Hazard Alert: High-Density Mobile Shelving

Potential Hazard

A potential hazard involving high-density mobile shelving has been identified within some of ESDC’s file management centres. The term file bay was previously used incorrectly to describe high-density mobile shelving. Although file bays are an example of one type of high-density mobile shelving, this term should not be used to describe all types of high-density mobile shelving. The term high-density mobile shelving is more appropriate and should be used going forward. Refer to the shelving definitions for further clarification.

Follow up Action

Regional Occupational Health and Safety Champions have been asked to liaise with their colleagues responsible for file management centres in their respective region to ensure the Department is in compliance with the Canada Labour Code, Part II.

In accordance with the procedures outlined in Module II: Hazard Prevention Program, management leads must:

  • Identify sites with high-density mobile shelving
  • Identify and assess potential hazards
  • Develop and implement a management action plan
  • Provide and document appropriate training
  • Report progress through Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) committees, representatives and Regional OHS Advisors

Roles and Responsibilities

Module II: Hazard Prevention Program provides information on roles and responsibilities of our Departmental OHS partners including:

  • management leads;
  • managers, supervisors and team leaders;
  • workplace health and safety committee/representative;
  • Regional Health and Safety Advisory Committees (Regional Advisory Committees); and
  • Policy Health and Safety Committee (PHSC).

Managers, supervisors, and team leaders are also responsible for ensuring that all of their employees who work with high-density mobile shelving complete HPG-5 and HPG-6 of the HPP training.


The following tools are provided to assist with the identification, assessment and management of potential hazards related to high-density mobile shelving.

Additional Information

For additional information and assistance, contact your Regional OHS Advisor.