Instructions for Employees and Managers

Correcting Errors in your Personal Information Appearing in Outlook

Changes to your name in myEMS (PeopleSoft) or Outlook will not affect your email address

Personal InformationMethod for Requesting ChangesInstructions
First Name and Last NameFootnote * Self Service tab in myEMS (PeopleSoft)Footnote ** Ensure that your first and last name appearing in your Personal Information Summary is your complete legal name. To make a change to your first or last name, click on ‘Change name’ then ‘Edit Name’ and follow the instructions on the ‘Edit Name’ page.
Middle Name Self Service tab in myEMS (PeopleSoft)Footnote ** Please disregard the ‘Middle Name’ field.
Initials Self Service tab in myEMS (PeopleSoft)Footnote ** Please disregard the ‘Name Initials’ field. The "Name Initials" field displays the first letter of your first name. You may return at any time to self-service to modify or update.
Phone numbers Self Service tab in myEMS (PeopleSoft)Footnote **

For your business phone number, insert the primary number you want people to use to reach you. This field will be synchronized with Outlook.

Please note, only phone numbers entered in the "Work" field and having the "Preferred" checked off, will synchronize over to Outlook.

Please note Home and Personal mobile telephone numbers must not be entered in the synchronization fields. The "Personal 1" & "Personal 2" fields do not synchronize.

Please make sure to enter values as per the following format 000/000-0000.

To make a change to your phone number(s), click on ‘Change phone numbers’ then use the ‘Add Phone Number’ button or the ‘Delete’ column to add or remove a number.

Position Title Your manager must submit a change request to the HRSC Web Application (opens new window) using instructions in the next column.

Position title change requests will only be accepted for typos and translation errors. Note that an abbreviated title is not a typo error. For more information on changes to position titles, please read the Questions and Answers below.

If you would like to submit a change request for a typo or translation error to your employee’s position title, submit the request via the HRSC Portal under:

  • General Inquiry – click ‘General HR Enquiry’
    • Under Category of Service, select ‘Classification’
    • Under Sub-Category of Service, select ‘Advice on Organizational Design and Classification’.
    • In the ‘Description of Request’ section, indicate the position number and the correction that should be applied to the title.
    • Complete the requested information and submit.
Geographic location / Location of work Before submitting a request for changes to the location of a position or work location of an employee, you must consult and follow the guide from the manager's corner iService page: Guide on Location Changes of a Position or an Employee

Submit the request via the HRSC Web Application (opens new window) under:

Classification arrow right Manage Position arrow right Change in Geographic Location / Location of Work of a position.

Cubicle and/or Floor You must submit a request to your Branch Designated Authority (opens new window) using myEMS (PeopleSoft) Person Information Update Form (HRB5053) (PDF, 1.33MB) (opens new window)

PeopleSoft Self Service Tab doesn’t allow the change of cubicle and/or floor. The HRSB/BMS data clerk will enter those changes in PeopleSoft.

To request changes complete the ESDC myEMS (PeopleSoft) Person Information Update Form (HRB5053) (PDF, 1.33MB) (opens new window) that can be found on iService.

After filling out the required fields, click "Send" and an email which includes a draft message will appear with your form as an attachment. You will be requested to insert the email address of your Branch Designated Authority (opens new window) that can be found following the link in the email under ‘Requestor Instructions’.

When you have found your designated authority for your group copy the email address and paste it into the generated email and send the email.

Your Designated Authority will validate your request and send it on to the HRSB/BMS data clerk who will make the required changes.

Postal Code N/A  
Regional Code (RC) Please disregard since ESDC is no longer using Regional Codes.

Please disregard since ESDC is no longer using Regional Codes. Regional code is displayed next to your name in Outlook address book search between brackets for example: Lastname, First name LF [NC]. Since PeopleSoft implementation on April 1, 2015, Department ID (DeptID) replaced the RC number used in the old HR system CMS. Neither DeptID nor RC is linked to a Cost Centre. Therefore, having the wrong RC Code displayed next to your name in Outlook Address book should not affect your day to day operations.

Since this change in business process, IITB is working at expanding the field to accommodate the six digits COST CENTRE. In the meantime to find your respective "cost Centre"; please visit the Designated Authority page (XLSX, 107 KB).

Email addressFootnote * Your manager must submit a change request to the Access Management Portal (opens new window) (AMP) using the instructions in the next column. In AMP:
  • Select the ‘Network Access/Employee’ category
  • Choose ‘Legal Name Change’
  • Follow the instructions.

Questions and Answers

Outlook synchronization with myEMS (PeopleSoft)

  • 1. Why did my information change in Outlook?

    The department uses myEMS (PeopleSoft) as the source of personal information for systems such as Active Directory, Outlook and GEDS. When an employee change their info in myEMS (PeopleSoft), all the others sources of personal information will be synchronized.

