Executive Commitments for Performance and Related Performance Measures for 2021-2022

October 29, 2021

A Guide for Executive (EX) Group Performance Agreements

Performance Agreements are a key part of ESDC’s corporate governance. They help to align executives’ leadership and work objectives with the Department’s strategies and business priorities. This guide outlines the key elements of an Executive Performance Agreement.

Performance Agreements

The Directive on Performance and Talent Management for Executives requires that executives have a performance agreement that demonstrates clear commitments specific to the executive’s role and responsibilities, with associated performance measures that are linked to the priorities of the organization and of the Government of Canada.

It is mandatory for all executives and those acting in EX positions to complete their annual Performance Agreement and Learning and Development Plan using the online Performance Agreement module in the Executive Talent Management System (ETMS).

Getting Started

In order for your current job title to be linked to your commitments in your Performance Agreement, you need to enter/update your personal information.

This can be done by going in My Workspace, opening the Personal Information tab and selecting add/update Employment History – Public Service.

Performance Commitments

Performance agreements set out the major commitments for each Executive. Each commitment must be accompanied by 1 to 3 performance measures, which describe success in terms of both “what” is to be achieved and “how” it will be achieved. “How” refers to the demonstration of Key Leadership Competencies in carrying out executive responsibilities and which will be considered in the assessment of executive performance.

There are four components to every Executive Performance Agreement:

  1. Corporate Commitments (set by the Clerk of the Privy Council)
  2. ESDC’s Departmental Commitment
  3. Individual Commitments
  4. Learning and Development Plan
  • 2021-2022 Corporate Commitments

    These mandatory commitments are set by the Clerk of the Privy Council to encourage enterprise-wide outcomes and to reflect the role of senior public servants in achieving government priorities.

    As the Government continues driving efforts in serving Canadians and supporting the economy in navigating unprecedented challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic; it is incumbent on senior leaders to take action to drive lasting transformations and adaptation efforts to build a more agile, inclusive, and better equipped public service.

    Enabling Sustainable Change in a Post-Pandemic Public Service (GOC Priority)

    For 2021-22, as part of our ongoing commitment to public service renewal and building on lessons from how the public service adapted how it worked and served since 2020, identify and imbed the best of those practices that supported our collective responsiveness to the needs of Canadians.

    ADM Level
    Mandatory measures
    1. I will develop and oversee a plan for a safe return to occupancy as a first step toward future of work (FOW) while following departmental, central agencies and provincial/territorial public health guidelines.
    2. I will actively contribute to future of work by applying lessons learned since 2020, collaborating with the FOW Secretariat, experimenting and being committed to new ways of working to deliver improved services and results for Canadians.
    DG/Director/Manager Levels
    Mandatory measures
    1. I will support and put measures in place to implement my branch’s/region’s plan for a safe return to occupancy while following departmental, central agencies and provincial/territorial public health guidelines.
    2. I will actively contribute to future of work by identifying ways to experiment and test approaches and support the required shift in my branch/region’s operations in order to deliver improved services and results for Canadians.

    Advancing Anti-Racism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Public Service (GOC Priority)

    In line with existing initiatives and taking into account the vast work and guidance provided by the Call to Action on anti-racism, equity, and inclusion in the Federal Public Service, Many Voices One Mind: A pathway to Reconciliation, and the Accessibility Strategy for the Public Service; and Take meaningful action to increase the diversity of the workforce and foster a culture of inclusiveness in your organization.

