Hours of Work: Adapting to a New Reality of COVID-19

(DOCX Version, 49 KB)

  • Purpose


    The purpose of this Procedural Guide is to outline potential work schedules, their conditions and considerations as well as provide steps to support their implementation.

  • Context


    The current COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented. In this context, the Department has demonstrated flexibility by expanding the use of the Leave with Pay for Other Reasons (699) as a temporary accommodation measure. While a return to a pre-COVID environment will likely not occur in the foreseeable future, depending on operations and with management concurrence, a variety of work schedules exists that can be leveraged to optimize employee working hours, such as:

    • Changing hours of work, within the normal workday, to minimize the use of Leave with Pay for Other Reasons (699);
    • Working non-consecutive hours;
    • Working a compressed workweek;
    • Working hours outside of the normal workday as defined by their collective agreement.

    In all cases, considerations should be given to fairness, equity, costs, impacts related to Phoenix, ability to ensure supervision, client service and operational requirements.

    The options listed below are to be applied on an individual basis. Most options allow for a degree of flexibility between the manager and the employee. When the changes to a weekly schedule are not sporadic but for a longer stable period (at least more than two months), management should reflect the changes to the employee work schedule in MyEMS (PeopleSoft).

    Note: Shift work is not covered in this document.

  • Regular Schedule

    Regular Schedule

    As prescribed by the applicable collective agreement or terms and conditions of employment, a regular schedule consists of 37.5 hours per week for a full-time employee. Note the following:

    • The normal workweek begins on a Monday and ends on a Sunday; and,
    • The normal workday is 7.5 hours and usually scheduled between 7:00 am and 6:00 pm.

    Here is an example of a Regular Schedule (full-time employee).

    • When the standard workday is 7.5 hours/day; and,
    • When the standard workweek is 37.5 hours/week (75.00 hours for a two-week period)
    Full-time employee regular schedule table


    Week 1 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 0.00 0.00 37.50
    Week 2 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 0.00 0.00 37.50
    Total hours worked in the two week period: 75.00
  • Flexible Hours

    Flexible Hours

    Subject to operational requirements, an employee may request to work flexible hours. This is a work arrangement that allows employees to set the time period in which they will be completing their normal workday, provided they obtain the approval of their manager and abide by their collective agreement. It is expected that regardless of the time the employee starts, they will be able to complete their standard workday.


    • Only available to employees who work during the normal workday;
    • The schedule must be discussed and approved in advance with the employee’s manager;
    • It is subject to operational requirements; and,
    • Rest periods and lunch period are provided as per the applicable collective agreement.


    • Flexible hours is an option that allows for some flexibility in meeting the employee’s needs while still ensuring operational requirements are met;
    • Allows for employees to work at their personal peak production time. For example, if they are “morning people,” they may prefer an early start time;
    • It may facilitate transportation to and from the designated workplace;
    • The schedule should not create additional work for other team members;
    • The schedule should not result in extra payments (e.g., overtime or premiums).

    Scenario Example

    Example of Flexible Hours of Work (full-time employee)

    A full-time employee has to alternate the days he transports his child to daycare with his spouse. As such, he is requesting to start at different times during the workweek. Management could accept the below flexible schedule.

    Full-time employee regular schedule table


    Week 1 9:00 - 5:00 8:30 - 4:30 8:00 - 4:00 9:00 - 5:00 9:00 - 5:00 0.00 0.00 37.50
    Week 2 9:00 - 5:00 8:00 - 4:00 8:00 - 4:00 8:00 - 4:00 9:00 - 5:00 0.00 0.00 37.50
    Total hours worked in the two week period: 75.00

    Note: The option to change the start and end time within the core business hours is specified in the collective agreement (found under ‘hours of work’). For example, in the PA Collective Agreement, the normal workday starts at 7:00 am and ends at 6:00 pm, (with a specific start time between 7:00 am and 10:00 am, and the end time being between 3:00 pm and 6:00 pm).

    How to Implement

    No changes are required in MyEMS (PeopleSoft) schedule if the employees works 7.5 hours daily within the normal workweek.

  • Variable Hours of Work

    Variable Hours of Work

    Also known as a "Compressed Workweek" or "Alternate Work Arrangement (AWA)"

    This work arrangement permits employees to complete their weekly hours of work in a period other than five (5) standard working days and is averaged over a specified period. For example, an employee might work 75 hours over nine (9) days rather than the usual ten (10) days.