  • 2. Why did my job title change?

    In myEMS, your job title is based on the job description attached to your position and/or job code. It may have been abbreviated to adjust to the new length requirements that are limited to 30 characters. As such, the Department initiated a review of job titles to ensure consistency in language and use of abbreviations so that job titles fit within the 30 character limit.

    Note that the Department encourages the use of standardized job descriptions rather than the use of unique job descriptions. Consequently, most job titles are linked to a standardized job description.

  • 3. I feel that my job title doesn’t reflect my work. What should I do?

    Job titles are associated with a job description that’s attached to your position. If your title is not reflecting the job being performed, you should first review your work description (see question number 4 below) to ensure it describes your functions. Job descriptions are intended to describe the overall key activities and functions, not tasks. If your job description does not reflect the functions you are performing, a discussion should be engaged with your supervisor. Your supervisor may request an update/review of your job description if it is not reflective of your work. If your job description changes, your job title will be adjusted accordingly.

    That said, the Department encourages the use of standardized job descriptions, consequently most job titles are linked to a standardized job description and so it’s possible that it will not include all your tasks.

  • 4. How can I have access to my job description?

    To consult your job description, your manager must submit a request via the HRSC Web Application (opens new window) under:

    • General Inquiry – click "General HR Enquiry"
      • Under Category of Service, select "Classification"
      • Under Sub-Category of Service, select "Work description"
      • In the ‘Description of Request’ section, indicate the position number and/or Job Code, and title of the position
      • Complete the requested information and submit
  • 5. After I requested a change, how long can I expect before the changes are made in Outlook?

    If you are making the change through the Self-Service features in myEMS (PeopleSoft), your corrected information should appear within 15 minutes unless it requires HR approval.

    If it requires HR approval (ex. Change of name), you will see a notification in myEMS (PeopleSoft) advising you that your change has been submitted for approval.

    If your manager is submitting a change through the HRSC portal please refer to the HRSC service standards for expected wait times.

    If you are on an acting assignment, your acting title could continue to appear in Outlook for up to 7 days after your assignment has ended.

  • 6. In an email, when I use the ‘to’ button instead of typing the name of the individual, I sometimes see different information.

    When you use the ‘to’ button in your email – the Global Address List for Outlook appears. This is where the most current information on individuals reside.

    In your email, when you type a name as an addressee, Outlook will remember the last time you corresponded with that individual. It will often take the information from your personal contact list if you have saved the person there. Since the work information for all ESDC employees is being synchronized, it is important that you update your contact list using the Global Address List. In the Global Address List – type the name you are searching for and click on the right button on the mouse and select ‘add to my contact’. A window will appear to confirm the information and if can save, modify or delete it.

  • 7. Will all ESDC employee information be synchronized between PeopleSoft and Outlook at the same time?

    No. The synchronization is done in waves with delays in between to address any change requests or system challenges that are encountered.

  • 8. My phone number and address information is blank in Outlook.

    This will only be true for very few people who have personal exemptions and therefore cannot have their contact information displayed in Outlook and GEDS. If your information is missing and you do not have a personal exemption, please contact PeopleSoft service desk; report an incident at http://iservice.prv/eng/esrp/erp_ps/index.shtml for assistance.

  • 9. Who should I contact if I have any question about the synchronization of Outlook and the information being displayed in Outlook?

    We are recommending that you follow the direction provided in our ‘Instructions for Employees and Managers – Correcting Errors in your Personal Information Appearing in Outlook’. If the problem still persists or you need assistance, please access PeopleSoft report an incident at http://iservice.prv/eng/esrp/erp_ps/index.shtml

  • 10. Why have my initials/first name changed in my Outlook display name?

    In the past (before myEMS (PeopleSoft) and synchronization with Outlook) employees could decide what to display in Electronic Directory (ED) and this information was sent to Outlook. With the closing of ED and the implementation of PeopleSoft, the information in the display field is now retrieved from myEMS (PeopleSoft) which is the source of truth for employee information.

    All employee initials/first name were correctly migrated from CMS- HR to myEMS (PeopleSoft), hence also correctly synced to the "initials/first name" portion of the display field in Outlook. Even if you do not like the new appearance of your initials/first name, the process was done correctly.

    Many employees have seen this same type of change in their display fields.

    CMS-HR name and initials appeared as: Gabriel GQ Public. In the old Outlook display the employee entered Gab Q Public. He now appears as Gabriel GQ Public after the synchronization because it took the information that was converted from CMS-HR to myEMS (PeopleSoft) and then synched with Outlook. See here for instructions. As soon as more information becomes available, we will let you know.

  • 11. Why is my French position title not in the feminine tense?

    Only the masculine form will be used for French abbreviations. The long form of the job title will continue to include both genders.