.

Employees are required to take training.

ESDC encourages employees to complete the form ADM3061 Security Incident Report regarding any security incident that has taken place, for example persons who have been difficult, made threats, etc.

ADM3061 Security Incident Report

Corporate Security reviews and investigates, if needed.

ESDC encourages employees to complete the form LAB1070 Hazardous Occurrence Investigation Report regarding any health and safety incident that has taken place.

LAB1070 Hazardous Occurrence Investigation Report

Investigations, forms and reports must be completed in collaboration with the Workplace Health and Safety Committee/Representative

ESDC encourages employees to seek help from the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) when they need support after being exposed to physical violence.

Employee Assistance Program

Managers to ensure employees are informed that the EAP is there as a support mechanism

  • b.  Harassment

    Hazard Ranking = C (Likely Exposure x Minimal / Serious Health Effects)

    Based on the fact that exposure can occur in the workplace but with little consequence to health in most cases.

Table F
Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility

Working Alone Guide

Working Alone Guide

National Occupational Health and Safety Office to maintain the guide up-to-date.

Awareness and training (web-based) for employees on policies and programs, e.g. response to threats or harassment

Safe Work Procedures

Harassment Prevention and Resolution

Managers to ensure employees are trained.

Employees are required to take training.

4.  Struck-by Hazards

  • a.  Improper Stacking / Storage

    Hazard Ranking = B / C (Likely Exposure x Serious Health Effects)

    The B rating is given because improper storage / stacking practices would constitute OHS violations of the Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations where they exist. Once the contraventions are corrected, the rating can be downgraded to a C.

Table G
Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility

Safe filing practices are communicated and in place (e.g. cabinets are secured, safety mechanism in drawers, filing from the bottom up).

Workplace Housekeeping Basics

Managers to ensure employees are informed.

Employees must implement practices.

Physical safety stacking practices are communicated and in place, not overloading overhead cabinets, etc.

Workplace Housekeeping Basics

Managers to ensure employees are informed.

Employees must implement practices.

Signage where doors can be opened into hallways etc. where a person may be accidentally hit.


Managers to ensure signage is in place.

Employees are required to respect signage.

Periodic inspections by supervisors, managers and the health and safety committees / health and safety representatives.

Workplace Inspection Guide

Managers / Site Lead ensure that the workplace is inspected as required.

Work Place Health and Safety Committees / Representatives inspect as required.

New filing cabinets purchased with appropriate safety features.


CFOB / Accommodations

5.  Electrical Hazards

  • a.  Improper use of Power Bars

    Hazard Ranking = C (Unlikely Exposure x Severe Health Effects)

Table H
Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility

Regular work place inspections.

Workplace Inspection Guide

Managers / Supervisors

Work Place Health and Safety Committees / Representatives

  • b.  Use of Unapproved Electrical Equipment and Appliances

    Hazard Ranking = C (Unlikely Exposure x Severe Health Effects)

Table I
Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility

Proper power bar usage.

Workplace Inspection Guide

Managers / Supervisors

Work Place Health and Safety Committees / Representatives

Electrical cords are kept off the floor.

Workplace Inspection Guide

Managers / Supervisors

Work Place Health and Safety Committees / Representatives

Ensure there are no unapproved or personal equipment being used.

Workplace Inspection Guide

Managers / Supervisors

Work Place Health and Safety Committees / Representatives