Human Resources Union-Management Consultation Committee (HRUMCC) Record of Discussions and Decisions

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July 18, 2018


10:00 am to 12:00 pm


David MacDonald Boardroom, Management Centre, Level 1, Phase IV, Place du Portage


Gail Johnson


UMCC Secretariat

ESDC Participants

Gail Johnson

Assistant Deputy Minister, Human Resources Services Branch

Catherine Bennett for Catherine Adam

Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Strategic & Service Policy Branch

Denis Skinner for Peter Littlefield

Chief Information Officer, Innovation, Information and Technology Branch

Gary Robertson

Assistant Deputy Minister, Compliance Operations and Program Development (Labour)

Marion Lajoie for Elise Boisjoly

Assistant Deputy Minister, Integrity Services Branch

Claire Caloren

Assistant Deputy Minister, Quebec Region

Michael McPhee for Cliff Groen

Assistant Deputy Minister, Benefits Delivery Services

Benson Gorber for Mark Perlman

Chief Financial Officer, Chief Financial Officer Branch

Evelyne Power

Executive Director, Citizen Services Branch

Danièle Besner

Director General, Workplace Management Directorate, Human Resources Services Branch

Gaveen Cadotte

Director General, Workforce Management Directorate, Human Resources Services Branch

Marie-Flore Batiste

Director General, Strategic Directions, Human Resources Services Branch

Jennifer Hamilton

Executive Director, Compensation Directorate, Human Resources Services Branch

Union Participants

Crystal Warner

National Executive Vice-President, Canada Employment and Immigration Union (CEIU)

Eddy Bourque

National President, Canada Employment and Immigration Union (CEIU)

Sebastian Rodrigues

National Vice-President, Human Rights Issues, Canada Employment and Immigration Union (CEIU)

Luc Pomerleau

National Resources Officer, Canada Employment and Immigration Union (CEIU)

Fabienne Jean-François

Alternate National Executive Vice-President, Canada Employment and Immigration Union (CEIU)

Jim McDonald

Labour Relations Officer, Union of National Employees (UNE)

Rose Touhey

Assistant Regional Vice President, Outside Canada, Union of National Employees (UNE)

Linda Koo

Labour Relations Officer, Union of National Employees (UNE)

Stan Buday

President, National Consultation Team for ESDC, Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC)

Yvonne Snaddon

Alternate contact of the National Consultation Team for ESDC, Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada

Dany Richard

President, Association of Canadian Financial Officers

Nicolas Brunette-D’Souza

Labour Relations Advisor, Association of Canadian Financial Officers

Claude Archambault

Labour Relations Officer, Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE)

Doug Hagar

Vice President, Local 514, Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE)

UMCC Secretariat:

Guy Cyr

Director, Labour Relations, Human Resources Services Branch

Kathleen Tremblay

Manager, Labour Relations, Human Resources Services Branch

Marie-France Blais

Senior Advisor, National Union-Management Consultation Committees Secretariat, Human Resources Services Branch


Susan Ingram

Director General, Transformation and Integrated Service Management Branch (TISMB)

Lucie Larochelle

Director, Transformation and Integrated Service Management Branch (TISMB)

Bertrand Lalonde

Director, Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security

Julie Simard

Director, HR Business Innovations, Human Resources Services Branch

Penny Lavigne

Director of Health, Safety and Disability Management, Human Resources Services Branch

Rawan El-Komos

Director, Corporate Workforce Strategies, Human Resources Services Branch

Todd Burke

Director, Corporate Workforce Strategies, Human Resources Services Branch

Atul Bhandari

Director, Compensation, Human Resources Services Branch

Stephanie Moore

Manager, Compensation, Human Resources Services Branch

Agenda Item
Discussion and Action Items

Opening remarks


Gail Johnson and Crystal Warner gave opening remarks and welcomed all members who then introduced themselves.


No action identified

Approval of minutes for meeting of April 10, 2018


The April 10, 2018 Record of Discussions and Decisions was approved.


No action identified

Status of outstanding action items from meeting of April 10, 2018


Gail Johnson indicated that six (6) action items had been identified at the April 10, 2018 meeting. No further comments were received and the six (6) items were considered addressed and closed.