    • The schedule must be discussed and approved in advance with the employee’s manager;
    • It is subject to operational requirements;
    • Terms and conditions governing the administration of variable hours are specified in the applicable collective agreement and includes the following:
      • The implementation shall not result in any additional overtime or additional payment;
      • The scheduled hours of work of any day may exceed or be less than 7.5 hours;
      • Starting and finishing times, meal breaks and rest periods shall be determined according to operational requirements, and the daily hours of work shall be consecutive;
      • Such schedules shall provide an average of 37.5 hours of work per week over the life of the schedule;
      • Earned leave credits or other leave entitlements shall be equal to 7.5 hours per day;
      • A designated paid holiday shall account for 7.5 hours;
      • Employees must make up the time of statutory holidays. For example, an employee on a schedule workweek of 37.5 hours and one day off every two weeks would use 50 minutes of annual or compensatory leave or work an additional 50 minutes to make up the time;
      • When leave is granted, it must be equal to the number of hours of work scheduled. For example, if an employee works 8 hours 20 minutes (8.333 hours) per day and they take a day of vacation leave, 8.333 hours will be deducted from that employee’s vacation leave credits, the same applies for sick leave credits.


    • A variable hour work schedule is an option that allows for some flexibility in meeting the employee’s needs while still ensuring operational requirements are met;
    • Employees working variable hour schedules continue to be entitled to the same leave provisions as before;
    • The arrangement is voluntary on the part of the employee;
    • Over a sustained period, longer hours can be physically and mentally demanding for some individuals.

    Note: If an employee is requesting Leave with Pay for Other Reasons (699) on a day that does not correspond to the cumulated day of rest (compressed), managers should explore the possibility of rescheduling that day of rest to a day when the employee would be on other leave with pay for other reasons. For complex situations, managers are encouraged to contact Labour Relations for advice and guidance.

    Example of Variable Hours of Work for a full-time employee working on a two-week compressed schedule with 2nd Friday off

    • When the standard workday is 7.5 hours/day; and,
    • When the standard workweek is 37.5 hours (75.00 hours for a 2-week period):
    Full-time employee regular schedule table


    Week 1 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 7.0 0.00 0.00 41.00
    Week 2 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 0.00 0.00 0.00 34.00
    Total hours worked in the two week period: 75.00

    How to Implement

    To implement variable hour schedule, employees must first complete the Work Schedule (HRB5026) (PDF, 96 KB) form and submit it to their manager for approval. The total working hours indicated in the form must correspond to an average of 37.5 hours per week, for a work schedule of either 14, 21 or 28 calendar days (as per applicable collective agreement). More information can be found at this link: How to Apply

    Once approved and prior to the start of the new schedule, managers must enter the schedule in MyEMS (PeopleSoft). In order to do so, refer to MyEMS (PeopleSoft) Support Guide: Manager Absence Self-Service - Manage Employee Schedules

  • Other Option Within Core Hours (7 a.m. to 6 p.m.)

    Other Option Within Core Hours (7 a.m. to 6 p.m.)

    In order to accommodate employees, management may want to explore a work schedule with non-consecutive hours.


    • Only available to employees who work during the normal workday;
    • The schedule must be discussed and approved in advance with the employee’s manager;
    • It is subject to operational requirements; and,
    • Rest periods and lunch period are provided as per the applicable collective agreement.


    • This option allows for some flexibility in meeting the employee’s needs while still ensuring operational requirements are met;
    • The arrangement should be reviewed on a regular basis based on the employee’s individual circumstances in conjunction with operational requirements;
    • The schedule should not create additional work for other team members;
    • The schedule should not result in extra payments (such as, overtime or premiums);
    • Terms and conditions of the applicable collective agreement continue to apply, including rest periods and lunch period. For example, according to scenario below, two (2) rest periods of 15 minutes each should be scheduled (one in the morning and one in the afternoon) and the lunch period could be taken between10:30 am and 1:00 pm.

    Scenario Example

    An employee has to care for their child a few hours around mealtime each day. The employee cannot work 7.5 consecutive hours but still can complete their 7.5 hours within the core hours.

    Full-time employee regular schedule table


    Weekly Schedule

    7:30 - 10:30

    1:00 - 5:30

    = 7.5

    7:30 - 10:30

    1:00 - 5:30

    = 7.5

    7:30 - 10:30

    1:00 - 5:30

    = 7.5

    7:30 - 10:30

    1:00 - 5:30

    = 7.5

    7:30 - 10:30

    1:00 - 5:30

    = 7.5

    0.00 0.00 37.50

    How to Implement

    If the pre-defined work schedule is 7.5 hours per day, there are no changes to be made in MyEMS (PeopleSoft) as 7.5 hours are performed daily within the core working hours.

    Given the nature of this work schedule, it is strongly recommended that the manager and the employee have the details of the agreed work schedule in writing.

  • Late Hours (Outside Core Hours) –PA Collective Agreement Only

    Late Hours (Outside Core Hours) –PA Collective Agreement Only

    Clause 25.11 of the PA Collective Agreement provides for late hours from 6:00 am to 7:00 am and 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm, from Monday to Friday. Consultation with Labour Relations is required prior to the implementation late hours.

