Booking a Boardroom in Outlook - FAQ

  • Where can I find the instructions to book a boardroom in Outlook?

    The official instructions that should be used to book a boardroom in Outlook can be found here, How do I book a meeting room or other shared resource?

  • The official instructions are long and complicated, are there other ways of booking a boardroom in Outlook?

    As with most commercial off the shelf software, there are multiple ways of performing the same task.  Saying this however, there is currently only one supported method for booking a boardroom in Outlook (see A1).  Although not ideal, these instructions have been tested to ensure issues such as duplicate boardroom bookings do not happen.

    As we upgrade to newer versions of Outlook and mature the Outlook resources (boardrooms), the instructions will change and should be easier to follow.

  • Why are the boardroom names so long?

    The boardrooms were created using the current naming standards for the department.  The names are long to try and provide as much important boardroom details as possible on first glance.  Here is an explanation of the current standard and an example:

    {Prefix}-{City}-{Building or Address}-{Province or Region}-{Floor}-{Room}-{Seats}-{Suffix}


  • How do I cancel a boardroom?

    There are no special instructions for cancelling a boardroom.  Just follow your regular process to cancel a meeting from your Outlook calendar:

    • Open your Outlook calendar;
    • Open the meeting that contains the boardroom booking;
    • Click on “Cancel Meeting”;
    • Click on “Send Cancellation”.
  • Why do cancelled boardrooms still show in the boardroom calendar?

    Cancelled boardrooms still show in the boardroom calendar because of the current configuration of Outlook.  However cancelled boardrooms do not appear in the schedule view, which are part of the official booking instructions.  It is recommended to always use the schedule view so cancelled boardrooms do not appear.

    A fix for this issue is being investigated.

  • Why can’t I change a boardroom booking that someone else (delegate) made on my behalf?

    Unfortunately, due to the current Outlook configuration this feature does not work properly.  The delegate must make the boardroom modifications.

    A fix for this issue is being investigated.

  • Why is the “Room Finder” feature not being utilized?

    Unfortunately, due to the current Outlook configuration this feature does not work properly. 

    A fix for this issue is being investigated.

  • Do you have laptops or other IT equipment?

    No due to the Business Office transferring this over, you will have to open a ticket with the national Service Desk to ask IITB if they have any to loan.

  • How do I tell what Equipment is in the room?

    Right Click on the room and select properties. It will list additional information for the room.

  • What if the equipment in the room does not work?

    If any of the equipment does not work, please open a ticket with the National Service Desk.

  • What if the room is missing chairs?

    Please check the other boardroom close by, and if they are not there open a ticket with the NCR Accommodations group.

  • What if the room is messy?

    Unfortunately if the group before you left it messy, other than bringing it to their attention, unfortunately there is not a lot that can be done.

  • How do I book a VC boardroom not on the system?

    To book Video Conference boardrooms, contact SSC help desk at 1-877-473-8433.

  • How can I find out if a boardroom is booked for a future date and time?

    From outlook click on the Calendar tab, Then Open Calendar, and choose the room you are looking for. Then go to the date and it will show you if the room is booked or not.