2019 ESDC WMH Survey: Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the Workplace Mental Health Survey?

    ESDC's Workplace Mental Health Survey is a questionnaire that the organization is launching for the second time in spring 2019 to measure employee experiences related to psychological health and safety within the work environment. The survey is conducted by the Human Resources Services Branch on behalf of the Implementation Committee for ESDC's Integrated Framework on Mental Health in the Workplace.

  • Why has ESDC implemented a workplace mental health survey?

    The aim of ESDC's Integrated Framework on Mental Health in the Workplace is to improve the psychological health and safety of our workplace through concrete and concerted activities and initiatives. An example of initiatives that stem from the Integrated Framework is the Workplace Mental Health Survey. Others include the Peer Support Program (PSP) and Manager to Manager Ambassador Network (M2M).

    The purpose of the Workplace Mental Health Survey is to hear directly from employees about their experiences in the workplace as they relate to psychological health and safety, and measure whether current mental health related activities and initiatives respond to the needs of employees. The information collected through this survey will continue to be reviewed along with other departmental data to:

    • identify and assess areas of strength and of concern;
    • ensure we take corrective action where needed; and
    • know whether we are making a difference in workplace culture.
  • How often is ESDC's Workplace Mental Health Survey administered?

    The first survey was launched in winter 2017. It is now administered at periodic intervals (e.g. every two years) to measure progress over time.

  • How does ESDC's Workplace Mental Health Survey relate to other departmental or government-wide surveys (for example, the Public Service Employee Survey)?

    Workplace mental health is a government-wide priority, and is embedded in several initiatives, such as Blueprint 2020 and the Federal Public Service Workplace Mental Health Strategy. A number of surveys are being used to capture various aspects of workplace mental health and well-being.  The information collected through these vehicles contributes to our understanding of our workplace, and informs strategic decisions as to where to focus resources that can best support our employees to thrive at work.

  • Will all employees be invited to complete ESDC's second Workplace Mental Health Survey?

    Yes, all employees will be invited to complete the Department's 2019 Workplace Mental Health Survey.

  • How long will it take to fill out the survey?

    The survey takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. Branch and Regional executives, Managers and team leaders have been informed that employees will need time to participate in the survey during work hours.

  • What if I work on the front line and / or don't have time to complete the survey?

    While the survey is voluntary, all managers and team leaders have been encouraged to give their employees the required time to complete the survey during working hours. Please work with your manager / team leader to block out time in your schedule to complete the survey.

  • Can my answers be traced back to me, through my computer address at work, at home, or from another electronic device?

    No. The online survey tool cannot track your identity through your email or IP address. Once we send the survey invitation out, we cannot track who has responded and therefore do not know who has completed the survey. This means that your responses are anonymous.

  • How are you safeguarding the results?

    The raw data is stored in a Protected B environment and is password protected. Aggregated results at the Region, Branch and Directorate levels will be prepared. We follow strict guidelines related to reporting results: if there are fewer than 10 respondents in a category, the data is grouped with another category, or suppressed.

  • What about my personal information? Can't you identify me once the data is analyzed at the Directorate level, or once you take into account all of my personal characteristics?

    We will not be analyzing the data at the individual level, or in a way that would allow us to guess a respondent's identity. This further protects every respondent's identity.

  • What if my Director General or Director asks for detailed analyses?

    Even if asked, we will not conduct more detailed analysis, nor will we provide the data for others to do this level of analysis. Only aggregated results at the Region, Branch and Directorate levels will be prepared. We follow strict guidelines related to analysis and reporting results. If there are fewer than 10 respondents in a category, the data is grouped with another category, or suppressed.

  • Will results be disseminated to employees?

    Yes. As was done for the 2017 survey, summary level results will be prepared and disseminated to all employees. You can read the 2017 results on our Workplace Mental Health Survey iService page.

  • Will concrete actions be taken as a result of the survey?

    Yes. Results will be used to make adjustments to the Integrated Framework, and ensure activities being implemented respond to needs of employees. Senior leaders will also be encouraged to share the results with their employees and to undertake discussions to validate and understand the results.

  • The Survey has surfaced some feelings about my personal well-being. Who can I talk to?

    Filling out the survey may elicit feelings of discomfort for some, and that's ok. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed as you complete the survey or afterwards, you can reach out to an Employee Assistance Programcounsellor at 1-800-268-7708. You can also access a Peer Supporter through the Department's Peer Support Program to chat. Peer Supporters listen, without judgment. They do not provide psychological counseling or clinical advice nor do they address situations of mental health crises; but can refer you to other sources of support if needed.

  • The Survey has got me thinking about workplace issues within my own team. Who can I talk to?
    • Responding to surveys like this can get people thinking differently about their own workplace situations. The first step is always to speak to your manager or supervisor if you have questions or concerns about your own workplace. A Team Discussion Guide (PDF, 381 KB) is posted on the iService site, to help teams explore their experience of workplace mental health. A local union representative may also be a resource from whom you could seek guidance.
    • In addition, the Office of Informal Conflict Management has services in place to support you whether you're dealing with a new or long-standing dispute or disagreement, tension in the workplace, or some other issue. Please contact the OCIM: Toll-free:  1-866-382-7502; National Headquarters:  819-654-5727; Email: NC-OICM-BGIC-GD.

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