Mental Health – Workplace-based Peer Support Program

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What Peer Supporters Have to Tell You

"Embracing a genuine connection. The smile after the somber. The laugh after the loneliness. The small zip of electricity when two people plan on connecting again."

Kevin Stephens

"My experience as a peer supporter has shown me that peer support often happens in small ways that go unnoticed if you're not watching for them. People seem to think that peer support happens in moments of crisis. While sometimes that's true, the majority of time it happens in passing – a kind word or bit of encouragement when someone's having a bad day."

Neil Wood

"When you contact us you are in control of the conversation and the direction it takes."

Kersten Wuthrich

"Took me a long time to admit to myself that I needed help. Once I finally received it and put in the hard work to help myself get to a good place in my life, I was no longer embarrassed and ashamed of admitting I have a mental illness. I now have a passion for giving others hope and to know it's ok to talk about mental illness."

Sue Spooner

"We care because we've seen. We connect because we're trained. We help because we have lived."

Kevin Stephens

"I am here if you need to reach out to someone, bend an ear or just need a soft place to land. Take comfort in knowing you are not alone. You will get through this!"

Leanne E. Borton

"We have been there. We are confidential. We get it!"

Lisa Dixon

"Peer supporters are friends you haven't met yet!"

Kevin Stephens

"Speaking to least getting the burden off your shoulders, even if it's only for a moment. It will give you a new perspective."

Phemie LaRue