Employment Social Development Canada
(ESDC): Indigenous Employees Circle (IEC)
2018-20 Work Plan

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The IEC is a volunteer entity within ESDC, where the National Council members are volunteering their time and efforts, and are often doing the many activities listed as a side activity. One of the major challenges has been to complete activities within the IEC given the increased emphasis and attention to Indigenous perspectives within the Government of Canada and within ESDC. The IEC will support the Department in building awareness and knowledge of Indigenous perspectives, to respond to the Truth and Reconciliation Commissions Call to Action #57.

The mandate of the IEC has been evolving. There have been many new entities developed within the Department with their own mandates, the IEC is striving to work collaboratively with these new entities and to provide advice and guidance as requested and to ensure the work is complimentary and not competing.

We see our work within the IEC as complimentary to others efforts and we will be working side by side with others in the development and implementation of new initiatives dealing with Indigenous perspectives.

Each of the main areas of focus below is supported by the entire IEC National Council with a sub-group or Portfolio group who brings more focus and reports to the National Council on progress to date and implements the objective in partnership with the IEC National Council and it's partners. The portfolio leads act as facilitator and coordinator on behalf of the IEC National Council. This is not to say that other National Council members do not contribute or work on that particular objective, we all have roles to play in all aspects of the IEC operations: Many hands, light work.

There have been five portfolio's or main priority areas identified:

  • Communications

    Communication, communication, communication. Communication within any organisation is of paramount importance, the IEC is no exception. Most important is the communication with our members, so that they are aware of what is happening within the Department and can see how they are being represented. Our communications to those we partner and work with is important as well, so that our role is clear and our responsibilities are clear so that conflict is minimized. We are developing a specific communications plan that will address the items below as well as our internal communications.

    Portfolio Leads: Dan Ducharme (Ontario Representative), and Maryse Awashish (Quebec Representative)

    Communications Objective

    To effectively communicate with our members, and partners.


    National and Regional Membership meetings
    Expected Outcome
    • Discussions with the IEC membership on IEC mandate and activities to date and seek input on priorities moving forward
    • IEC Mandate validation
    • Multi-Year Work Plan developed. An Evergreen document adaptable to issues and priorities as they arise
    • Alignment with ESDC Indigenous initiatives
    Linkage to DEE Action Plan
    Commitment: Mechanisms are in place for employees to discuss and address diversity and EE issues and to have opportunities to contribute their ideas for departmental and government-wide diversity-related initiatives.
    National Council
    Expected Outcome
    • Enhanced of knowledge and understanding of existing and emerging Indigenous HR issues and opportunities by federal non-Indigenous and Indigenous employees
    • Enhanced relationship with IEC membership
    Linkage to DEE Action Plan
    Commitment: Mechanisms are in place for employees to discuss and address diversity and EE issues and to have opportunities to contribute their ideas for departmental and government-wide diversity-related initiatives.
    National Council
    InterSection articles
    Expected Outcome
    Enhance knowledge and understanding of existing and emerging Indigenous HR issues and opportunities by federal non-Indigenous and Indigenous employees
    Linkage to DEE Action Plan
    Commitment: Mechanisms are in place for employees to discuss and address diversity and EE issues and to have opportunities to contribute their ideas for departmental and government-wide diversity-related initiatives.
    National Council
    Effective SharePoint Site management and use
    Expected Outcome
    • Enhanced relationship with IEC membership
    • Enhanced information management
    Linkage to DEE Action Plan
    Commitment: Mechanisms are in place for employees to discuss and address diversity and EE issues and to have opportunities to contribute their ideas for departmental and government-wide diversity-related initiatives.
    National Council
    Solicit input from IEC membership on mandate and activities going forward
    Expected Outcome
    Clearer direction to meet the needs and priorities of membership
    Linkage to DEE Action Plan
    Commitment: Mechanisms are in place for employees to discuss and address diversity and EE issues and to have opportunities to contribute their ideas for departmental and government-wide diversity-related initiatives.
    National Council
    National Council members will share information with regional / national members on information pertinent to the membership
    Expected Outcome
    Increased awareness of events and activities throughout the membership
    Linkage to DEE Action Plan
    Commitment: Mechanisms are in place for employees to discuss and address diversity and EE issues and to have opportunities to contribute their ideas for departmental and government-wide diversity-related initiatives.
    National Council
  • IEC planning and coordination