No action identified

Project Management Competency Development Initiative (PMCD)


Bertrand Lalonde and Julie Simard gave a presentation on the Project Management Competency Development Initiative (PMCD). The presentation provided an overview of the project, including the proposed framework, timelines, outcomes and benefits.

Claude Archambault asked who does the oversight on these projects. He stated that these initiatives are nicely done in the National Capital Region but regions often don’t hear about it much.

Bertrand Lalonde responded that initially they are aiming major projects in the National Headquarter Region and they will be rolled out to the whole department afterwards.

Julie Simard explained that this initiative is not linked to a specific occupational group at this time. She also clarified that this initiative is for promotions; it will be used for the development of project managers.

Sebastian Rodrigues referred to the proposed framework and learning path mentioned in the presentation, he asked whether anything had been considered or put in place for those with learning disabilities

Julie Simard confirmed they had not yet put anything in place but thanked him and assured him that they will definitely look into this and take it into consideration.

Linda Koo asked what are the major projects, which part of the organization are affected, how employees will be informed and how will they be able to apply if they are interested?

Bertrand Lalonde explained that they are at the very early stages of the project. He clarified that for major projects; he was referring to the ones that go to the Major Project and Investment Board. These are all the projects that are linked to the Investment Plan and shared with Treasury Board. He further confirmed that a communication plan and a change management plan will be put in place to inform employees. Some initial communications have already been shared within the Department. Bertrand Lalonde expressed that they came to the Human Resources Union-Management Consultation Committee (HRUMCC) to seek feedback and support from the unions on the tools that they have started to develop.

Linda Koo requested that unions be included in the communications that will be shared.

Gail Johnson reiterated that this project is at the embryonic stage and consultations are just beginning.

Marie-Flore Baptiste explained that this is the beginning of a conversation. It is the initial consultation with the unions to start pilot testing. She assured members that they will come back regularly throughout various gates to provide updates and seek feedback on subjects like communication and training.

Fabienne Jean-François expressed that this is a nice initiative and suggested that, in the future, a list of all projects is prepared for employees. This would encourage collaboration between employees working or planning to work on similar projects in different regions.


Julie Simard and Bertrand Lalonde will be providing the union with the following documents for feedback purposes:

  • Competency Descriptions
  • PMCD Framework
  • Competency Matrix

Telework Directive


Guy Cyr reminded members that during a previous HRUMCC there had been a brief discussion about the possibility of reviewing the Telework Directive which is two years old. During that meeting, he had informed the committee that the first step was to determine the scope of the review. He confirmed that since, conversations have occurred with management and based on these conversations, it was determined that the Directive should be reviewed to reflect the reality of 2018 since many technological changes occurred since it was last updated. As a first step, Guy Cyr asked that members review the documents and send him their comments via email. As a second step, he would organize a meeting with management and union representatives from the HRUMCC to obtain their comments.

Guy Cyr confirmed that he is aiming to have the review completed and approved by senior management this fiscal year.

Guy Cyr confirmed that union comments can be provided before end of September would be ideal.

Claude Archambault mentioned that he is part of the Policy Reset Initiative Committee with Treasury Board and explained that the subject of telework is part of a broader framework review. He indicated that a cultural change will be required. That currently, telework agreements are mostly approved for reason of accommodation.

Dany Richard expressed that he is happy this review is taking place. One of the challenges he has seen within ESDC is that telework is often seen as a privilege or a reward. He also agreed that a cultural change is required.


Union members to review the Telework Directive and send their comments via email to Guy Cyr before end of September 2018.

Update on the Diversity and Employment Equity Action Plan (Standing item)


Rawan El-Komos gave a summary of the Q4 data that was provided as supporting documents for this item. She outlined the main gap areas as well as areas where they have seen improvements. She mentioned that ESDC had positive year-end figures as a result of a more focused and thoughtful approach in regard to recruitment. She informed members that they are working with the Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) and the Legal Services to launch a Self-Identification blitz in the fall. She confirmed that the communication material will be shared once ready. Rawan El-Komos also mentioned that they are working on fact sheets for the HR Community and managers to help them with targeted recruitment. She also confirmed that they are working on the year-end report which will be shared with the committee once it is finalized. She was happy to mention that the last Steering Committee went very well and thanked the Co-Chairs for their engagement. The Committee continues to work on various initiatives, and the next meeting is scheduled for September 2018.

