Hazard Prevention Program – Management Action Plan

Hazard Profile Group 5:

Jobs Involving Carrying or Moving Equipment or Materials (Through the Use of Automated or Manual Vehicles) - Employees in this group manually carry or move equipment or materials by hand trucks, platform trucks, dollies etc. that are equal to or greater than 10kg in weight; and may set up, remove or move IT equipment, or work in a warehouse, shipping and receiving area, printing or binding operations, or in bulk mail processing facilities, etc.

1.  Inadequate housekeeping

  • a.  Slip / Trip / Fall Hazards

    Hazard Ranking = A / B (Likely Exposure x Critical / Severe Health Effects)

    Based on the fact that falls and serious injuries associated with falls have occurred in the past at ESDC.

Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility

Regular inspections of the work place by the work place health and safety committee or representative

Workplace Inspection Guide

Managers / Supervisors

Workplace Health and Safety Committees and Representatives

ESDCwill ensure that all employees are advised of the procedure that is in place for reporting concerns to Public Services & Procurement Canada (PSPC) relating to building maintenance / building conditions.

National Service Call Centre

Managers / Supervisors

Fire safety plan to be kept up to date. Part XVII Canadian Occupations Safety and Health Regulations and
Treasury Board Standards:
Fire Protection Standard
Standard for fire safety planning and fire emergency organization - Chapter 3-1

Workplace Fire Safety Plan

Managers / Supervisors

2.  Gravitational Hazards

  • a.  Falling – Ladders and Scissor Lifts

    Hazard Ranking = B (Possible Exposure x Severe Health Effect)

    Based on the fact that ladders are used rarely or frequently by approximately 36% of the respondents and the potentially severe health outcome.

Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility

Ladder safety training and instruction (web-based) will be provided to employees

Ladder Safety Instruction and Training – Refer to the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety Web Site

Managers to ensure employees are trained.

Employees are required to take training

Protective footwear

Guidelines on Protective Footwear

Safe Work Procedures – Protective Footwear – Labour Program

Managers to ensure employees wear appropriate footwear.

Employees are required to wear appropriate footwear.

Provision of appropriate Personal Protective Equipment e.g. hardhat, footwear, etc. and training on its use.


Managers to ensure employees receive the equipment and are trained.

Employees are required to take training and wear the equipment.
  • b.  Dropping Loads

    Hazard Ranking = B (Possible Exposure x Severe Health Effect)

    Based on the possibility of dropping heavy loads and the potential for severe injury to the feet or other body parts.

Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility

Protective footwear

Guidelines on Protective Footwear

Safe Work Procedures – Protective Footwear – Labour Program

Managers to ensure employees wear appropriate footwear.

Employees are required to wear appropriate footwear.

3.  Industrial Ergonomics

  • a.  Improper Lifting and Carrying Techniques

    Hazard Ranking = C (Likely Exposure x Serious Health Effect)

    Based on the possibility of lifting materials (i.e. carts, dollies, etc. are generally used to manipulate the materials) and the potential for resulting ergonomic strain.

Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility
ESDC will ensure that all employees in this HPG are trained (web-based) on proper lifting and carrying techniques to minimize muscle strain

Module III: Integrated Ergonomic Program

General Office Ergonomics Principles

Manual Materials Training

NOTE: Other resources may be available through an external provider.

Managers to ensure employees are trained.

Employees are required to take training.

  • b.  Excessive Pushing / Pulling of Mobile Equipment or Carts

    Hazard Ranking = B (Highly Likely Exposure x Serious Health Effects)

    Based on the frequent (i.e. highly likely) use of carts, dollies, pallet jacks, etc. and the possibility for resulting serious ergonomic strain.

Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility

Employees will be trained (web-based) on the use of manual equipment or carts

Training and certification of employees by qualified persons in the use and operation of motorized equipment or carts is required.


Contracting Services / Managers / Supervisors will determine appropriate training.

Managers to ensure employees are trained.

Employees are required to take training.

  • c.  Static / Awkward Postures

    Hazard Ranking = B (Highly Likely Exposure x Serious Health Effect)

    Based on the highly likely possibility that employees are in static postures and the potential for resulting minor strains.

Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility
Module III: Integrated Ergonomics Program

Module III: Integrated Ergonomic Program

Web Training on General Office Ergonomics Principles

Dynamic Sitting Postures

Stretching Exercises

Managers / Supervisors
Employees will use task rotation where possible and / or scheduled breaks to reduce prolonged static and awkward postures to minimize ergonomic strain

Dynamic Sitting Postures

Managers / Supervisors

  • d.  Repetitive Motions

    Hazard Ranking = B (Highly Likely Exposure x Serious Health Effect)

    Based on the highly likely potential for conducting repetitive motions (e.g. letter stuffing) and the possible serious injury.

Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility

Employees will use task rotation where possible and / or scheduled breaks to reduce repetitive motions

Module III: Integrated Ergonomic Program

Managers / Supervisors

4.  Cuts or Lacerations

  • a.  Handling Sharp Objects

    Hazard Ranking = B (Highly Likely Exposure x Serious Health Effect)

    Based on the highly likely use of sharp objects when opening packages and the potential for serious injury.

Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility
Employees who may be required to use utility knives or other cutting tools with replaceable blades will be provided information on their safe use and be provided sharps containers for safe disposal of used blades

Information on General Hand Tool Operation

Managers to ensure employees are informed and trained.

Employees are required to take training and review the information.

Provision of appropriate Personal Protective Equipment such as cut and puncture resistant gloves and associated information.


Managers to ensure employees are informed and receive equipment.

Employees are required to take training, review the information and use the equipment provided.

5.  Equipment Hazards

  • a.  Struck By Mobile Equipment

    Hazard Ranking = B (Likely Exposure x Severe Health Effect)

    Based on the likelihood of working around or with equipment and the potential for severe injuries including crushing.

Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility

Employees will use PPE (e.g. vests, footwear) when working in locations nearby vehicles and other mobile equipment. Web-based training on use of PPE.


Managers / Supervisors

  • b.  Crushing at the Loading Docks

    Hazard Ranking = A (Likely Exposure x Critical Health Effect)

    Based on the likelihood of working around the loading dock and the potential for severe injuries including crushing.

Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility

Loading dock plate/ docking mechanism with lights


Managers / Supervisors

Mirrors installed at corner locations


Managers / Supervisors

Adequate lighting


Managers / Supervisors

Adequate signage


Managers / Supervisors