Obtain an Acquisition Card

  1. Before initiating your request, verify your eligibility (Casual and Term employees of 6 months or less are not eligible);
  2. If you are an indeterminate employee or term employee (6 months +), you must complete 3 mandatory courses PRIOR to obtaining a new card;

Mandatory Training

  • Mandatory Training #1: Online (SABA) Acquisition Card course (explains your roles and responsibilities as a cardholder).
    • Go to ILMS/Saba using the learning code: 00003080 (Acquisition Card).
    • Once completed, you need to save a copy of your certificate.
    • You will be required to redo this course if you do not apply for your AC within six months after completing it or in the case of an acquisition card misuse.

    NOTE: If you do not yet have an ILMS/Saba username, please follow these instructions (PDF, 275 KB).

  • Mandatory Training #2: AC1e – Acquisition Card Processing course (this role allows for the creation of card documents and the ability to run credit card reports).
    • Go to the myEMS (SAP) new/current user, scroll down to the Select your myEMS (SAP) role section and select Cardholder role or select Saba and it will bring you to the SABA online training.
    • You must register to the myEMS (SAP) Cardholder curriculum:
      1. myEMS (SAP) SAP1e - myEMS (SAP) Overview and Basic Navigation (must be completed prior to the following)
      2. myEMS (SAP) AC1e - Acquisition Card Processing
    • Please allow 2 business days after successful completion of the training curriculum for procurement in myEMS (SAP).
    • Once completed, you need to save a copy of your certificate.
  • Mandatory Training #3: Green Procurement (C215)

Important: Acquisition card applications will not be processed before All mandatory courses have been completed and certificates of completion received.

  1. Before you start, email the below copies of the following certificates of completion to the National Acquisition Card Program Team nc-purchasing_portal@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca;
    • Online (SABA) Acquisition Card
    • myEMS (SAP) AC1e Acquisition Card Processing
    • Green Procurement (C215)
  2. To apply for a new acquisition card, please fill out our Acquisition Card application and expenditure authorization.
  3. Complete the application and press SUBMIT.
  4. Once submitted, the Cost Center Manager indicated on your application will receive an email notification requesting to complete and approve the application.
  5. The Acquisition Card Coordinator will automatically receive and then process your application
  6. You will receive an email from Desjardins to log into your VISA Intellilink account and your card will be sent to you by mail.

For any questions or issues with the myEMS (SAP) login, please report an incident.