Sebastian Rodrigues referred to the consistent negative gap for aboriginal peoples and how he found encouraging that there is now a slight improvement. This being said, he suggested an action plan be put into place to narrow this gap even more.

Rawan El-Komos reiterated that the focus this year will be the recruitment strategy based on lessons learned as well as retention strategies.

Claude Archambault expressed how pleased he was with ESDC’s statistics in regard to EX positions. He then mentioned that he would like to receive more details and further breakdowns of data in the regions. He also indicated the need to do system reviews, he provided Statements of Merit Criteria and acting opportunities monitoring as examples.

Claire Caloren was proud to inform members that the Quebec Region has come to an agreement with other departments to participate in the Pride Parade which will take place on August 19, 2018.

Fabienne Jean-François inquired whether there is a strategy in place to ensure all regions are made aware of the various Employment Equity and Diversity Initiatives.

Rawan El-Komos confirmed that they will look into the current strategy to ensure information is disseminated globally and concretely.

Sebastian Rodrigues came back to the recruitment plan topic and asked if the Talent Management approach could be reviewed as it appears that it is often used and results in indeterminate appointments.

Gail Johnson confirmed that they are in the process of reviewing the Talent Management approach. More to come on this subject.


Rawan El-Komos (Todd Burke) will look into the current communication strategy to ensure information is disseminated globally and concretely to all, including the regions.

HR-to-Pay (Phoenix) Update (Sujet permanent/Standing item)


Jennifer Hamilton proceeded to update members on HR-to-Pay (Phoenix) using the data that was provided as supporting documents for this item. She provided an update on the mandatory training for managers and employees. She informed the members that they have participated in many meetings with various branches in ESDC as well as some union-management committees to provide information sessions about the pay process and how everyone can play a role to help.

Doug Hagar asked if there was any update on the number of internal pay advisors that have been hired at ESDC. He expressed his member’s frustration with pay issues and that many employees don’t know where to go to get help to resolve their issues. He mentioned that they have received various comments regarding the mandatory Phoenix training. Some employees appreciated the training but many were disappointed as they would have liked the training to include how to estimate and calculate their pay to verify its accuracy.

Jennifer Hamilton informed the members that ESDC currently has seventeen (17) compensation advisors but they are running a staffing process to increase capacity. Communications are regularly sent via the Intersection and the HR Bulletins and she hopes that these help employees to have a better understanding of where to go depending on their specific problem. She confirmed that employees can be referred to herself and/or Atul Bhandari if they don’t know where to go to get help. As for the mandatory training, Jennifer Hamilton indicated that it does provide good information but does not have the answers to everything. Stephanie Moore explained that there is a separate section for compensation on the intranet and special compensation bulletins will be sent out in the next four (4) weeks. In the late fall, there will also be training sessions launched for employees to help them understand the Compensation Web Application pay stubs and Phoenix pay stubs.

Claude Archambault mentioned that another problematic situation is when employees have not yet been transferred from their previous department and still have outstanding pay issues. These employees are often told to go to their home department with their questions. He asked if ESDC has a Pod Approach and whether our Compensation Advisors have more latitude to initiate changes like some other departments have.

Gail Johnson mentioned that ESDC is slated to get Pods from PSPC in September 2018.

Dany Richard cautioned about providing employees with information on how to calculate their pay as this could generate more questions. As for the mandatory training, he reiterated that PSPC has said that departments need to ensure that the data entry is done accurately. Dany Richard asked why the number of employees and managers who have taken the mandatory training is not closer to one hundred percent (100%).

Jennifer Hamilton responded that the fifteen percent (15%) difference is partially due to the high turnaround in ESDC.

Sebastian Rodrigues asked if perhaps, the fifteen percent (15%) of employees who have not taken the training could have a learning disability.

