Procurement of Room Videoconferencing (VC) Systems

This page describes the approach for adding new videoconferencing capability in the Department, where the expansion may be comprised of sophisticated or expensive technology and involve permanent installation at a work location in ESDC.

Procurement for Room Videoconferencing (including Premium)

Outfitting new locations with room videoconferencing equipment is potentially an expensive endeavor. (A more affordable option may be provided by X-degree webcams, where that is satisfactory.) Consideration must also be given to the current and future variety of other uses for that location, and by whom. Please proceed by the following sequence of steps:

  1. Consultation with the Chief Financial Officer Branch (CFOB) must occur to confirm alignment with departmental Accommodations Investment plan, prior to your request being submitted. See the list of Regional Accommodations Officers with whom you can discuss your requirements.
  2. The CFOB‑approved request for provisioning a location with room videoconferencing may be sufficient, unless especially complex or expensive technology is required (e.g. Polycom). In that case, your request should next be directed to the IITB Business Integration and Alignment (BIA) Executive assigned to your branch or region: List of BIA Executives in IITB (DOC, 144 KB).
  3. For large dollar value requests, the BIA Executive may inform you that you require ADM‑level approval from within your Branch to fund the equipment and its installation (i.e. a Business Requirement Document (BRD) signed by the ADM).

Procurement for Executive Standalone Videoconferencing

Executive Standalone videoconferencing is a non-mobile system with which one individual (or perhaps a very small number) can connect with and participate in ESDC room videoconferencing. This installation is restricted to director level and above, due to the high cost of this equipment. For less specialized use of videoconferencing in an office or cubicle, desktop videoconferencing is available using Skype for Business.

Similar to requests for outfitting room locations, a request for executive standalone videoconferencing should be brought to the IITB Business Integration and Alignment (BIA) Executive assigned to your branch or region.