International Travel Policy

Archived Financial Policies

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Date Last Revised: January 2009

Please Note: This policy/document is currently under review and is being updated to reflect new procedures and terminology associated with the implementation of myEMS (SAP)

Please note that this policy will apply to both Service Canada and Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC) hereinafter referred to as the "Department" or "Departmental".

Table of Contents

  1. Background
  2. Policy Objective
  3. Policy Statements and Requirements
  4. Roles and Responsibilities
  5. Compliance
  6. References

1. Background

The fundamental choice to utilize international travel to meet departmental business prerogatives remains essentially a management decision. This decision must clearly fall within approved budgetary expenditure limits and the formal departmental delegated signing authorities. Additionally, the specific travel arrangements and allowances that apply are dealt with under the National Joint Council (NJC) Travel Directive concerning International Travel. While the NJC Directive includes travel in the USA along with "overnight stay in Canada and the USA", for the purposes of this policy travel in the USA is considered as international travel.

Not withstanding this above described travel policy framework, an additional departmental administrative requirement is articulated in this policy which requires formal identification and prior approval of all international travel.

We should note that domestic business travel which includes travel through USA airspace, touching down for emergencies, changes of aircraft or stop-overs, en route to Canadian destinations, does not constitute international travel.

2. Policy Objectives

To ensure that international travel is assessed against departmental criteria and objectives, to encourage sharing of benefits derived from international travel within the Department, and to ensure effective coordination of all Departmental international activities.

3. Policy Statements and Requirements


All international travel shall be identified in the Departmental International Travel Plan or in updates to the Plan.


Each proposed international trip must be submitted for pre-approval pursuant to this policy, using the mandatory rationale template. The template must contain the following mandatory information: name of Branch; name of activity or event; location; dates; meeting purpose; number of Departmental participants and their role at the activity or event; linkages to the Departmental international strategy and corporate priorities, foreign policy and international commitments of the Government of Canada; expected results/outcomes and benefits to the Department and/or Government; implications if the trip is not undertaken; in cases of training, whether similar training is available in Canada; whether other government departments will be attending; whether costs will be reimbursed; preliminary cost estimates; and a Branch contact name.


All international travel requests must be submitted for approval in accordance with the procedures listed Service Canada, HRSDC and Labour.

3.4 Guiding Principles

Proposed international travel activities will be assessed against the following guiding principles:

3.4.1. Travel must be tied to the Department's Strategic Plan and the Corporate Business Plan and/or part of the Government of Canada agenda.

3.4.2. The number of participants attending must be kept to a minimum.

3.4.3. Training must not otherwise be available in Canada.

3.4.4. In case of conferences, participants should be a presenter; otherwise, support knowledge acquisitions with a compelling rationale (e.g. policy knowledge gaps, program development needs, service delivery, vendor-user or proof of concept demonstrations).

3.5 Request for Input

3.5.1. An annual call letter for the submission of templates, summary trip information for the Plan, and requests for approval of international travel will be issued by the CFO/ADM of Chief Financial Office Branch to ADM's/Executive Heads and Branch contacts. Input will be due early in the calendar year for all types of international travel, including training and development.

3.5.2. Call letters for quarterly updates to the Plan will subsequently be issued by appropriate authorities.

4. Roles and Responsibilities

4.1 Branch contacts and travelers are responsible for:

4.2 Chief Financial Office Branch is responsible for:

5. Compliance

Duty to Accommodate

This policy must be applied in conjunction with the Treasury Board Secretariat Policy on the Duty to Accommodate Persons with Disabilities in the Federal Public Service (see References).

6. References