Road Map: Worker’s Compensation

Receive WCB Decision

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  • Employee

    If the employee is not satisfied with the workers’ compensation board decision, the employee may initiate an appeal following the provincial WCB process.

  • Manager

    If the Manager has concerns with the decision, the manager may request advice and guidance using the HRSC Web App, to discuss the possibility of an employer appeal.

    If the WCB claim decision is allowed, the employer may start granting paid Injury-on-Duty Leave (IODL) for periods of disability approved by the WCB (also known as approved ‘lost time’). The first request to grant IODL should cover all lost time approved by the WCB at the time of receiving the decision letter. This would include portions of work days missed to attend medical appointments related to the injury/illness and should extend to the latest date until which the employee is to be off work, as referenced in the most recent medical note/form.  

    Manager submits a request using the HRSC Web App.

    1. Select Pay Related Action
    2. Category: Occupational Health and Safety – Document Submission (click the Select button)
    3. Sub-Category: Workers’ Compensation – Leave Code Change

    Manager must attach to the request the supporting WCB correspondence (i.e. WCB approval letter) and a Leave Application and Absence Report (GC-178) (PDF, 362 KB),requesting Injury-On-Duty Leave (code 660) for the dates in question. See Description of Leave Codes for details.

    Pay Centre receives the request and takes the necessary action.

    Subsequent requests to grant IODL may be necessary as the employer keeps obtaining confirmation that the WCB approves subsequent periods of time off work as recommended on medical notes/forms. However, the total period of injury-on-duty leave should not reach more than 130 working days without a special departmental review of the case. At the 100 day mark, the manager should submit a request for advice and guidance using the HRSC Web App. and an advisor within the Disability Management unit will help the manager take steps to prepare for this case review.