In Case of Injury at Work

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In Case of Injury at Work. Long description below
Long Description

(Insert commonly known Building Name) (Insert Date)

In Case of Injury at Work

Check – Call – Care

  • Scene survey – Check the person if it is safe to do so.
    • Care must be taken when trying to eliminate any hazards. Emergency responders should help if the scene presents danger.
  • In case of EMERGENCY, call 9-1-1, and contact Security: 819-956-6777 (24 / 7) .
  • Obtain First Aid assistance immediately.
  • Provide care according to your skills and comfort level.
  • First Aid Kits are located (insert location of closest first aid kit).
  • Inform Manager / Supervisor as soon as possible.


These steps are explained in detail at: Work-Related Accident

Your Workplace Site Lead is: (insert name of Site Lead)

Your Regional OHS Advisor is (insert name of ROHSA)