Jennifer Hamilton confirmed that they would look into the fifteen percent (15%) to see if any employees require special accommodations.

Eddy Bourque inquired about data entry problems and whether or not ESDC had confirmed reasons for the problems, specifically, whether if they were caused by PSPC or ESDC.

Jennifer Hamilton confirmed that she does not have specific details on where the problems stem from exactly. Gail Johnson reminded members that employees can always go to the Compensation Directorate for support. They will focus on, and help with what they can fix and where they can have an impact.

Fabienne Jean-François indicated that more emphasis should be put on Human Resources. She mentioned that the high turnover in the department and the staffing actions resulting from this turnover is one of the reasons for some of these pay issues. She stated that the intranet does not have all the information the employees need to know where to go for help and which recourse they have.

Stephanie Moore reiterated that there is a full page on the intranet on compensation subjects that provides information and direct links to employees.

Crystal Warner mentioned that in some cases, employees are not given the time during work hours to work on their pay issues and said that managers should be informed to allow employees some time to try and solve their pay situation. Crystal Warner also expressed that they would like to see the pay services decentralized and hoped that even when the Phoenix problems are resolved that these compensation advisors will be retained in the department.

Linda Koo asked that the general inquiry contact information be shared with the union members.


Jennifer Hamilton agreed to share general enquiries contact information with union members.

Passport Harmonization Update (Sujet permanent/Standing item)


Evelyne Power gave updates of several meetings held between Citizen Services Branch (CSB) and the union components since the April 10, 2018, HRUMCC meeting. These updates were as follows:

  • June 4, 2018 – Joint Service Canada-UNE-CEIU meeting: Additional services being added to Service Canada Centre (SCC) such has the review of additional passport services (attachments or additional info for applications in processing, found passports, passports of deceased bearers, early replacement applications) and biometric services at fifty-seven (57) SCCs planned for early 2019.
  • In Person Resource Determination model. Follow up to HRUMCC (April 2018) a walk-through of the Citizen Service Resource Determination Model was presented.
  • June 18, 2018, Service Canada – UNE meeting: A site by site review of the Passport Volume Human Resources Risk Analysis was presented to UNE. As a result of the meeting, CSB is drafting national principles for the selection of employees for other employment opportunities to ensure a consistent national approach. A communications package with consistent messaging is also in development and will be discussed with UNE on July 25th. UNE requested details on the national passport volume forecast and budget allocation – which has been provided.
  • July 17, 2018, Service Canada-UNE: Follow up to the Service Management Structural Model implementation: it was the final meeting about the Passport Officer Job Description. Discussions are now moving to the PM3 Team Leader and Business Expertise work descriptions.


No action item identified

Overtime at Employment Insurance


Fabienne Jean-François opened the discussion by mentioning that overtime opportunities for PM-02 employees at Employment Insurance offices are not the same in all regions. She clarified that this is a national problem and not just a Quebec regional problem.

Claire Caloren responded to the questions by assuring members that these are applicable to all business lines and not just employment insurance. She explained that each operational unit is responsible for determining how they meet their objectives while respecting their budget. Some units may privilege overtime whereas others may privilege staffing. She reminded members that operational requirements change regularly and confirmed that there is not a nation's budget.


No action item identified

TBS Classification Review – PA Conversion


Linda Koo opened the discussion by requesting an update on this item.

Gaveen Cadotte explained that Treasury Board is looking into a system-wide review of the Program and Administration (PA) structure like they did with the CS classification. She indicated that the group standard has not been approved by Treasury Board yet but maybe, this would be completed in the fall. She informed members that, in the meantime, ESDC is doing initial work to outline a draft work plan for this complex review and will be seeking in the future, views and inputs on the draft work plan, but, at the moment, they are still waiting for further information from TBS


Management proposed some further discussions with the unions on this subject.

Duty to Accommodate


Crystal Warner brought up what they see as the number one issue with the National Executives, the Duty to Accommodate (DTA). She expressed that they are alarmingly concerned in certain regions, and that since 2016, informal complaints have increased by over fifty percent (50%). She referred to the Public Service Employee Survey (PSES) and mentioned that it showed that many employees did not feel accommodated. She asked what training has been given and if there are DTA committees in the regions. She said that perhaps this could be discussed further outside this meeting.

