Change in Location of a Position or Work Location of an Employee

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Who and When

The manager/supervisor submits a request:

  • When a position is being moved to a different building, city and/or province.
  • When an employee is being moved to a different building, city and/or province (including employees occupying a job code).
  • When an error/typo is present in the Employee Dashboard. Consult the Questions and Answers for more information on when to submit a correction request.

Note: Do not submit a request to capture hoteling arrangements for Term and Indeterminate employees.

  • Notes and Helpful Hints
  • Position Location
    • A required field in PeopleSoft’s Position Management Module. The position location does not have an incidence on the organizational structure or reporting relationships.
  • Work Location
    • The designated work location the employee would perform the functions of the position from if a telework agreement or hoteling arrangement were not in place.
  • Alternate Work Location Arrangements
    • Alternate work location arrangements (i.e., hoteling for Term and Indeterminate situations and telework) are not captured in PeopleSoft. These arrangements should be captured in another tracking document such as a Business Continuity Plan.
  • Staffing Actions
    • When the work location of the appointee is different from the current position location in PeopleSoft:
      • Indeterminate and term staffing actions:
        • The position location will be updated to match the designated work location once the staffing action is processed by compensation. There is no need to submit a separate change in location request.
        • The position location and the work location must match for data integrity related reasons.
      • Non-substantive situations (i.e., actings, assignments, etc.):
        • The employee’s designated work location and the position location will not match for the duration of the staffing action. There is no need to change the position location.
  • Income Taxes
    • The province of the employee’s work location as captured in the employee’s Job Data in PeopleSoft dictates provincial tax deductions. When a change in province is captured in the employee’s Job Data by the Human Resources Services Branch, it is automatically sent to the Pay Centre which updates the employee's income taxes deductions. Employees may submit a new provincial tax form as required.
  • Active Locations List
    • List of locations for which ESDC has a rental agreement. If the location you are looking for is not on the list, see the Questions and Answers section below for more information. Location Codes.
  • Relocation
  • Workforce Adjustment
  • Supervisory Positions
  • Other Contacts

    For questions related to accommodation services, consult the iService finance catalogue.

  • Employee Notification
    • An email notification from the supervisor to the employee is sufficient.
    • A formal letter signed by the manager (Director-level or higher) with Financial Authority over the Cost Centre is required where relocation expenses apply.
    • For a temporary change in location within the headquarters area, refer to the National Joint Council’s Travel Directive – a written notification at least 30 days prior to the effective date of the change may be required. For questions concerning the Travel Directive and/or travel status: Gateway for travel support or dial 1-855-684-7827 (option # 1).
    • Notification template : Location change letter template. (DOCX, 162 KB)
  • Submitting a Request
    • Submit a request in the HRSC Web Application using the Change of Geographic Location/Office Location Form.
    • Attach the notification provided to the employee(s) affected by the location change and include additional comments as applicable.
    • If several positions and/or employees are affected by the location change, submit only one HRSC request and attach a completed Location Change Excel Form (XLXS, 161 KB) along with the notification(s) provided to employees.
  • Questions and Answers
  • An error is present in the Employee Dashboard. How can this be corrected?

    There are a few reasons why an employee’s location may be incorrect in the Dashboard:

    • If the error in the location concerns the work location of a staffing action that has yet to be entered in PeopleSoft, note that the location will be updated once the action has been processed by compensation. The manager/contact on the HRSC Request for the staffing action can be contacted for a status update on the request. If the request was sent to the Pay Centre for action, the employee can consult the Pay Centre’s Track myCASE application to see the status.
    • If an employee is working from a location for which ESDC does not have a rental agreement, then this employee is said to be hoteling. The designated work location for this employee must be an ESDC location. The hoteling arrangement for this employee is not captured in PeopleSoft.
    • For a data entry error or a change in location that has never been entered in PeopleSoft, a correction request can be submitted in the HRSC Web Application using the Change of Geographic Location/Office Location Form. Ensure to have the Cost Centre and Department ID numbers and attach any supporting documentation where possible (i.e., letter of offer, contract, or notification of location change).
  • The location I need is not on or is incorrect in the Active Location List. What do I need to do?

    The locations on the list correspond to the addresses on the rental agreements managed by Public Services and Procurement Canada. There may be a few reasons why the location you are looking for is not on the list:

    • If there is more than one entrance for the same building, only one entrance appears on the rental agreement and therefore only one is used for the list. This is the location to be used on letters of offers/contracts. For example, there are many doors to enter Place du Portage, Phase IV, however only 140 Promenade du Portage appears on the list.
    • If an employee will be working from a location for which ESDC does not have a rental agreement, then this employee is said to be hoteling. The designated work location for this employee must be an ESDC location and will appear as such on the letter of offer/contract and in PeopleSoft since these hoteling arrangements are not captured in PeopleSoft. If you have an exceptional case where the employee must work from that location on a permanent basis, submit a change request and provide details with regards to the situation in the comments section. Exceptional cases will be reviewed to determine how to proceed.
    • If the location is new  (or requires correction), submit a PeopleSoft Request through the HRSC Web Application using the Category – Employee Job & Personal Information and Sub-Category – Job Information to request the creation of a new Location Code.
  • What is a designated work location?

    The designated work location is defined as the designated workplace or business address where an employee would work if there were no telework or hoteling arrangement in place.

  • What is hoteling?

    Hoteling is an arrangement for a defined period of time (renewable at the manager's discretion with agreement from the manager of the alternate work location) whereby:

    • A Term or Indeterminate employee works from a Government of Canada premise other than the employee’s designated work location, for example, a Human Resources (HR) employee working out of a Service Canada Centre location (i.e. for temporary personal reasons or to complete a project) or
    • An employee accepts a non-substantive employment (i.e., an acting, assignment, etc.) into a position with a designated work location that is not where the employee will work from (i.e., the employee will perform the functions from his/her substantive location that is not the same as position’s official location.)