Harassment and Violence Complaint Resolution

Important Notice !

Bill C-65, an Act to amend the Canada Labour Code and protect employees from harassment and violence in federal workplaces, came into force on January 1, 2021.

The content on this page may not reflect the most up to date information during the transition to the new regulatory framework.

For the latest information, employees and managers are encouraged to contact the Harassment and Violence Centre of Expertise (HVCE).

The Harassment Centre of Expertise provides employees and managers with neutral services for the resolution of harassment-related problems in order to foster and maintain a healthy and respectful workplace.

The following services are offered to all ESDC managers, employees and work teams:

  • Neutral support and counselling for employees and managers
  • Management of formal harassment complaints
  • Internal Investigations
  • Preliminary assessments/Workplace assessments
  • Expert support for harassment complaints
  • Coaching with LR and management of fact-finding initiatives.

Feel free to contact our harassment advisors for more information.

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