    When late hour schedules are implemented, even if the employee voluntarily requests it, the employee is entitled to the $7 late-hour premium (between 6:00 am and 7:00 am and between 6:00 pm and 9:00 pm) for each full hour worked.

    Important Note: A Departmental decision has been taken that the implementation late hour schedules (i.e. before 7:00 am or after 6:00 pm) will be voluntary on the part of employees in the context of Leave with Pay for Other Reasons (699) leave and COVID-19. Outside of the 699 leave and COVID-19 situation, management can implement late hour schedules, but these late hours must be implemented to meet public needs and/or efficient service operations and consultation with Labour Relations is required.

    Conditions General

    • Union consultation is required;
    • The hours of work cannot begin prior to 6:00 am or extend beyond 9:00 pm or alter the Monday to Friday workweek or the 7.5 consecutive hour workday;
    • Employees must receive at least seven (7) days’ notice in advance of the starting time of such change. Should this not be respected, the first (1st) day worked subsequent to such change shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half (1 1/2) for the first 7.5 hours and double (2) time thereafter. Subsequent days worked on the revised hours shall be paid for at straight-time rate, subject to Article 28 (overtime);
    • When an employee’s scheduled hours of work are performed between 6:00 am and 7:00 am (and not earlier) or between 6:00 pm and 9:00 pm (and not later), the employee shall receive a late-hour premium of seven dollars ($7) for each hour worked before 7:00 am and after 6:00 pm as per article 25.12 (b). However, the schedule must still respect the following criteria of day work:
      • The normal workweek shall be of 37.5 hours;
      • From Monday to Friday inclusive;
      • The normal workday shall be 7.5 consecutive hours exclusive of a lunch period.
    • The late-hour premium shall not apply to overtime hours and the premium is payable for all full hours worked only;
    • Employees who work shift schedules are not entitled to the Late-Hour Premium;
    • Part-time employees (working less than 37.5 hours a week) are not entitled to the late-hour premium as they do not work full time (37.5 hours). This is a premium paid only to day workers working full time hours as indicated in article 25.11 (d).

    Conditions in 699 leave and COVID-19

    • The same conditions noted above apply except:
      • The employee voluntary requested the change in hours outside core hours to accommodate their personal circumstances relating to COVID-19 or to minimize their use of Leave with Pay for Other Reasons (699). Such hours continue to be operationally feasible and meet operational requirements;
      • Union consultation is not required as management is dealing with individual situations of accommodation;
      • The seven (7) days’ notice in advance of the starting time of such change does not apply.


    • Provides extended services hours: early starting time and a late finish time;
    • This option allows for some flexibility in meeting the employee’s needs while still ensuring operational requirements are met;
    • It may facilitate transportation requirements as well as other personal arrangements and commitments.

    The following are examples of day work schedules where late-hour premiums are applicable:

    Scenario Example A

    An employee has to provide care to her young children as the daycare is closed (Covid-19). She has made alternate arrangements but could only secure a caregiver in the early morning. She voluntarily requested hours of work in the early morning and it is operationally feasible.

    Late hours scenario 1 schedule


    Work Week

    6:00am - 2:00pm

    6:00am - 2:00pm

    6:00am - 2:00pm

    6:00pm - 2:00pm

    6:00pm - 2:00pm

    0 0 37.5

    Employee works Monday to Friday from 6:00 am to 2:00 pm is entitled to the late-hour premium for the full hour worked before 7:00 am.

    The employee is entitled to a late premium of one (1) hour per day (from 6:00 am to 7:00 am) for a total of 5.00 hours from Monday to Friday.

    Scenario Example B

    An employee has to provide care to her ill mother (Covid-19). She has made alternate arrangements but could only secure a caregiver in the afternoon and as such is only available to start at 1:00 pm. She voluntarily requested hours of work in the evening and it operationally feasible.

    Late hours scenario 1 schedule


    Work Week

    1:00pm - 9:00pm

    1:00pm - 9:00pm

    1:00pm - 9:00pm

    1:00pm - 9:00pm

    1:00pm - 9:00pm

    0 0 37.5

    Employee works Monday to Friday from 1:00 pm to 9:00 pm is entitled to the late-hour premium for each full hour worked after 6:00 pm.

    The employee is entitled to a late premium of 3 hours per day (from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm) for a total of 15.00 hours from Monday to Friday.

    Payment for Late Hour Premium

    In order for an employee to claim payment for the late hour premium, requests must be sent via Phoenix self-service in a timely basis. Please refer to the Shift and Late Hour Premiums page for further information . Any requests submitted more than 6 months after the work was completed will not be accepted in Phoenix and must be submitted using the Extra Duty Pay/Shiftwork Report and Authorization GC-179 form.