    The primary focus for IEC Planning and Coordination is to provide overall governance to the IEC. It is meant to allow the IEC to align its strategic directions within a culturally relevant and meaningful manner within the Department, to provide opportunity for the IEC to advocate on behalf of and represent First Nation, Inuit and Metis employee interests with the Department and within the Government of Canada. It also lends itself to policy input and review

    Portfolio Leads: Reg Parsons (Chair) and Lucie Veilleux (Vice-Chair)

    IEC planning and coordination Objective

    Provide Governance to the Indigenous Employees Circle


    Regular IEC Executive Committee meetings
    Expected Outcome
    IEC EC coordination and effectiveness
    Linkage to DEE Action Plan
    Commitment: Mechanisms are in place for employees to discuss and address diversity and EE issues and to have opportunities to contribute their ideas for departmental and government-wide diversity-related initiatives.
    Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary
    In-Person meetings every 6 months – not only in Ottawa for teachings from other Elders (Nations) could be brought in
    Expected Outcome
    Engaged and committed National Council
    Linkage to DEE Action Plan
    Commitment: Mechanisms are in place for employees to discuss and address diversity and EE issues and to have opportunities to contribute their ideas for departmental and government-wide diversity-related initiatives.
    National Council
    Meetings where the IEC provides advice and guidance on various aspects of the Department and departmental policies (Meetings with Indigenous Perspectives Champions, HRSB, ICE, College @ESDSC, others)
    Expected Outcome
    • Policies and processes that recognize Indigenous perspectives
    • Effective collaboration with Champions and other partners
    Linkage to DEE Action Plan
    Commitment: Mechanisms are in place for employees to discuss and address diversity and EE issues and to have opportunities to contribute their ideas for departmental and government-wide diversity-related initiatives.
    National Council and Indigenous Perspectives Champions
    Improvements to membership list
    Expected Outcome
    • Membership list is current and in alignment with Stewardship of Information Policy
    • Better "control" and quality of information provide to members
    • Double membership in 2018-19 from 2017-18 levels
    Linkage to DEE Action Plan
    Commitment: Mechanisms are in place for employees to discuss and address diversity and EE issues and to have opportunities to contribute their ideas for departmental and government-wide diversity-related initiatives.
    Chair, Vice-Chair, Project leads and Secretary
    Governance Support
    Expected Outcome
    • Budget development and allocation process defined and communicated including financial code

    Lead: Treasurer and Executive Committee

    • Revised terms of reference aligning IEC mandate within the current climate
    • FTE support to the IEC through micro-missions, student hiring, or assignment/acting opportunity

    Lead: National Council

    Linkage to DEE Action Plan
    Commitment: Mechanisms are in place for employees to discuss and address diversity and EE issues and to have opportunities to contribute their ideas for departmental and government-wide diversity-related initiatives.
    Advise and support ESDC to implement targeted measures and monitoring results
    Expected Outcome
    • Programs targeted to Indigenous employees and potential employees are more accountable and successful
    • Work with HRSB to report on DEE Action Plan
    Linkage to DEE Action Plan
    Commitment: Review Management Accountability Framework results annually for diversity and EE to identify areas of improvement
    Chair and National Council in partnership with HRSB, Champions, and PASRB
  • Recruitment, retention and career development

    The recruitment, retention and development of Indigenous employees have been a focus for several different entities within the Department over the last number of years. The IEC is well position to provide advice and guidance to senior management and hiring managers in the recruitment of Indigenous employees. The IEC strives to provide a safe work environment for Indigenous employees, one where they feel they can be themselves. Investing in our Indigenous employees will lend itself to retention of those employees, perhaps not within ESDC, but within the Government of Canada. We, as the IEC, are ambassadors of the Department both within and externally. The IEC will strive to support the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, "to develop with Aboriginal groups a joint strategy to eliminate educational and employment gaps between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Canadians."

