Interdepartmental Settlements (IS)

Select the applicable statement in order to display the relevant steps required for your Interdepartmental Settlement (IS).

My IS with an Other Government Department (OGD) is a financial transaction relating to:

Allez à la version française
  • Salary > The employee has left ESDC to work for OGD (Receiveables)

Definition by type of Employment

Determinate or Term Employment of a fixed duration
Transfer or Deployment Appointment to a position where the rules of a promotion or a demotion do not apply
Secondment Is a temporary move of an employee to another department or agency in the core of the public administration

Types of transactions: Transfer out, Secondment out or Term out

Outcome: Money owed to ESDC by an OGD

The IS salary receivable process is initiated on a quarterly basis until the employee's pay file has been transferred to the OGD or the secondment agreement has ended.

Key Roles and Responsibilities

Departing Employee:
  • Provide the Letter of Offer (LOO) or the secondment agreement from the OGD to his manager.
Branch Management Services (BMS)/Regional Management Services (RMS):
  • Update the Salary Forecasting Tool (SFT) to reflect the event. Refer to the SFT Reference Guide for detailed instructions.
IS Facilitator (XLSX, 21 KB):
  • Becomes main point of contact for NAO;
  • Track all salary IS requests for the branch;
  • Act as a one stop shop for branches IS salary requests.
Human Resources Services Branch (HRSB):
  • Provide a copy of the LOO or the secondment agreement to the National Accounting Operations (NAO).
National Accounting Operation (NAO):
  • Initiate the recovery process with OGD;
  • Calculate the amount to recover;
  • Create the invoice;
  • Upload all supporting documents in myEMS for future reference.
  • Provide approval on the  amount to be charged.


Managers are encouraged to communicate with their IS Facilitator should they have questions or need guidance in processing an IS for a transfer out or secondment out employee. IS facilitator can communicate with NAO to obtain information on the status of an IS.

Allez à la version française
  • Salary  > The employee has left an OGD to work for ESDC (Payable)

Definitions by type of employment

or Term
Employment of a fixed duration
Transfer or Deployment Appointment to a position where the rules of a promotion or a demotion do not apply
Secondment Is a temporary move of an employee to another department or agency in the core of the public administration

Type of transaction: Transfer in, Secondment in or Term in

Outcome: Money owed by ESDC to an OGD

The IS salary payables process is initiated on a quarterly basis until the employee's pay file is transferred to ESDC or the secondment agreement has ended.

Key Roles and Responsibilities

  • Submit a Pay Related Action in the Human Resource Service Centre (HRSC) portal. Refer to the Manager's Guide to HR Requests for instructions;
  • Ensuring that the salary forecasting tool (SFT) is updated based on the LOO;
  • Confirming the salary cost charged by the OGD and send by email his approval to the IS Facilitator.
Branch Management Services (BMS)/Regional Management Services (RMS):
  • Update the Salary Forecasting Tool (SFT). Refer to the SFT Reference Guide for detailed instructions.
IS Facilitator (XLSX, 21 KB):
  • Becomes main point of contact for NAO;
  • Track all salary IS requests for the branch;
  • Help manager to validate the salary amount charged by OGD;
  • Obtain the manager's approval of the salary amount charged by OGD.
Human Resources Services Branch (HRSB):
  • Provide a copy of the LOO or the secondment agreement to the National Accounting Operations (NAO).
National Accounting Operation (NAO):
  • Initiate the IS process with OGD;
  • Send to the IS Facilitator the salary amount charged by OGD to obtain the manager's confirmation on the amount;
  • Send the  confirmation to the OGD on the salary amount;
  • Receive the invoice from OGD;
  • Upload all supporting documents in myEMS for future reference.
  • Calculate the salary cost;
  • Create the invoice.


Managers are encouraged to communicate with their IS Facilitator should they have questions or need guidance in processing an IS for a transfer in or secondment in employee. IS facilitator can communicate with NAO to obtain information on the status of an IS.

Allez à la version française
  • O&M > Goods and/or Services were provided by > ESDC to an OGD (Recoverable)

ESDC to an OGD (Recoverable)



O&M Process


Obtain the MOU from the OGD

Obtain Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) from the Other Government Department (OGD) which is required in Step 4.


Request coding from the OGD

Contact the IS Coordinator of the OGD by email to obtain the Interdepartmental Settlement (IS) coding:

  • IS Ref
  • IS Org
  • Dept #


Complete the form

Complete Form Invoicing Request Form - Interdepartmental Settlement (IS) (FIN5038) (opens new window) once you receive the IS coding from the OGD.


Submit documentation to National Accounts Payable

Scan and send the following items to National Accounts Payable via the Gateway:


Invoice OGD

National Accounts Payable will initiate the transaction in order to invoice the OGD.

Allez à la version française
  • O&M > Goods and/or Services were provided by > An OGD to work for ESDC (Payable)

An OGD to work for ESDC (Payable)



O&M Process


Establish MOU with OGD

Set up a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Other Government Department (OGD) which is required in Step 6.


Create a funds commitment or an IS Coding Key

Funds Commitment:

  • To create a funds commitment, you must access the FMZ1 screen in myEMS (SAP).

Note: If the Interdepartmental Settlement (IS) transaction is to be cleared against multiple lines of coding, please contact National Accounts Payable via the Gateway to obtain our assistance with the creation of the funds commitment, in order to prevent it from being rejected in the financial system.

IS Coding Key:

  • In order to obtain an IS Coding Key, please contact National Accounts Payable via the Gateway.

Note: An IS Coding Key should only be used for continuous type transactions throughout the year (ex: translation).


Provide coding to the OGD

The following information must be provided to the IS Coordinator of the OGD:

  • IS Ref: funds commitment created in step 2
    (Mandatory) Ex: 11000xxxxx
  • IS Org:Your cost center
  • Dept.: 014


Obtain the invoice

Obtain the detailed invoice justifying the costs from the OGD.


Complete the form

Once the invoice has been received from the OGD, you must:


Submit documentation to National Accounts Payable

Scan and send the following items to National Accounts Payable via the Gateway:

Note: Keep the original documents until further notice.

Allez à la version française
  • Travel Claim > Goods and/or Services were provided by > ESDC to an OGD (Recoverable)

ESDC to an OGD (Recoverable)



O&M Process


Obtain the MOU from the OGD

Obtain Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) from the Other Government Department (OGD).


Obtain expense report from OGD

Obtain the detailed expense report (name, date and amounts).


Obtain the travel posting document in myEMS (SAP)

This document number starts with ‘’19’’ followed by 8 digits. Please contact you FMA if you need help finding it.


Request coding from the OGD

Contact the IS Coordinator of the OGD by email to obtain the Interdepartmental Settlement (IS) coding:

  • IS Ref
  • IS Org
  • Dept #


Complete the form

Complete Form Invoicing Request Form - Interdepartmental Settlement (IS) (FIN5038) (opens new window) once you receive the IS coding from the OGD.


Submit documentation to National Accounts Payable

Scan and send the following items to National Accounts Payable via the Gateway:


Invoice OGD

National Accounts Payable will initiate the transaction in order to invoice the OGD.