Corporate Commitments and Related Measures
A Guide for Managers

(Note: The text in this document has been written to be gender-neutral)


The following provides useful information for managersFootnote * to understand departmental commitments and how they are required to include them in their Performance Agreement (PA). This document is based on the executives' commitments for performance and related performance measures that describes the key components included in executives' PAs.

The Directive on Performance and Talent Management for Executives requires that executives have a PA that demonstrates clear commitments specific to the executive's role and responsibilities, with associated performance measures that are linked to the priorities of the organization and of the Government of Canada. Departmental and government-wide commitments are set annually by the Clerk of the Privy Council and published on the website of the Privy Council Office.


The link between executives' corporate priorities and managers' performance agreements (PAs)

The executives' corporate priorities and related performance measures outlines the commitments for executives and provides guidance to executives and their managers in developing their PAs.

These commitments are grouped into four components, as noted below:

  1. Corporate Commitments
    Certain corporate commitments follow a cascade down structure to the manager level
  2. ESDC's Departmental Commitment
  3. Individual Commitments
  4. Learning and Development Plan

Managers need to pay particular attention to these commitments as some of them follow a cascade down structure to the manager level. In the managers' PAs, these commitments translate into work objectives and must be accompanied by performance measures that will be taken into account in the performance assessment of managers.

Component #1
Corporate Commitments
Component #2
ESDC's Departmental Commitment
Component #3
Individual Commitments
Component #4
Learning and Development Plan
Certain corporate commitments follow a cascade down structure to the managerFootnote * level for executives only for executives only for executives only
These mandatory commitments are set by the Clerk of the Privy Council to encourage enterprise-wide outcomes and to reflect the role of senior public servants in achieving government priorities. This commitment applies to all ESDC executives and reflects a key departmental management priority. These commitments are directly linked to departmental priorities with principal results that executives are expected to achieve related to the Department's business mandate and/or change initiatives. They are intended to be challenging but achievable with effort. The learning and development plan should identify training or experiences that will help strengthen leadership competencies or expand the knowledge and experience base of an executive. The Learning and Development Plan may also relate to the talent management placement of an executive.

Where can I find the corporate commitments that apply to managers?

For the detailed list of the current performance commitments, locate the hyperlink "Executive Commitments for Performance and Related Performance Measures for (year)" found on iService's page Performance Management for Executives. From the commitments document, click on the "Corporate Commitments" drop-down menu to identify those that apply at the manager level.

Are you a manager and need help inserting the corporate commitments and associated measures into your Performance Agreement?

Please refer to: Example of a Corporate Commitment Inserted in a Performance Agreement (PA) within Public Service Performance Management Application (PSPM App).