    ADM Level
    Mandatory measures
    1. I will establish workforce plans for my organization based on current employment equity representation data, as well as 2031/2036 Canadian population projections, that include recruitment and development activities to increase representation of employment equity seeking in my workforce at all levels.
    2. I will participate in, support, and encourage employees to participate in diversity network events, and diversity learning activities and events within my branch/region to promote an inclusive and respectful work environment.
    3. I will establish means to incorporate diversity of voices and views into governance and decision-making for my organization’s business.
      • I will sponsor employment equity seeking group candidates who are identified by their managers as high-potential for executive roles, and executives with potential to advance to the ADM level, and will shadow mentees who are employment equity seeking group candidates within the organization.
      • I will contribute to advancing the ESDC Accessibility Roadmap across the Department and ensure that clear, actionable accessibility commitments are included in all executive and employee performance agreements.
    DG/Director Level
    Mandatory measures
    1. I will undertake recruitment and development activities to increase diversity of my workforce at all levels, with a particular focus on employment equity seeking group candidates.
    2. I will foster a workplace where people are treated with respect, dignity and fairness by promoting awareness, understanding and respect of diversity and inclusion through regular messaging and discussions at management and staff meetings.
    3. I will show leadership by embedding diversity and inclusiveness into my organization’s business.
    Executives all levels occupying a bilingual position
    Mandatory measure
    1. I will demonstrate my language skills using both official languages often and identify concrete measures to increase the use of both official languages within my team.
    Mandatory measures
    1. To combat racism and address barriers, I will foster a workplace where people are treated with respect, dignity and fairness by promoting awareness, understanding and respect of diversity and inclusion through regular messaging and discussions at staff meetings.
    2. I will support and encourage employees to participate in diversity network activities, diversity learning activities and events to promote an inclusive and respectful work environment. This includes providing time, pending operational requirements, needed to plan, coordinate and participate in awareness and developmental activities.
    3. I will support initiatives to recruit, retain and promote employment equity-seeking groups.

    Supporting Physical and Psychological Health and Safety (GOC Priority)

    For 2021-22, continue building and sustaining healthy, resilient workplaces by supporting the physical and psychological health and safety of your employees, including the prevention and resolution of harassment and discrimination.

    ADM Level
    Mandatory measures
    1. I will lead by example and take actions on a regular basis to support my own health and well-being.
    2. I will support the health, safety and resilience of my employees by communicating and encouraging them to access well-being resources while at work and by modelling behavior required to support a psychologically safe workplace.
    3. I will promote the Value of Respect for People by clearly and consistently communicating my expectations about maintaining a healthy, respectful workplace free from harassment, violence, and discrimination and an openness to the views and ideas of others, and will demonstrate ethical leadership by taking timely and appropriate action when I become aware of any uncivil, inappropriate or harassing behaviour to proactively seek resolution of issues.
    DG/Director/Manager Levels
    Mandatory measures
    1. I will lead by example and take actions on a regular basis to support my own health and well-being.
    2. I will support the health, safety and resilience of my employees by communicating and encouraging them to access well-being resources while at work, congruent with operational requirements and model the behavior required to support a psychologically safe workplace.
    3. I will demonstrate ethical leadership by taking timely and appropriate action when I become aware of any uncivil, inappropriate or harassing behaviour to proactively seek resolution of issues and maintain a respectful workplace free from harassment, violence, and discrimination, and will remain open and responsive to the views and ideas of others.

    Maintain support for sustainable Pay Management (GOC Priority)

    For 2021-22, lead continuing efforts to apply HR-to-Pay and Pay Stabilization strategies and mechanisms that ensure accurate and timely pay for employees and align with future state HR-to-Pay solutions.

    ADM Level
    Mandatory measures
    1. I will work collaboratively with my management team and partners in the Human Resources Services Branch to ensure that staffing and pay related actions are approved and submitted in accordance with established departmental targets, and will align my HR plan to minimize redundancy/multiple staffing actions to meet my resourcing needs in order to support intake optimization efforts.
    2. I will continuously and proactively engage my staff, ensuring they are aware of, and facilitate access to, training, information and tools available to support the prevention, management and resolution of pay issues.
    Executives and Managers
    Mandatory measures
    1. I will work collaboratively with my management team and partners in the Human Resources Services Branch to ensure that staffing and pay related actions are approved and submitted in accordance with established departmental targets, and will align my HR plan to minimize redundancy/multiple staffing actions to meet my resourcing needs in order to support intake optimization efforts.
    2. I will continuously and proactively engage my staff, ensuring they are aware of, and facilitate access to, training, information and tools available to support the prevention, management and resolution of pay issues.
  • 2021-2022 Departmental Commitment for ESDC

    This commitment applies to all ESDC executives and reflects a key departmental management priority.

    Supporting ESDC’s Transformation Agenda

    I will demonstrate my leadership commitment to the Department’s transformation agenda and help shape our Department’s culture of client-centric service excellence, engagement, and horizontal collaboration.

