Dual Employment and Dual Remuneration


Dual employment occurs when an employee on an extended period of leave without pay (LWOP) accepts another position for a specified period in the same or different department.

Dual remuneration occurs when an employee receives salary for more than one position in the public service. For example, dual remuneration occurs if you are working part-time in two or more positions.

Important: Do not confuse dual employment with dual remuneration as both have specific requirements for employees and managers.

  • Dual Employment

    The decision to accept another specified period position depends on the type of LWOP granted in your substantive position. For example, if approved for maternity, parental, care of family, or educational LWOP, it is unlikely you would accept alternate employment during your leave period. However, for example, if granted relocation of spouse LWOP, you could accept a specified period position in the relocated area.

    Important: You are required to resign or transfer from your substantive position in order to accept another indeterminate appointment.

    The pay rate for the specified period position is determined based on the classification of the new position, not your substantive pay rate, and is not considered on your return to your substantive position or if appointed to another indeterminate position.

    The specified period position is subject to the relevant authorities, such as collective agreements and the various terms and conditions of employment.

    You cannot access unused vacation and sick leave credits from your substantive position during the specified period appointment. Any leave credits earned in your regular position will remain banked until you either return to or terminate employment from your regular position.

    Vacation leave credits are calculated based on combined years of service. For example, service from your substantive position prior to the LWOP is combined with service in the specified period position to determine the accrual rate of vacation leave credits. However, unused vacation leave credits from the specified period position cannot be transferred and instead will be paid to the employee when the dual employment ends.

    Employees cannot use sick leave credits from their substantive position during a specified period appointment. Sick leave credits earned in the specified period position are only available for use after three (3) months of continuous service in the specified period position. Unused sick leave credits will be transferred to your substantive position balance when the specified period appointment ends.

    At the start of dual employment

    • Employee Responsibilities

      If you accept a dual employment position for a specified period while on LWOP from your substantive position, you must notify your home manager and send them a copy of your signed letter of offer as soon as possible. This will ensure compensation is aware and can make the appropriate changes to your benefits, if applicable.

    • Manager / Section 34 Manager Responsibilities
      1. If your employee accepts dual employment within ESDC while on LWOP, keep the letter of offer they provide for your records. There is no further action required. The alternate ESDC manager will submit the applicable HR request.
      2. If your employee accepts dual employment with another government department or agency while on LWOP, you must open a request via the HRSC Portal:
        • Section: I am a Manager
        • Select “Pay-Related Action”
        • Add employee information
        • Category: Select “Leave”
        • Sub-Category: Select “Leave Without Pay (LWOP) over 5 days – Dual Employment
        • Effective Date: the first day of specified period appointment
        • Comments: E.g. Employee has accepted a position with another government department while on LWOP with ESDC.
        • Attach the letter of offer provided by employee
        • Submit your request

      Note: There is no need to complete a Pay Action Request (PAR) form; the Compensation Services Directorate will do this when the request is sent to the Pay Centre for processing.

    When Dual Employment Ends

    To ensure pay continuity, it’s important for employees and managers to take certain actions at the end of the specified period appointment, based on each circumstance. Select the scenario most applicable from the following examples to determine required actions:

    • Term ends, employee continues on LWOP from substantive position

      Example: Julie works for ESDC in Montreal, Quebec. She is on LWOP for relocation of spouse from her position in Montreal. While living in Vancouver, British Columbia, she begins work as a casual employee with Service Canada. She has completed her casual contract in Vancouver. Her contract with Service Canada ends and she continues to be on LWOP from her position in Montreal.

      Refer to Termination – End / Early End of Specified Term Contract for actions required prior to the last day of the term contract.

    • Term ends, employee returns to substantive position from LWOP

      Example: Julie works for ESDC in Montreal, Quebec. She is on LWOP for relocation of spouse from her position in Montreal. While living in Vancouver, British Columbia, she begins work as a casual employee with Service Canada. Julie ends her contract with Service Canada in Vancouver, moves back to Montreal and resumes work with ESDC.

      Refer to Termination – End / Early End of Specified Term Contract for information prior to the last day of the casual contract.

      Refer to the Returning to work from a period of LWOP – Other reasons for required actions on the day of return to the substantive position.

    • Term ends, employee accepts indeterminate position with another organization

      Example: Julie works for ESDC in Montreal. She is on LWOP for relocation of spouse from her position in Montreal. While living in Vancouver, she begins work as a casual employee with Health Canada. Later, Health Canada offers Julie an indeterminate appointment, which she accepts. Julie must resign from her position with ESDC.

      Refer to the Transfer-Out to another department / agency for details on required actions, including the requirement for the ESDC manager to submit a Return to Work confirmation on the effective date of transfer.

    • Term ends, employee accepts a new indeterminate appointment within ESDC

      Example: Julie works for ESDC in Montreal. She is on LWOP for relocation of spouse from her position in Montreal. While living in Vancouver, she begins work as a casual employee with ESDC. Later, ESDC in Vancouver offers Julie an indeterminate appointment, which she accepts. Julie must resign from her position with ESDC in Montreal.

      Refer to Promotion / Deployment / Demotion for details on this process.

    • LWOP ends, employee resigns from substantive position and continues in term position

      Example: Julie works for ESDC in Montreal. She is on LWOP for relocation of spouse from her position in Montreal. While living in Vancouver, she begins work as a term employee with Service Canada. Julie reaches the maximum duration of her LWOP from her position in Montreal. Rather than returning to Montreal, Julie resigns from her position in Montreal and continues with her term appointment with Service Canada in Vancouver.

      Refer to Termination-Resignation for details on required actions by both the prior and new Manager / Section 34 Managers.

    Useful Links

  • Dual Remuneration
    • Pay rates

      You will receive a separate pay for each position held. The rate of pay of your second position is as if it was an initial appointment to the Public Service. Any positions held are independent from one another.

    • Terms and conditions

      Each position held by the employee is subject to the relevant authorities such as collective agreements or the various terms and conditions of employment of that position.

    • Vacation and sick leave

      In a dual remuneration situation, vacation and sick leave credits are earned and used within each respective position. These credits cannot be transferred between the two positions.

    • When dual remuneration ends

      How and when your dual remuneration ends has an impact on what actions both the employee and the manager need to take. Refer to the various topics in Terminations, Resignations and Transfers and follow the termination procedures that best represents your situation. If both positions are ending, ensure you follow the process for each position.