Phase 2 – Quarterly Competitive Process

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Phase 2 is the process of securing a successful bid and awarding a contract. The main responsibility in this phase lies with the Procurement Specialist.

2.1 Preparing a Competitive Process

Once all orders are submitted, approved and SharePoint is closed, the CPS team must:

  • Export and prepare the SharePoint order report;
  • Prepare the solicitation documents such as the statement of work and annexes;
  • Gather the artwork and specifications for each item ordered; and
  • Follow-up with clients for clarifications if needed.

This stage can take up to four business days to complete. The report is then sent to the Procurement Specialist to prepare and conduct the competitive process on Buy and Sell

2.2 Invitation to Tender (ITT) Process

2.2.1 ITT posted on Buy and Sell

Depending on the size of the order, the ITT is posted on the Buy and Sell website for 12 to 15 calendar days. This gives potential suppliers time to review the requirement and ask questions before they submit their bids.

2.2.2 Award Contract

Once the bidding period is closed, the Procurement Specialist will select the lowest bid and the winning vendor is contacted. The contract is prepared and all parties must sign before the work can commence. This stage can take up to five business days.

2.3 Proofs Approval

Once the contract is awarded, the proofs submission and approval process starts. The vendor has 10 business days to submit their proofs.

Once CPS approves the proofs, the production and printing phase starts.