Communication Between Regions

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Scenario A :

Communications between central and common services agencies and employees in federal institutionsFootnote 1

A Central and Common Services Agency communicates with:

  • An employee in a bilingual region ❯ Language used ❯ The employee's language of choice or both official languages
  • An employee in a unilingual region ❯ Language used ❯ Language of work of the employee's region
  • An employee of the same agency ❯ Language used ❯ Apply scenario B

Scenario B :

Communications between a federal institution and its employees for personal and central services purposes

A federal institution communicates with:

  • An employee in a bilingual region ❯ Language used ❯ The employee's language of choice or both official languages
  • An employee in a unilingual region ❯ Language used ❯ Language of work of the employee's region

Scenario C :

Communications between employees of the same institution (not including personal and central services or supervision)Footnote 2

An employee in a unilingual region communicates with:

  • An employee in the same region ❯ Language used ❯ Language of work of the region
  • An employee in another unilingual region with a different language of work ❯ Language used ❯ Language of work of the sender's region

An employee in a bilingual region communicates with:

  • An employee in a unilingual region ❯ Language used ❯ Language of work of the receiver’s region
  • An employee in a bilingual region ❯ Language used ❯ The language chosen by both parties

Scenario D :

Communications between an institution and its employees (for personal and central services, please refer to the scenario B above)

A federal institution communicates with:

  • An employee in a bilingual region ❯ Language used ❯ The employee's language of choice or both official languages
  • An employee in a unilingual region ❯ Language used ❯ Language of work of the employee's region
  • An employee in another unilingual region with a different language of work ❯ Language used ❯ Both official languages or based on Appendix 1 of the Directive on Official Languages for Communications and Services

Scenario E :

Communications between employees of different institutions (Not including services to institutions from Central Agencies)

An employee in any region communicates with:

  • An employee of another institution in any region ❯ Language used ❯ The institutions take measures to facilitate communications