    Portfolio Leads: Jenny Anderson (Secretary), Natasha Bertrand (NCR Representative), Rochelle Burkowski (Treasurer), Teresa Evans (Atlantic Representative)

    Recruitment, retention and career development Objective

    Advocate and assist ESDC in the recruitment, retention and career development of Indigenous employees


    Provide advice and guidance to assist in the improvement of marketing and communication of ESDC career opportunities for Indigenous job seekers.
    Expected Outcome
    Improved communication and knowledge of career and career development opportunities for First Nation, Inuit and Metis
    Linkage to DEE Action Plan

    Commitment: Based on 2031 workforce availability projections:
    Implement strategies to improve overall Indigenous representation at all levels within the Department

    National Council
    Provide input/advice/guidance for ESDC in the development and management of the new Indigenous inventory and other focused staffing opportunities
    Expected Outcome
    Provide advice, guidance, and input for accountability, marketing and results of the ESDC Indigenous Inventory and other focused opportunities for Indigenous Peoples
    Linkage to DEE Action Plan

    Commitment: Based on 2031 workforce availability projections:
    Implement strategies to improve overall Indigenous representation at all levels within the Department

    Consult and promote access and uptake of the FSWEP by Indigenous post-secondary students
    Expected Outcome
    Increased access and uptake of the FSWEP by Indigenous post-secondary students
    Linkage to DEE Action Plan

    Commitment: Based on 2031 workforce availability projections:
    Implement strategies to improve overall Indigenous representation at all levels within the Department

    National Council, HRSB
    Contribute to the planning, design and promotion of career and career development opportunities for ESDC Indigenous employees
    Expected Outcome
    • Career planning for Indigenous employees with short and long term planning opportunities to assist in identification of training and developmental opportunities to support their advancement
    • Increase access to career development training for Indigenous employees
    Linkage to DEE Action Plan

    Commitment: Based on 2031 workforce availability projections:
    Implement strategies to improve overall Indigenous representation at all levels within the Department

    National Council, HRSB, College @ESDC
    Review results from the 2014 PSES related to Aboriginal employees
    Expected Outcome
    Harassment and Discrimination concerns of Indigenous employees are addressed
    Linkage to DEE Action Plan

    Commitment: Based on 2031 workforce availability projections:
    Implement strategies to improve overall Indigenous representation at all levels within the Department

    National Council
  • Awareness activities

    Increasing the awareness of all employees has been the focus of the Department and is a mandatory requirement for all employees to complete awareness training. As such, there is a tremendous new interest in all things Indigenous, we have seen an increase in people seeking membership with the IEC, we have seen an increase in requests for Elders at events within the Department, and we, the IEC, have been inundated with numerous requests for information. Traditionally the IEC played a large role in the identification, development, implementation of awareness activities. In 2018-19 the College @ESDC has been given the mandate to increase awareness through learning of all ESDC employees. The IEC role will now be to provide assistance where needed, to support the College's efforts as well as provide advice and guidance. There will still be events and activities planned by the IEC, but now it will be in partnership with others within the Department, and the IEC.

    Portfolio Leads: Fannie Bernard (Atlantic Representative), Natasha Bertrand (NCR Representative), Rochelle Burkowski (Treasurer)

    Awareness activities Objective

    Advise and support ESDC in enhancing the general awareness of Indigenous cultures, traditions, communities and issues


    Learning opportunities to provide Indigenous perspectives on Indigenous cultures, communities
    Expected Outcome
    Enhanced knowledge and understanding of Indigenous histories, cultures and communities
    Linkage to DEE Action Plan

    Commitment: Encourage diversity-related learning, specifically:
    Promote the Indigenous Learning Curriculum (recommendation 57 of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Final Report).

    National Council in partnership with College@ESDC and Canada School of Public Service (CSPS)
    Provide input/advice on development and promotion of Indigenous Speakers Series
    Expected Outcome
    Enhanced timeliness, relevance and cultural appropriateness in the Indigenous Speakers Series
    Linkage to DEE Action Plan

    Commitment: Encourage diversity-related learning, specifically:
    Promote the Indigenous Learning Curriculum (recommendation 57 of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Final Report).

    National Council in partnership with College@ESDC and Canada School of Public Service (CSPS)
    Provide advice and guidance in support the College @ESDC in Indigenous awareness training opportunities, including but not limited to Indigenous Awareness week, National Indigenous Peoples' History Month and National Indigenous Peoples' day
    Expected Outcome
    Awareness training opportunities offered widely in a culturally appropriate manner
    Linkage to DEE Action Plan

    Commitment: Encourage diversity-related learning, specifically:
    Promote the Indigenous Learning Curriculum (recommendation 57 of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Final Report).