Danièle Besner agreed that a meeting should be organized and that all HRUMCC members would be invited.

Linda Koo mentioned that certain employees have several months of delays; in some cases employees get re-injured. She echoed Crystal Warner’s concerns and would like managers at all levels to be trained on DTA.


Danièle Besner to schedule a meeting to discuss this subject further and ensure that all HRUMCC members are invited.

Staffing Complaints


Crystal Warner started by raising a specific issue in regards to staffing complaints processes and how it is applied in certain areas of Service Canada. She indicated that in other departments, they found that complaints are often solved more quickly when they are dealt with by face to face facilitated discussions rather than a paper process during the exchange of information. She encouraged ESDC to go back to the facilitated discussions approach.

Rawan El-Komos clarified that the informal discussion stage is very different from the exchange of information stage. She confirmed that they do encourage managers to explore various options which often depend on the nature and complexity of the complaint. She assured members that she would take this comment back to her team and encouraged union members to reach out to her team should they think a face-to-face discussion is required as they would be happy to help facilitate.


No action item identified

Gender Neutral Washrooms


Sebastian Rodrigues explained that trans persons who are in the early stages of transitioning are sometimes affected by distress and physical, mental health issues when it comes to using gender based washrooms

Benson Gorber responded by saying that the Chief Finance Officer Branch Real Property has been proactively working with the Public Service Procurement Canada (PSPC) and the ESDC Pride Network since March 2017 to evaluate opportunities to advance the use of Gender Neutral (GN) washrooms within ESDC space. The majority of washrooms that support ESDC space holdings are located outside of ESDC space and are the property of PSPC or private landlords and are not under the control of ESDC. The National Building Code specifies the numbers and types of washroom facilities to be provided but does not specify that these washrooms be segregated. s.9.12 of Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations (COHSR) (Canada Labour Code, Part II) specifies separate washrooms based upon gender. “Where it is reasonably practicable, a toilet room shall be provided for employees and, subject to section 9.13, where persons of both sexes are employed at the same work place, a separate toilet room shall be provided for employees of each sex.”

Benson Gorber concluded with a description of the current situation:

  • The ESDC Interior Design Standard proposes two (2) solutions to address Gender Neutral washrooms based upon site conditions.

1. An additional universally accessible gender neutral washroom in addition to separate gendered washrooms.

2. Unique stand-alone Gender Neutral washrooms throughout the site.

  • Signage in the IDS for Gender Neutral washrooms shows a toilet with no reference to gender. This solution would remove the issue of gender being a binary definition and instead focus on the function of the room.
  • Existing ESDC sites with separate “universal toilets” within ESDC space will be reviewed to determine feasibility of changing them to universally accessible Gender Neutral washrooms.
  • The Atlantic region has a Gender Neutral washroom at the Dartmouth Management Centre with a sign that shows both genders.
  • The NCR region is looking into providing universally accessible Gender Neutral washrooms as part of a minor refit to existing washrooms at Phase II.
  • The Ontario Region has universally accessible Gender Neutral washrooms on each of the three (3) floors in their new site on Renzo Drive.
  • The Quebec and Western Territories regions are in the planning stage for future projects.


No action item identified

Essential Service Agreements


Linda Koo requested that this subject be put as a standing item on the agenda as the negotiations will start in the fall with Treasury Board.


Crystal Warner and Gail Johnson will discuss the request to have this subject as a standing item.

Roundtable and Closing Remarks


Stan Buday referred to the discussion at the last HRUMCC meeting on business lines topics. He confirmed his agreement to keep these topics at offline meetings but may be required to bring certain topics to this national level meeting to get resolutions.

Danièle Besner informed Stan Buday that she is discussing with management to find the best venue to discuss business lines issues and would get back to him on this.

Eddy Bourque requested that more time be planned on the agenda for the Phoenix item since this is a big issue.

Gail agreed to this request.

Co-Chairs thanked the members and wished everyone a great summer.


Danièle Besner to get back to Stan Buday in regards to what the best venue would be to discuss business line issues.