Workforce Management Committees: Frequently Asked Questions

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    • Why have Workforce Management Committees been established in all branches/regions?
      • Workforce Management Committees (WMCs) are the means by which the Department will ensure a strategic and overall approach to human resources planning, including elements such as the staffing of vacant positions and talent and performance management.


    • What staffing actions are required to be reviewed and approved by Workforce Management Committees?

      At a minimum, the following staffing actions must be reviewed by WMCs on a mandatory basis:

      • All indeterminate non-advertised appointments;
      • Acting appointments of 12 months or more;
      • Term appointments of non-public servants (external) through non-advertised processes (excluding the appointment of former students or former ESDC employees);
      • Non-advertised talent management appointments (indeterminate appointments and acting appointments longer than four months duration) – i.e. appointment of employees made on the basis of a proven track record, as part of an identified Branch/Regional Talent Management Process, or linked to a Talent Management Plan;
      • Non-imperative staffing of a bilingual position;
      • Requests to initiate new advertised selection processes (excludes advertised assignments, secondments and deployment opportunities);
      • Requests for exemption to the National Area of Selection (NAOS) requirement for external advertised appointment processes.

      Each ADM will continue to confirm any additional staffing actions, beyond those mandatory requirements noted above, to be reviewed by the WMC for their respective organization.


    • How will employees impacted by a Workforce Adjustment situation be referred to hiring managers for consideration?
      • Branches and regions are well-positioned to support employment continuity efforts for employees impacted by a Workforce Adjustment situation.
      • The following listings are sent to Workforce Management Committees by their HRSB Workforce Management Committee representative on a monthly basis:
        • Listing of time-limited surplus employees (option A)
        • Listing of employees provided with a guarantee of a reasonable job offer (GRJO)
        • Listing of lay-off priority persons
        • Listing of affected employees


  • Where can I access the required forms to submit requests for approval by Workforce Management Committees?
    • Each individual Workforce Management Committee is responsible to establish a process for approvals, including any required forms that must be used.
    • Please contact your branch/regional Workforce Management Committee coordinator for additional information.