EDSC M2M Network: Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q1. What is the Manager to Manager Network?

    The Manager to Manager Network (M2M) is a resource through which ESDC managers at all levels can connect and empower each other in an informal, safe and confidential manner to help sustain a psychologically healthy and safe workplace for their employees.

  • Q2. What is the difference between the Peer Support Program (PSP) and the M2M Network?

    Like M2M, the Peer Support Program (PSP) is also a confidential and non-clinical mental health support. However, while the PSP provides support to all employees for their own personal mental health related challenges, the M2M provides support to managers seeking support to help sustain a psychologically healthy and safe workplace for their employees.

  • Q3. Who are M2M Network Ambassadors?

    The M2M Ambassadors are seasoned managers who can dip into the lessons learned from their experience as managers supporting employees facing mental health related challenges, and share them with fellow managers facing similar situations. The M2M Ambassadors are also familiar with the complexities associated with providing support, as opposed to clinical advice, in the mental health and wellness related areas.

  • Q4. How can the M2M Ambassadors support their fellow colleagues?

    • By listening to their issues and by sharing ideas and personal experiences to help managers promote, prevent and/or respond to the mental health and wellness needs of their employees;
    • By having a good understanding of the various mental health and wellness related resources available to managers for targeted follow up, if necessary; and
    • By promoting self-care to managers to ensure they are cognizant of resources available to them for their personal support, if and when required.
  • Q5. What is a mental health challenge?

    A mental health challenge refers to a wide spectrum of circumstances. These can include, but are not limited to:

    • Feelings of depression or anxiety;
    • Substance abuse or other self-destructive behaviors; or
    • Any mental health related diagnosis.

    It may also include life/workplace challenges such as:

    • A marriage breakdown;
    • A severe workplace stress or conflict;
    • A feeling of being overwhelmed or of emotional turmoil; or
    • The loss of a loved one or a colleague.
  • Q6. How is the M2M Network different from the other professional services, such as the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), available to all employees at ESDC?

    Unlike other professional services, such as the EAP, the M2M Network is a non-clinical support system offered to managers. M2M Ambassadors can only provide support. While this may empower and inspire hope in their fellow colleagues, they are not counselors or health professionals.

  • Q7. How will managers be able to get access to a M2M Ambassador?

    ESDC managers will be able to select a M2M Ambassador they wish to consult from a list posted on iService and connect with them directly at work, in complete privacy, for a confidential conversation. That being said, it will be up to the M2M Ambassador to determine if they can support this manager based on each unique situation.

  • Q8. What if I do not want anyone in my work environment to know about my workplace issues?

    The M2M Network is national in scope and consultations can be done virtually. A M2M Ambassador can be contacted at work in person, by phone, by Lync or by email. Ambassadors have no designated territory or regional attachment and can therefore be contacted regardless of their geographical location, thus offering managers the possibility of maintaining confidentiality.

  • Q9. Will measures be put in place to ensure confidentiality?

    Yes. M2M Ambassadors will adhere to a strict Guideline of Conduct that includes clear confidentiality expectations, in line with current ESDC policies regarding Protection of Privacy. The Guidelines of Conduct will be enforced by the ESDC National M2M Network Office (NMNO) at Human Resources and Services Branch (HRSB).

  • Q10. What if a M2M Ambassador considers a manager’s usage of M2M Network to be improper?

    If M2M Ambassadors have reasons to be concerned, they will raise their concerns with the designated contact at the National M2M Network Office (NMNO) at HRSB and discuss next steps while maintaining confidentiality.

  • Q11. Will the program be evaluated?

    Yes. Pertinent data on the M2M Network will be collected and analyzed to ensure that it is meeting the actual needs of managers. The Network also has an "ever-green" governance structure to ensure that the Network continues to remain relevant and pertinent. Managers’ confidentiality will be strictly respected during all steps of the evaluation process.

  • Q12. What if the manager being helped breaches confidentiality? What are the consequences for the manager?

    It would be very important to inform the participants to respect confidentiality of any process of information they are entrusted with. That said, if there is a breach of information, it would be important for the Ambassador to report it to the parties in question, whether that is to the person involved or through the breach of information process.