    ADM level
    1. I will serve as an active sponsor (both formally and informally) within my branch/region to build understanding and commitment to the transformation agenda within my leadership team.
    2. I will allocate time and resources within my branch/region for executives and employees to actively contribute and support change management and the execution of transformation work plans and activities.
    All Executives
    Mandatory measures
    1. I will communicate and engage with my management team and employees (both formally and informally) to build understanding and commitment to the transformation agenda and will act on opportunities and concerns as the implementation of the transformation agenda evolves.
  • Individual Commitments

    These commitments are directly linked to departmental priorities with principal results that executives are expected to achieve related to the Department’s business mandate and/or change initiatives. They are intended to be challenging but achievable with effort.

    Executives should identify which aspects of the Department’s mandate and/or strategic priorities should be highlighted in their Performance Agreement. There are a number of potential sources for your commitments:

    Each executive should identify five to six commitments relating to the programs, projects or services within their area of responsibility, and one to three performance measures for each commitment.

    Project Sponsors: To increase investment performance, all identified Project Sponsors will need to add a new individual commitment to their Performance Agreement. The new individual commitment for Project Sponsors will enhance the ownership and accountability for all active investments (projects and programs) to promote the achievement of benefits, on time, on budget and in scope.

    Examples of performance measures for executives

    Contribute to the Government of Canada and ESDC Service Strategy

    • I will support the implementation of ESDC’s transformation agenda improving the experience, quality, timeliness, and access of the client service dimensions
    • I will continue to support my employees with secure, accessible and more adaptable tools that will encourage collaboration and productivity
    • I will implement changes to program guidance that reflect business process improvements (e.g. auto-enrolment)
    • I will provide regional context and leadership on the development and implementation of the ESDC Service Strategy, Integrated Service Management, Integrated Channel Management, and Service Transformation Plan

    Lead program policy development and advice on effective implementation of Program X

    • I will develop policy proposals for consideration and decision in the short-to-medium term to reflect lessons learned from recent economic events and implement the commitments in the Management Response to the Evaluation
    • I will provide timely policy advice and interpretation to operations/delivery branches
    • I will make investment decisions that promote the values of the Government of Canada, are in line with the Department’s mandate and strategic direction and provide value to Canadians
    • I will monitor progress and signal early risks and issues that could impede success.

    Clients receive high quality, timely and efficient services that meet their needs

    • I will ensure that Service Canada meets its established service standard targets with respect to in-person wait times
    • I will support the development of a strategy and approach to manage service channels in an integrated way, leading to seamless experience for the citizen
    • I will develop proposals to reduce administrative burden on clients
    • I will take action to bring greater transparency to the Department’s performance against service standards

    Support Canadians to adapt to the changing labour market:

    • I will implement policies to encourage women and other underrepresented groups to pursue opportunities in the skilled trades
    • I will develop proposals to enhance services that connect job seekers and employers in a timely fashion
    • I will provide advice on service delivery and regional context to inform the development of future policy proposals
    • I will monitor the economic situation to assess potential impacts on Program X and implement temporary measures to respond to changes in the labour market or other external/environmental factors, as appropriate

    Support implementation of the Policy on Results

    • I will put in place methodologies to gather and report performance information in line with the Program Information Profile
    • I will ensure targets for performance measures / results are achieved within my area of responsibility
    • I will collaborate with colleagues across the department to develop and share best practices in program performance measurement

    Support Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+) within ESDC

    • I will support the Government’s commitment to conduct GBA+ within the context of proposed policies, programs, initiatives and services, and when developing Memoranda to Cabinet and TB submissions
    • I will monitor the performance of policies, programs, initiatives or services for emerging GBA+ impacts throughout implementation

    Cascading of Commitments

    Commitments and performance measures should relate to your supervisor’s Performance Agreement and be able to cascade to subordinate executive levels.

    If you manage other executives, you can share your commitments and performance measures with them as you prepare your Performance Agreement. Select “Share Commitments with Employees” to make your commitments and performance measures visible to your subordinate executives so that they may add them to their PA and modify them as required. A guide was established to explain the performance measures and how they are cascaded to executives reporting to you.

  • Learning and Development Plan

    The learning and development plan should identify training or experiences that will help strengthen leadership competencies or expand the knowledge and experience base of an executive. The Learning and Development Plan may also relate to the talent management placement of an executive.