    National Council in partnership with College@ESDC and Canada School of Public Service (CSPS)
    Contribute to the planning, selection and promotion of the Deputy Minister's Award of Excellence
    Expected Outcome
    A highly recognized and distinguished award
    Linkage to DEE Action Plan

    Commitment: Encourage diversity-related learning, specifically:
    Promote the Indigenous Learning Curriculum (recommendation 57 of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Final Report).

    National Council in partnership with College@ESDC and Canada School of Public Service (CSPS)
    Seek to learn from and collaborate with other Government of Canada institutions for the purpose of sharing best practices and to facilitate the exchange of resources
    Expected Outcome
    Best practices and lessons learned built in to the activities of IEC as appropriate
    Linkage to DEE Action Plan

    Commitment: Encourage diversity-related learning, specifically:
    Promote the Indigenous Learning Curriculum (recommendation 57 of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Final Report).

    National Council in partnership with College@ESDC and Canada School of Public Service (CSPS)
  • Strategic partnerships

    There is much work happening with respect to Indigenous perspectives throughout the Department. The IEC is well established within the fabric of the Department and the National Council members bring much experience and knowledge to their work with the IEC. Because of this National Council members are sought after to provide advice and guidance on many facets of Departmental objectives and priorities. Having an effective network within the Department and within the Government of Canada allows the IEC to have maximum influence and to support Indigenous employees and clients in a culturally relevant and appropriate manner and to provide the advice and guidance to allow for effective and efficient decision making.

    Portfolio Leads: Glenda Restoule (NCR Representative), Josee Lebrun (Quebec Representative), Ernest Mountain (W-T Representative)

    Strategic partnerships Objective

    Position the IEC as a strategic partner within ESDC to support ESDC in meeting Indigenous commitments and objectives


    Meet and collaborate with DM, Indigenous Perspective Champions and other senior leadership to gain support for reconciliation activities and efforts led by IEC
    Expected Outcome
    Effective advocacy and advisory support provided to ESDC Indigenous employees and to the department
    Linkage to DEE Action Plan
    • Establish a national forum for branch/regional diversity and EE network leads to share best practices and engage in a dialogue on departmental diversity and EE initiatives.
    • Identify measures to improve diversity and EE and present recommendations to senior management, as required
    Chair and National Council
    Participate on internal regional and national working groups related to: Indigenous recruitment, retention and advancements; Indigenous awareness activities; and other committees as required
    Expected Outcome
    Effective advocacy and advisory support provided to ESDC Indigenous employees and to the department
    Linkage to DEE Action Plan
    • Establish a national forum for branch/regional diversity and EE network leads to share best practices and engage in a dialogue on departmental diversity and EE initiatives.
    • Identify measures to improve diversity and EE and present recommendations to senior management, as required
    Chair and National Council
    Participate on interdepartmental working groups including: Chairs and Champions; and regional or NCR interdepartmental working groups as required; and Indigenous public servants networks (regional and national)
    Expected Outcome
    Effective advocacy and advisory support provided to ESDC Indigenous employees and to the department
    Linkage to DEE Action Plan
    • Establish a national forum for branch/regional diversity and EE network leads to share best practices and engage in a dialogue on departmental diversity and EE initiatives.
    • Identify measures to improve diversity and EE and present recommendations to senior management, as required
    Chair and National Council
    Outreach to other ESDC employment equity working groups
    Expected Outcome
    Effective advocacy and advisory support provided to ESDC Indigenous employees and to the department
    Linkage to DEE Action Plan
    • Establish a national forum for branch/regional diversity and EE network leads to share best practices and engage in a dialogue on departmental diversity and EE initiatives.
    • Identify measures to improve diversity and EE and present recommendations to senior management, as required
    Chair and National Council
    Network with other Indigenous networks of committees
    Expected Outcome
    • Greater horizontal collaboration, planning and activities within federal Indigenous network to support the interests of federal Indigenous employees
    • Improved capacity to provide advice to EDSC
    Linkage to DEE Action Plan
    • Establish a national forum for branch/regional diversity and EE network leads to share best practices and engage in a dialogue on departmental diversity and EE initiatives.
    • Identify measures to improve diversity and EE and present recommendations to senior management, as required
    Chair and National Council