Employees with Disabilities Network Newsletter Spring 2020


The Employees with Disabilities Network (EWDN) continues to monitor the current COVID-19 situation. We want you to know that we will continue to offer support and guidance during this time. We understand that this is a difficult situation for everyone especially for those of you that may be having a harder time adjusting. We are here for you! In addition, please seek out the other supports available online. Here are a few links that may be of help:

News and Achievements

  1. Improving recruitment, retention, and promotion of persons with disabilities;
  2. Enhancing the accessibility of the built environment;
  3. Making information and communications technology (ICT) usable by all;
  4. Equipping public servants to design and deliver accessible programs and services; and
  5. Building an accessibility-confident public service.

Duty to Accommodate (DTA) News

Tools and Supports

Learning and Events

Spotlight on Accessibility Series

The Canada School of the Public Service is hosting a series of events titled Spotlight on Accessibility. Please follow the link for information on past events.  Stay tuned for rescheduled events!

Here are some of the key highlights from the Built Environment Webinar held in January 2020. It brought together experts to share examples and provide advice on how Government of Canada workplaces can follow accessibility requirements, including those under the Accessible Canada Act.

Accessibility Webinar

On March 5th Anne Simard (EwDN Executive for the NCR) and Linda Mintz (EwDN Executive for ON) gave an Accessibility Webinar

Anne Simard is a Technical Advisor with the IT Accessibility group. This year she celebrates 33 years of employment with the Government of Canada! Linda has always had a passion to ensure we do this right the first time! Anne and Linda provided information on the services available to ensure that persons with disabilities are able to participate fully. Anne provides a document review service where she will assess various documents for accessibility.

To request an information session on Creating Accessible Documents or for a Document Review please visit the Accessible Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on iService for the contact information.

Mental Health - Peer Supporters

Stress affects us all in one way or another and can lead to issues with mental health. Many indivivudals will not consult a health professional because of the continued stigma around mental health. Peer Supporters are colleagues with whom you can share your concerns with confidence. Having experienced mental health issues themselves they listen without judgment. They will offer emotional support and accompany you in the healing process in confidentiality. Find a Peer supporter with lived experience.

If you are struggling with a mental health issue espcially during this time please don't do it alone. Reach out to family, friends, peer supporters or colleagues. You can also contact the Employee Assistance Program (1-800-268-7708) any time if you or someone you know needs help.

Your Executive in Action

Glide a lap in my sledge

Megan Mah (EwDN Executive for the Western-Territories) played hockey when she was younger. She understood how difficult hockey can be when you have use of both feet. Recently she tried sledge hockey to see how the sport has been adapted for people with disabilities. It was fun and she gained a greater appreciation for how individuals with mobility challenges can still enjoy winter sports. Take the opportunity to participate in a sport like sledge hockey. You will gain a better understanding of how accommodations are used everywhere.

EwDN at the Ontario Region Wellness Fair

On February 27th the Government Office at 4900 Yonge St held a Wellness fair. Linda Mintz and Michael Axmith (EwDN executives for Ontario) were invited to hold a booth. Employees from different government agencies attended. They received information about the EwDN, accessibility and accommodations. Participants enjoyed an invisible disabilities wellness word search and a game of accesibilty Jeopardy! Categories included invisible disabiliites, accessibility, accommodations and persons with disabilities. It is fair to say we were ALL winners.

Among the other organizations at the fair were: the Employee Assistance Plan; The Assaulted Women's Hotline, Fire Services, the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition and the Heart and Stroke Foundation. The Native Canadian Centre of Canada also attended. They opened the event with two enlightening and spiritual songs. The most popular feature were four comfort dogs from the St. John's Ambulance Therapy Dog Program. The Wellness Fair was a fantastic day for all attendees. Look for the EwDN booth at future events!

Providing Support and Contact Us!

The EwDN Chair, Co-Chair, Representatives and Champion have all been consulted on a number of different issues. These issues include duty to accommodate, invisible disabilities, and accessibility challenges. We are here to be your advocate and to provide you with the support that you need at a personal and an organizational level.

Questions? Comments? Want to join the Network? Let us know! We would love to hear from you. Send an email here : na-reseau_empl_handicapes_disabilities_network-gd@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca and have your say!  Also check out our iService page for more information about us.